Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Monday!

I am a great Aunt!! At 3 am this morning my sister called me and said "It is HAPPENING!" I rush down to Mt Sterling and sure enough it had "Happened" and again I was able to see one of God's little miracles. He is just beautiful of course and nursing like a champ. There is nothing any sweeter than a newborn! My baby fever started to kick in and I had to tamp it down. I kept telling myself, let it go, let it go. I don't know if I will ever be content not being able to have anymore children. I miss being pregnant and nursing so badly! But,I am not getting any younger. (Neither is Roy..LOL) So, moving on! I just really needed to share that with my ladybugs!

Philippians 2:4
Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too.

Encourage Someone by Caring

When we experience a time of hardship, we often receive comments like, "I've been praying for you. Let me know if you need anything." This is thoughtful and we truly appreciate those prayers and offers to help, but what really ministers to those in the midst of trial is when the generic offers become specific actions.
More often than not, those with hurting hearts can't even verbalize what they need. When they hear, "Let me know if you need anything" they can't come up with an idea. But when someone says they have been praying, and they follow up with, "Now, I have been thinking about what you might need, and I would like to offer to take care of [x,y,z] for you this week." Why does this offer dramatically lift the spirits of someone in a hard season of life? Because this caring person took the time to concentrate and deliberate over how they could practically meet some specific needs. This speaks volumes to those with hurting hearts. It makes them feel like you sincerely care for them.

Praying for you Ladybugs today!!
Love you all!

IN Him I Remain,

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