Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday Ladybugs! Let's get started on our devotional for today!

Acts 7:54-8:1

When they heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit,looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. "Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the SOn of Man standing at the right hand of God." At this they covered their ears and , yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed,"Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then he fell to his knees and cried out, " Lord, do not hold this sin against them."When he said this he fell asleep. And Saul was there, giving approval to his death. On that day a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem, and all excetp the apostles were scattered throuhout Judea and Samaria.

The first mention of Saul in the Bible is in Acts 7:58. Saul's zeal quickly took him on to active persecution of the followers of Jesus. Yes, Saul was there and he was approving of Stephen's stoning. The original greek word for approval is "suneudokeo." It means "to take pleasure with others." It is a word that is sometimes used by both parties in a marriage who are mutually pleased with something. Now, when we apply the original meaning to Saul's actions, the scene becomes a little clearer. He was pleased with their actions and they were pleased with his approval. It was a mutual admiration society. Saul was virtually cheering throughout the entire exhibit. He didn't just give his approval when Stehphen breathed his last. He cheered at every blow, like points on a scoreboard.
As Jesus watched, He didn't miss a single nod of Saul's phylacteried head. Remember, Christ was up on His feet at the time. (vs.56) Can you imagine the emotions He must have experienced as he looked on the two key players in the kingdom that day? On for Him and one against Him. One covered in blood; the other covered by prayer shawls. One who could not save himself from men;the other who could not save himself from sin. One dead body but alive in spirit;the other alive in body but dead in spirit. One loved by God; and the other loved by God. Grace, grace, God's grace.
Just a day in the life of a man named Stephen. A shooting star. He had one brief performance. One chance on stage. But it was absolutely unforgettable. As the curtain fell on his life, he received a standing ovation from the only One who really mattered. I have a feeling that seconds later the two of them hadn't changed positions much. Christ was still on His feet. Stephen was still crumpled to his knees. How sweet to imagine the first heavenly words he heard that day:"Welcome Stephanos, My joy, My crown."

Let's pray:
Heavenly Father, we love you Lord and we praise you Lord. We are so unworthy Father. Help us Lord to not fear death for your sake but to long for it. Help us Jesus to live to spread your Gospel and not live for ourselves. Help us Lord to live Radical lives for you. In Your Precious Name I pray...

In Him I Remain,

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Please pray for my son T.J. he is having some issues that I think is a battle between God and Satan. Satan is telling him God is to blame for all the bad things that is happening to him physically and mentally. Pray for me for strength to be able to cope with his prognosis and always be a mother that he can trust and lean on when he feels he has no one that understands what he is going through.

Your Sister in Christ,

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good Morning Girls!! Happy Monday too you! Let's get started...

Acts 6:8-15

Now Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people. Opposition arose, however, from members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen-Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilicia and Asia. These men began to argue with Stephen, but they could not stand up against his wisdom of the Spirit by whom he spoke.Then they secretly persuaded some men to say,"We have heard Stephen speak words of blasphemy against Moses and against God." So they stirred up the people and the elders and the teachers of the law. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin. They produced false witnesses, who testified,"This fellow never stops speaking against this holy place and against the law." For we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customes Moses handed down to us." All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.


What do you think it was about Stephen that infuriated the religious leadership of Jerusalem and the surrounding regions?

We enjoy being liked by as many friends as possible. But what does it say about us if we don't have any enemies at all, no one who is ever at least somewhat offended by us?

Acts 6:8 says Stephen was a man full of God's grace and power who "was performing great wonders and signs among the people." When Saul arrived, his fellow Jews were trying to debate the follower of Christ, but Stephen's passionate love for Jesus was tying a group of empty, legalistic Pharisee's in knots.
Many of us remember our own agony of emptiness. And right here on earth's miserable sod, Stephen was full-not just because he'd accepted Jesus as Savior, but because he had surrendered his whole life to Christ's will and purpose. The more Stephen poured out his life for Christ, the more Christ poured His life into Stephen. Stephen was full of faith, full of God's grace and power. Only a person full of the Holy Spirit can possess that kind of power Stephen displayed and yet remain full of God's grace. A person full of the Holy Spirit cannot be full of self. Pride never accompanies power in the fully yielded life.

