Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy Monday!!

I have been in prayer today about what to post on our blog...for the last few weeks little Sydney and her family has been on my mind. I have spoken with Mine Sandy to see what I can do and she always tells me the same thing, "Just pray", so my family and I have decided to do a Day of Prayer for Sydney. On Thursday August 25th, my family is dedicating so much time throughout our day to pray for Sydney and her family. We will be praying specifically for successful testing and surgery. We are praying that the Lord will continue to give her doctor's the knowledge in medicine to work toward her healing. We will also be praying for her pain to be minimal and for Chad, Sandy and the children to be able to continue to have a peace about the road ahead. We love them so much and we know that God has that sweet girl Sydney in His hands. I just think that we all need to support them in every way that we can and what better way to do that than to be in prayer for them. I knew you Ladybugs would participate! I love you girlies so very much!

Sandy~ We all love you and adore your family! Even though we aren't just minutes apart anymore, you are still very important to our prayer group! Love you Sister!!

I will be emailing most of you in the prayer group and we will exchange prayers back and forth on the 25th!

Tara~ I know you don't have internet access that morning so I will be calling you and we will pray together by phone!

Memaw~ I know you are at work that day so I will call you too!

In Him We Remain,

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