Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year Ladybugs!! I am so thankful for you girls! I pray that 2012 will be overflowing with the blessings that only God can give us. Let's do a lil devo real quick...

God delights in women who are...

Seeking Him

O God, You are my God;
Early I will seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.    Psalm 63:1

This is my prayer for us in 2012, that we will seek Him always. Early..whether that be by early mornings, or to seek Him in the early times of our troubles but to seek Him first in all situations under all circumstances. I pray that our souls and our fleshly beings will long for Him like we would thirst for water in dry land. What more can we do? What else should we do? How often I will seek what I can do first and then when I find that it is out of my control, I will then seek Him. Why do I do that? I do understand however, that God will not do what I can, but even still I should always seek Him first in all things, regardless of whether it is a God sized task or a Shana sized task. Do any of you relate?

Have any of you made any New Year's Resolutions? Not those 30 day ones that resolve to be without sugar, carbs and/or chocolate (oh no not those) but the ones that resolve to have a better relationship with Jesus. To be in His Word every single day searching for Him. To be in prayer with Him throughout our day, seeking and searching for Him earnestly. Can we abandon our minute 2011 study and prayer time and radically begin 2012 living and breathing to have more and more time to spend with Him? What is your resolution ladyfriends? Share..

I love you all so very much! My heart bursts with love for you girls!

In Him I Remain,

1 comment:

  1. Mine is to wittness to the lost. That is the desire of my heart.

    Your Sister in Christ,