When I think of the last 10 years of my life, I think of all the Christians that have helped "shape" me. When I get to heaven, I know first off, I want to see my Savior, but when I have spent a few centuries at His feet, I wonder who else I will want to see...I would like to take a basin and a towel and wash the feet of those who have meant so much to me here. I betcha that Stephen has a high place on the "wash list" of Saul of Tarsus!

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father, you are so precious to us Lord. I thank you so much for your Word Lord. Help us Father to live out our lives for you in a way that would be pleasing to You. Help us to always bear witness to Your Name during times of persecution and use them as an opportunity to praise You always. In Your Holy Name We Pray...Amen

Have a blessed day Ladybugs!

In Him I Remain,

Friday, March 18, 2011

Frugal Friday!!

I found a site with lots of homemade cleaning supplies! I will definitely be trying these! Love ya Ladybugs! Happy Frugal Friday!

Cleaning Carpets
Mild carpet stains can be cleaned using club soda. For a heavier, more difficult stain, use cornstarch or Fuller's earth, sprinkled on the problem area. Allow this to sit for about half an hour, then scrub with one part vinegar to three parts water. To deodorize the carpet, sprinkle a mixture of baking soda and crushed herbs on the carpet. Let it sit a half hour, then vacuum it back up for fresh smelling carpets. Of course, serious odors may require scrubbing. You will find these homemade cleaners are much more pleasant and easier on the environment.

Cleaning Ovens
Oven cleaner is a really dangerous substance, and we should avoid using it if at all possible. Start by using preventative maintenance - scrub spills right away using salt or a paste of baking soda and an old toothbrush. It takes a little elbow grease, and sometimes you need to let the paste sit, but the dangers of oven cleaner are completely avoided. Clean your oven more often to make this less of a chore.

Unclogging Drains
First, make sure you use a drain trap to prevent clogs as much as you can. If sluggish drains still occur, pour a quarter cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar. Then, stopper the drain and let it sit for fifteen minutes. Flush the drain afterward with the hottest water you can. Hot water on its own will sometimes solve the problem, as well. Avoid using commercial drain cleaners, which are incredibly toxic and can even harm your plumbing.

Air Freshening
Burning incense, making your own potpourri, using an essential oil diffuser, and having plants around your home can all help. Use lavender sachets in closets and clothes chests, too. Get rid of chemical air fresheners, which can cause headaches and pollute your indoor air. Get rid of musty smells in boxes and trunks using crumpled paper to absorb the smell. When you get rid of the paper, you get rid of the smell. A pan of spices in the oven will help you get smells out of the kitchen, too, and you'll get a wonderful fragrance. Lemon oil, cinnamon and nutmeg are great choices if you try this.

All Purpose Cleaner
A little soap (not detergent), some water and a few drops of lavender and tea tree oils can help you disinfect just about any surface that's not glass (which it streaks) and makes a great cleaner. Just rinse well. Another option is to simmer rosemary, sage, eucalyptus, juniper, thyme or lavender for thirty minutes in a small amount of water. This also works on any surface other than glass, and with a little soap, will even cut grease. Try a tablespoon of ammonia, a tablespoon of laundry detergent and two cups water for a very strong cleaner.

Furniture Polish
Skip the spray on polish, which could damage furniture in the long run, and use a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil (or another vegetable oil you like) to keep your furniture shiny and beautiful. A soft cloth is all you need to apply it. Wax wooden floors with a similar solution, or substitute the lemon juice for vinegar. It's remarkably easy to keep your wood in good shape with these homemade cleaners and without using silicone oil or other commercial products.

