Monday, November 21, 2011

Spiritual Ear Plugs?

     Happy Monday Ladybugs!!! I have missed you gals soo much!! Lately God has us doing lots in the ministry and doing weekly posts isn't always possible but please know that I haven't forgotten you all and I am still very much in prayer for each of you daily.
     Last night at church I was talking to a very special gal in my life and she told me the funniest story about earplugs. Apparently, her spouse is quite the snorer..(my hubby can saw some serious logs as well, so I could really relate) smile. So, she told me that she normally just wears one earplug in her ear at night so she can get some restful zzzz's. But, on this particular night she decided that in case she should turn over and expose the unplugged ear, she would just go ahead and put in both. WELL.. this is where it gets hilariously funny, she wakes up that morning and her hubby is speaking to her, she sees the lips moving but hears NOTHING!! As you can imagine the alarms began going off in her head screaming...I AM DEAF!!!! Thankfully, she quickly realized that she still had her earplugs on! hehehe... As I was standing there trying to not be so loud laughing at her funny tale, (our Pastor was in the middle of a hymn) I thought to myself, there is a blog in that!
     So many times, God has been telling me 'specifically' that I need to do something, it may be witness to someone or change something in my life etc. but I will put in my spiritual earplugs and just decide to not listen. I have been reading a book by one of my favorite ladies in ministry and she has been taking me on a spiritual journey with Jonah. So, I would like to remind you gals of someone in the scripture that decided to put in his spiritual earplugs and not listen to what the Lord was telling him to do.

Jonah 1:1-3
Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying,"Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me." But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.

     Oh my! It is embarrassing at how often I have high tailed it in the opposite direction of what God was telling me to do! I just don't have time for ONE more thing on my plate! I just need some time to clear my schedule and then I will teach that class or do that Bible Study! I need to clean my house and write that grocery list, I don't have time to go to _____'s house and witness to her! Do any of you all ever go through this? Anybody out there understand what I am sayin?
     We busy ourselves by taking the blessings God has given us and we put them above our God. That ladies is called idols, and I have caught myself doing that very thing and though I immediately repent, the damage has already been done and what God meant for my good I disrespectfully said, "No thanks, not today Lord, maybe tomorrow." We like What is your Tarshish? I know what mine is. My Tarshish is an island that I escape to just like Jonah that is a town filled with I don't want to's and I don't have time's. But I am asking you gals today to let pull out your spiritual earplugs, whether it be one or both ears you have plugged right now and listen to what our God is telling you, not asking, you to do. He always gives us the strength we need to do what He is telling us to do. I want to pray for you today my girls:

Lord Jesus, we just adore you Father, we are asking for you to help us to not be discouraged and to be women of spiritual maturity. Help us to pursue you through Your Word and seek your face every moment of everyday. We all lead busy lives Lord and You know our schedules Father. I thank You Lord for clearing my plate for me over the last few weeks Lord and I pray that if any gal reading this is struggling in this area You do the same for them as well. Thank You for Jonah Lord. I learned so much from him over the last few days and I praise You for knowing before the foundations of the earth that it would. You are the same today as You were when the creation began. No circumstances, decade or way of life can change You. I praise You for loving us so much. In the name above all names it is in Jesus name we pray. AMEN!!!

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