Thursday, February 9, 2012

An update.....

Hello my sweet girls! I thought it was about time to send a little hello and update along your way:) We just passed our 6 month mark here in Georgetown, in a way it seems like yesterday that we were at Grace and in another it seems like so long ago. Hard to explain. Please know that I miss each of you terribly and think of you often. Well, on with the update.....As I'm sure you already know we were very busy to say the least when we 1st moved. The day we moved was just crazy to put it mildly. It was also the day that Sydney seemed to completely lose the use of her right leg. God's timing is just impeccable! He put us here just when we needed it the most. So with getting things into place here and scheduling appts. for Sydney the 1st month seemed to go fast. The day of Sydney's 2nd surgery was a miracle in itself. The presence of God in the waiting room was undeniable. Sydney and I spent 22 days in Cincinnati. We also spent a little over a week at the Ronald McDonald House as a family, what a blessing. Being away for that long was so hard but what a blessing to have JC and Irene here at home with the kids. I am so thankful to have them! After we came home from the hospital things seemed even busier with appts to rehab a couple of times a week. In December Sydney was discharged from therapy until her halo is removed, what a blessing. We felt like we could breath a little!

In the middle of all of this we'd been attending Boone's Creek and just really loved the people there. They prayed so much for Sydney and we felt blessed to know them but still sensed a check in our spirits that we should be at Ashland Avenue after all, we were listening to the sermons on our way to Boone's Creek every Sunday :) So we've been attending there since the 1st of the year and it is truly an amazing place. The Gospel is proclaimed in every sermon and Sunday school class. Ashland is made up of a lot of large and adoptive  families. We are blessed. No one has ever asked me "are they all yours?"

Chad is busy with work and seminary, he started Greek this semester and let's just say, "it's Greek to me".
 He LOVES being so close to work, it's been a blessing.

Neil turned 15 in October, he's still as sweet as ever, I don't know what I'd do without his help! He's misses his chickens but otherwise loves it here!
 Cole turned 11 in January, he's all about drawing and cartooning, he really is talented!

Haley turned 10 in January, she loves to read and anything American Girl! We've also started AWANA and she can't get enough!

Sydney is 8 today! She's doing amazingly well, walking and really doing everything on her own. She's in 1st grade and things have just started to click for her. She's learning to read and "getting" math! Praise God for all that He has done for her!

Lainey  Beth turned 4 in October, she's still "boss" of the house. Especially where Neil is concerned. She's doing preschool and loves to cut things and shapes. She's always busy at something!

Noah is Noah!!! He's so different that everyone else....he has a temper, I wonder if it's from me or Chad? I'll let you decide ;) He loves hats and wears one all the time even to bed. And yes, he still has his blue "dada" washcloth. He's starting to talk a lot and says the sweetest things.

Let's see, for me....well, I turned 40 in October......I should just leave it at that;) I'm so thankful for each one of you. I've learned so much by knowing you and have been blessed by each of you. What a blessing to be counted as a sister in Christ! I decided in December that I was going to stop plucking all the grey hairs as it was leaving my scalp sore and tender...really. That lasted about 5 weeks, maybe. I broke over and colored it, those greys are stubborn they're already showing through but I have an extra box of color waiting in the bathroom;)   I still have 2 chins, sometimes more sometimes less....let's see what else about me? Well, we're the proud parents of 2 wonderful adult children! Austin and Kayla, they're just a Godsend to us. Just can't imagine not having them, God is indeed good. They're expecting their 1st baby in May!

Well, I suppose that's more than you wanted to you all more than you know.

Your sister in Christ,

Friday, January 13, 2012

Who we are...

     I am such a lover of music! Did you girls know that? Well, now you do! smile. If I hear one song that touches my heart then I will listen to it at least a hundred times. I love those songs that use Scripture and how that it will have such an impact on my life during whatever season it is I am going through. I recently have taken an interest in Kari Jobe, are any of you familiar with her? She seems fairly new and I know that Priscilla Shirer did an interview with her back in 2010 so I am thinking she may have a few years in music ministry. Anyway..moving along. My point is.. she has a new CD coming out on the 17th, I preordered it through ITUNES and cannot wait to get it!
     Lately, I have lost my joy for walking. I have been in prayer about that. God has been showing me that He does care about the little things ladies. So, I have been downloading lots of praise and worship music to my IPOD and it has had such a tremendous impact on keeping me motivated. Do any of you have issues staying motivated to keep on keeping on? What is it that kicks your motivation into a new gear?
     Okay, so the new tune that motivates me at this time is Kari Jobe's "We Are"

"We Are"

Every secret, every shame, every fear, every pain- live inside the dark, that's not who we are. We are children of the day.