Homemade Cleaners For Glass
Try these homemeade cleaners for glass, they are a lot more pleasant than the commercial ones. A mixture of a half cup of vinegar and a gallon of water will work, or you can clean with lemon juice or club soda. Or try one part rubbing alcohol to one part water, with a dash of vinegar. For a strong glass cleaner, to be used when others haven't worked, try substituting the vinegar with a dash of non-sudsing clear ammonia. Be careful with ammonia, however - it can be hazardous if you don't treat it properly. Remember to use soft, lint free cloths to clean glass. This will reduce the chances of serious streaking.

Polishing Metal
Use a mixture of salt and lemon juice, or just a little baking soda to polish metal. You can also rub metals with toothpaste to remove tarnish and rust. It's amazing how well it'll work! Just remember that softer metals can be damaged by abrasives, so you'll need to take care when you clean them. Make sure that antiques, especially, are cleaned with extreme care.

These aren't the only homemade cleaners out there, but they're a good start, and they're all relatively nontoxic and inexpensive. If you want to improve your health, spend less, and have less of a negative environmental impact, making your own household cleaning products is a really smart idea. You'll be amazed at how well these cheap cleaners can work, and the difference they'll make in your home. Say goodbye to rubber gloves and start using cheap, nontoxic cleaners made at home.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thankful Tuesday!

1261. blue skies
1262. sunshine
1263. the book of John
1264. the book of Acts
1265. another sermon......
1266. Science experiments
1267. the sound of birds outside
1268. seeds sprouting
1269. Find It Here
1270. Mr. Burton (our neighbor)

Love you much!

In Christ,

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Mondays with Paul!

Good Morning Ladybugs! I hope you are having a Happy Monday! Let's get started...

Philippians 3:2-11

Watch out for those dogs, those me who do evil,those mutilators of the flesh. For it is we who are the circumcision,we who worship by the Spirit of God,who glory in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh-though I myself have reasons for such confidence. If anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: Circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews;in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church;as for legalistic righteousness,faultless.But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Crhist. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I amy gain Christ and be found in him, not having a reighteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ- the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.

If you could summarize your life in a few short lines and thoughts, what are some of the words that you would use?

Assuming that some of your answers reveal a few mistakes and regrets, how do you "wish" your life could be summarized? What's missing that you'd like to see added to the list?

Saul himself was a Pharisee and probably returned from Jerusalem to Tarsus to serve as a teacher of the law.(Beth Moore) "I believe that Saul probably had to said to Jerusalem as a young adolescent with a pure heart; but somewhere along the way negative influences outweighed the positive, and his purity began to erode." The law became his god. That's what happens when you take the love out of obedience. The result is law. Without loves for God and His Word, we're just trying to be good. Nothing will wear us out faster...
Have you been there ladies? Trying to obey God and serve Him before we've come to love Him can be exhausting!!
To seperate ourselves from others we often put up what is called "Identity Bounderies", these are walls we put up to seperate "Our Group" from other groups. Gangs wear certain colors to show who is in and who is out. Churches and denominations develop distinctive teachings to accomplish the same goal. The first-century Jews became so obsessed with identity bounderies that they forgot about loving God.
Paul was absolutely miserable..wanna know how I know this? In Philippians 3:6, he said his zeal was so great that he persecuted the church,and that his legalistic righteousness was "blameless".
We cannot even begin to imagine what Saul's life was like as he sought to live by the letter of the law because we do not have a jewish background. His daily rituals determined the first words out of his mouth in the morning, the way he took off his nightclothes and put on his dayclothes and how he sprinkled his hands before breakfast. He carefully avoided eating or drinking quickly and never ate while standing.He pronounced several benedictions throughout his day, they were filled with rituals and at night he took off his shoes and garments in the prescribed order. He avoided certain sleep positions and chose others. For the sake of his heart and liver, he probably attempted to begin the night on his left side and end the night on his right. These daily rituals paled in comparison to all the laws regarding the Sabbath. Restrictions existed for almost everything. For example, prior to the Sabbath a Pharisee cut his fingernails and toenails not in consecutive order but alternately. He then burned the nails. He avoided spitting in a place where the wind could scatter the saliva so he would not break laws concerning sowing on the Sabbath.
Saul was strangled by the letter of the law. He tried desperately to keep all the outward acts of obedience while his heart slowly eroded. Saul gradually became the model for Isaiah 29:13: "These people approach Me with their mouths to honor Me with lip-service, yet their hearts are far from Me, and their worship consists of man-mades rules learned by rote.

