Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Monday!

I am a great Aunt!! At 3 am this morning my sister called me and said "It is HAPPENING!" I rush down to Mt Sterling and sure enough it had "Happened" and again I was able to see one of God's little miracles. He is just beautiful of course and nursing like a champ. There is nothing any sweeter than a newborn! My baby fever started to kick in and I had to tamp it down. I kept telling myself, let it go, let it go. I don't know if I will ever be content not being able to have anymore children. I miss being pregnant and nursing so badly! But,I am not getting any younger. (Neither is Roy..LOL) So, moving on! I just really needed to share that with my ladybugs!

Philippians 2:4
Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too.

Encourage Someone by Caring

When we experience a time of hardship, we often receive comments like, "I've been praying for you. Let me know if you need anything." This is thoughtful and we truly appreciate those prayers and offers to help, but what really ministers to those in the midst of trial is when the generic offers become specific actions.
More often than not, those with hurting hearts can't even verbalize what they need. When they hear, "Let me know if you need anything" they can't come up with an idea. But when someone says they have been praying, and they follow up with, "Now, I have been thinking about what you might need, and I would like to offer to take care of [x,y,z] for you this week." Why does this offer dramatically lift the spirits of someone in a hard season of life? Because this caring person took the time to concentrate and deliberate over how they could practically meet some specific needs. This speaks volumes to those with hurting hearts. It makes them feel like you sincerely care for them.

Praying for you Ladybugs today!!
Love you all!

IN Him I Remain,

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Monday Evening!

Happy Monday Ladybugs! I hope you all had a blessed weekend!

Let's get started:

Philippians 1:9-11
I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation-the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ-for this will bring much glory and praise to God.

How many of you ladies have an encourager? Someone you go to when you need a fill-up...I would bet that this person is kind and spirit-controlled. I would say that they pray for you daily and tell you often that even though nothing was going wrong in your life at that time, they simply felt that God wanted them to specifically pray for you.

Roy and I have people come to us often and tell us that they have been praying for us. It just feels so good to know that there are people out there whispering our names in their prayers. They don't have to. They have people in their own families that are lost and sick, but yet they still chose to include us in their prayers. That is such an encouragement to us. It means so much to know who we have standing on the front lines of this battle and they are willing to draw their swords on our behalf. Praise God!

I believe that the Lord has us praying for others that benefit from our specific and spirit-led prayers. I want to encourage you gals to think of the name of one person who you would really like to see encouraged by knowing that you have lifted them up in prayer. Then begin a seven day commitment to offer up a prayer for them each day. On the seventh day, let that person know how the Lord has laid them on your heart, and what you have been praying for them about. Then hold onto your seat my ladies! The Lord is gonna show you just how timely and effective that your prayers were in their life during that week.

Know that I am praying for you girlies daily!
I Love You all very much!

In Him I Remain,

Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy Monday!

WHAT A WEEKEND!!! Oh my goodness! I am still reeling from all the excitement! I went with some of the girls from Grace to the Deeper Still Conference and the Lord just absolutely knocked the polish off the toes of my flip flopped feet! Beth Moore has always been and is still my favorite Bible Teacher, but I now have a new favorite running right along with my sweet Beth, Miss Priscilla Shirer has just stolen my heart. She is just a sassy sweet girl and the love of the Lord just radiates from her. I am impressed as well by how she is juggling the ministry and raisin' all them babies! Anyway, for those that didn't get to go I just wanted to kinda summarize the conference and though I could never give it the justice it would require I will surely try!

Miss Kay Arthur taught on the love of God. We are daughters of the King. He loves the ungodly and the ugly...She talked about the benefits of using the Inductive Study Bible and gave us a little "lesson" on how to use this approach. I went the next day and got myself one and just adore it already!

Miss Priscilla Shirer taught on my addiction to chaos! This girl knew my name! Let me tell ya! I realized just how enslaved that I was to work....but after hearing this ladies, I literally heard the chains of bondage break off of me...I learned that it's okay and absolutely Biblical to take a "sabbath day" and if I take the gifts that God has given me and step over into my "sabbath day" I will be just like the Israelites and take more than my share of manna for the day and in turn it will begin to stink and become distasteful. I was right there. All of the gifts that God has given me to enjoy was becoming putrid to me because I was overworked and stressed. He never wanted me to be addicted to work, school or the ministry.

Miss Beth ladybugs know how I love me some Beth! Well, she was all that and a double fudge chocolate chip cookie! I learned to think in generations! I learned that some of us were in the Lois group, the Eunice group and the Timothy group...It was such a blessing to have all those ladies praying for us and each generation. I learned three things:
1. God has a unique regard for generations.
2. We are each in our generation on purpose.
3. Each generation is linked to the other two.

I had so many questions going into this conference this weekend. I had gotten discouraged and went to this conference with a list asking "What about this Lord?" Just to tell you the truth, it was a total revival for me. I needed that. He is so faithful to His children. I can't wait to throw my arms around my Savior and show Him how much I love and appreciate what He has done for me. I got so much more than I expected and deserved this weekend.(Not to mention, I got to see Beth Moore in the flesh!)

The call that we have on our lives, may not be fully manifested in us. It may manifest itself through our children or our grandchildren. Every generation has a responsibility . Let's be part of a generation that seeks Him. Let's always support and encourage our christian brothers and sisters. We are all running the same race and fighting for the same cause...CHRIST!

I love you girls more than you will ever know. Whether we are minutes apart or hours. Mine Sandy, I know that our time with you is coming to a close and though I am sad because I will miss looking over and seeing you sitting on that front pew, I know that you are doing exactly what you are called to do and I am so proud to have had you for a "season" and if we don't get to see you much between now and glory, I know that I will get to spend my eternity with you at the feet of our precious Lord, Jesus Christ. However, I am praising Him right now for just sending you a couple hours away! LOL! I am praying for you all and cannot wait to see what you blog about as you set out on this journey!

I love you so much my Ladybugs!

Happy Monday!

In Him I Remain,