Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good Morning Ladybugs!! I have to keep my post short and sweet today! This is our 1st day of Homeschool!!! Yay!! I am so excited to pour God's Word into my girls and watch them transform into God following gals of God! This was a BIG step of faith for Roy and I. Please say a prayer for us today as you girlies go about your busy work days! Let's get started on a little devotional shall we?

Ephesians 3:20
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us... (NASB)

Jesus just fills me up! Overflowing!!!! I love that about my Jesus!! He does more than we could ever ask or think! Really read that girls. Jesus is able to do above and beyond what our human "fleshly" minds could ever think of. But there is something important that we need to see here. This is according to the power that works within us. How much of you does Jesus have? Are you in His Word every day, reading and praying and really getting to know Him? What goes into us is what comes out. I always think in terms of food. If I sit and eat Birthday Cake all day long...we all know what is coming out right? So, I was thinking this morning…I want to consume the Word of God to the point that I get plumb fat on it!! Let’s go on the Word of God diet! Three to six servings a day Ladybugs!! Get your daily servings!! Hehehehe!! I know your gettin’ a kick outta this Debbie..shew…anyway..
I was watching Beth the other day and she said something that has stuck with me. She said that she has a new technique for conversing with God. I just adore her! She takes her daily devotional verse from one of her Bible software’s, or you could just use any verse that you want... (GOOGLE daily devotions for women. Be careful though some sites are not very safe) then take that or those verses of scripture and copy and paste to a Word Document. While you are reading your verse, talk to God about that verse, example, “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly, Lord, I love that you are big enough to do more than I can Father, beyond all that we can ask or think, My mind cannot comprehend the power than you have Jesus..Do you see what I am doing here? I just thought this was an awesome way to talk to God and actually be able to journal what we are talking about together! Oh! And make sure that you change your color your typing in so that you can look back and see what Jesus said and what you said! Love you girls so very much!!!

Praying for you gals today!!
In Him I Remain,

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you today! How exciting to begin this new journey. It is a step of faith and you can do it with Christ!

    Love you.....

    I was SO blessed by your visit the other day!
