Thursday, February 9, 2012

An update.....

Hello my sweet girls! I thought it was about time to send a little hello and update along your way:) We just passed our 6 month mark here in Georgetown, in a way it seems like yesterday that we were at Grace and in another it seems like so long ago. Hard to explain. Please know that I miss each of you terribly and think of you often. Well, on with the update.....As I'm sure you already know we were very busy to say the least when we 1st moved. The day we moved was just crazy to put it mildly. It was also the day that Sydney seemed to completely lose the use of her right leg. God's timing is just impeccable! He put us here just when we needed it the most. So with getting things into place here and scheduling appts. for Sydney the 1st month seemed to go fast. The day of Sydney's 2nd surgery was a miracle in itself. The presence of God in the waiting room was undeniable. Sydney and I spent 22 days in Cincinnati. We also spent a little over a week at the Ronald McDonald House as a family, what a blessing. Being away for that long was so hard but what a blessing to have JC and Irene here at home with the kids. I am so thankful to have them! After we came home from the hospital things seemed even busier with appts to rehab a couple of times a week. In December Sydney was discharged from therapy until her halo is removed, what a blessing. We felt like we could breath a little!

In the middle of all of this we'd been attending Boone's Creek and just really loved the people there. They prayed so much for Sydney and we felt blessed to know them but still sensed a check in our spirits that we should be at Ashland Avenue after all, we were listening to the sermons on our way to Boone's Creek every Sunday :) So we've been attending there since the 1st of the year and it is truly an amazing place. The Gospel is proclaimed in every sermon and Sunday school class. Ashland is made up of a lot of large and adoptive  families. We are blessed. No one has ever asked me "are they all yours?"

Chad is busy with work and seminary, he started Greek this semester and let's just say, "it's Greek to me".
 He LOVES being so close to work, it's been a blessing.

Neil turned 15 in October, he's still as sweet as ever, I don't know what I'd do without his help! He's misses his chickens but otherwise loves it here!
 Cole turned 11 in January, he's all about drawing and cartooning, he really is talented!

Haley turned 10 in January, she loves to read and anything American Girl! We've also started AWANA and she can't get enough!

Sydney is 8 today! She's doing amazingly well, walking and really doing everything on her own. She's in 1st grade and things have just started to click for her. She's learning to read and "getting" math! Praise God for all that He has done for her!

Lainey  Beth turned 4 in October, she's still "boss" of the house. Especially where Neil is concerned. She's doing preschool and loves to cut things and shapes. She's always busy at something!

Noah is Noah!!! He's so different that everyone else....he has a temper, I wonder if it's from me or Chad? I'll let you decide ;) He loves hats and wears one all the time even to bed. And yes, he still has his blue "dada" washcloth. He's starting to talk a lot and says the sweetest things.

Let's see, for me....well, I turned 40 in October......I should just leave it at that;) I'm so thankful for each one of you. I've learned so much by knowing you and have been blessed by each of you. What a blessing to be counted as a sister in Christ! I decided in December that I was going to stop plucking all the grey hairs as it was leaving my scalp sore and tender...really. That lasted about 5 weeks, maybe. I broke over and colored it, those greys are stubborn they're already showing through but I have an extra box of color waiting in the bathroom;)   I still have 2 chins, sometimes more sometimes less....let's see what else about me? Well, we're the proud parents of 2 wonderful adult children! Austin and Kayla, they're just a Godsend to us. Just can't imagine not having them, God is indeed good. They're expecting their 1st baby in May!

Well, I suppose that's more than you wanted to you all more than you know.

Your sister in Christ,