This opening line to this song just settles my soul. To be perfectly honest with my prayer group, the last week has been...for a lack of better words...UNSETTLING.

Have you ever encountered, all the right answers still being all the wrong ones? I have, I have all week long. I see one of my children having trouble in her life. I don't see her physically because she is so far away. It is so hard. I want to fly in on my white goose (minivan. hehe) and save the day. But, you know for once in her time with me, I am not able to do that. I could bring her home and give her the confidence in knowing that I can make this more comfortable for her. OR, I can let her fix it. God has shown me that He will not fix those things that we can. We have to do somethings on our own. So in this situation, he has stopped me in my Mama tracks and said, "Stand Still". Do you all know how hard that is? I know you do.

So, knowing that every secret, every shame, every fear, every pain, as long as it lives in the dark it is not of God. Bringing those things out of the darkness into the light, can mean many things. It may be telling someone about something in your past, admitting you aren't living the way you perceive to be, or maybe we just aren't being the people of integrity that God has called us to be. Whatever that may be, we have a Savior that still saves us. He doesn't just save the lost, but also those that have lost their way. I praise Him for that.

"We Are"

So wake up sleeper, lift your head
We were meant for more than this
Fight the shadows conquer death
Make the most of the time we have left

We are the light of the world
We are the city on a hill
We are the light of the world

I know that we all have those things we call "ugly" within us, I can be performing the most normal of tasks such as shopping in IGA and someone will go out of their way to be rude and that "ugliness" will rear it's head up in me and it is at that moment I find myself having to make a choice. For me, it is reactions that are so hard to combat. Through this ordinary song, that I thought was just meant for me getting through a little 2 mile walk has shown me who I am in Christ. Sometimes, it's the little things. I am thankful for that. SO, how are you lady bugs? I miss our Bible Studies together, our one hour talks that turn into two and three. Let's pray...

Lord Jesus, I praise You today for the methods You use to speak to us. Help us to be watchful for a word from You. Help us to look for You in the little things and not just the big things. Be with all of my sisters and help them in their times of happiness as well as their times of sorrow. Let us never fail to praise You every day and in everything. In Jesus Name we pray! AMEN

I love you girlies so very much! ((HUGS))

In Him We Remain,

P.S. If you haven't heard this song, you can go to and type in Kari Jobe, there will be a list of songs and you can listen to any of them you want. No membership required as long as you are just listening. Enjoy! :)

Friday, January 6, 2012


You are the best friends in the world( Deb and Wendy too). Thanks for all the prayers. Lets pray God does great work in TJ. Pray for Tigers health and most of all his spiritual well being!!!!!

Love you ladybugs!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

PRAY FOR T.J!!!!!!

T.J has a court day tom. Pleas say a special prayer for him at 1:00. He also needs prayer for his salvation and a physical healing too. You ladies mean solo much to me. Lets keep this blot going I know for one have not been up to powr on it but now I can do it from home and have more time to read and comment. I love you Shana keep up the good work!!!!!!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year Ladybugs!! I am so thankful for you girls! I pray that 2012 will be overflowing with the blessings that only God can give us. Let's do a lil devo real quick...

God delights in women who are...

Seeking Him

O God, You are my God;
Early I will seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.    Psalm 63:1

This is my prayer for us in 2012, that we will seek Him always. Early..whether that be by early mornings, or to seek Him in the early times of our troubles but to seek Him first in all situations under all circumstances. I pray that our souls and our fleshly beings will long for Him like we would thirst for water in dry land. What more can we do? What else should we do? How often I will seek what I can do first and then when I find that it is out of my control, I will then seek Him. Why do I do that? I do understand however, that God will not do what I can, but even still I should always seek Him first in all things, regardless of whether it is a God sized task or a Shana sized task. Do any of you relate?

Have any of you made any New Year's Resolutions? Not those 30 day ones that resolve to be without sugar, carbs and/or chocolate (oh no not those) but the ones that resolve to have a better relationship with Jesus. To be in His Word every single day searching for Him. To be in prayer with Him throughout our day, seeking and searching for Him earnestly. Can we abandon our minute 2011 study and prayer time and radically begin 2012 living and breathing to have more and more time to spend with Him? What is your resolution ladyfriends? Share..

I love you all so very much! My heart bursts with love for you girls!

In Him I Remain,