Let's pray:
Our Heavenly Father, forgive us Lord when we begin to act like modern day Pharisees. Lay conviction on us everytime we stray from the law of love You have written on our hearts. Give us hearts of devotion for You Father and not heads full of "RELIGION." Help us Lord to witness to others Your love and grace, and not display a religion of rules and regulations. We love You Lord. In Your Precious Name we pray. Amen

Praying for you all today and always!

In Him I Remain,

Friday, March 11, 2011

Frugal Friday!!

Ladies, I’ve made (2) sets of scrubs and gave them away as Christmas gifts and Birthday gifts:I put little tags and also wrote on the jars to be careful of slipping when in the tub due to the oil.

PEPPERMINT SCRUB (great when you want something to really invigorate you in the shower; use this BEFORE not AFTER shaving.)
- Kosher Salt
- Peppermint Oil
- Almond Oil

- Brown Sugar
- Citrus Essential Oil (orange/grapefruit/lemon – use either one)
-Almond Oil

So incredibly easy.

Happy Savings and God Bless…

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thankful Tuesday and did you know?

Mine Shana posted the 100th post yesterday! I always have so much much to be thankful for but today especially. I guess that you all know that Chad preached his 1st sermon Sunday at Faith! It was an amazing and humbling experience. I just can't explain how I felt that day and have felt since. Blessed beyond measure for sure. By the grace of God!

Well, on with our list.....
1224. Sunday
1225. Chad
1226. his sermon
1227. Faith Baptist Church
1228. Pastor Mick
1229.(((( Roy and Shana))))
1230. Chad's mom
1231. being ready.....
1232. pictures
1233. lavender
1234. Sydney & JC
1235. Sydney's gifts from J
1236. seashells
1237. driftwood
1238. rain
1239. washcloths
1240. wicker

Love you much!

In Christ,

Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Mondays with Paul!

Happy Monday Ladies!! I just love how that the Easter Lillies are popping up all over the place right now. I love SPRING!! Roy and I are looking forward to our "Spring Break." We have finals this week, so pray for us, we will be relieved to get past this semester, it has been a tough one. Although it has been tough, we have learned SO much! Anyway, on with our devotional for today, this is a long one, so I will have you to get your Bibles and do your reading this morning.

Get your Bibles and read...Matthew 23:1-36

Vs. 25
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence!"

How do you think Paul responded to the hypocrisy of the Jews in Jerusalem? How have you reacted in similar situations?

In what ways have you been disillusioned by Christians? How would you counsel someone who came to you confessing these types of feelings and disappointments?

Paul's father entrusted him to the finest rabbinic school, but he was not there alone. He was surrounded by the good and bad influences. He saw people who were the real thing and he saw people who were religious frauds. We don't need to look any further than the Word of God to see many of the influences that Saul encountered among the Pharisees of Jerusalem. Soon after Saul finished his education in Jerusalem and presumably headed back to Tarsus, John the Baptist began to preach "Prepare the way for the Lord."(Matt. 3:3) In no time at all, Jesus was on the scene, teaching in the same synagogue where Saul recently stood. Saul found influences like the wise teacher Gamaliel, but he also experienced influences like the ones Jesus so aptly described in the Gospels. In fact, many of the Pharisees and members of the Sanhedrin whom Christ encountered were Saul's instructors or classmates. The term Pharisee was meant to represent genuine piety and deep devotion to God. Although exceptions certainly existed among the Pharisees, in the days of Jesus and Saul the term had become synonymous with hypocrisy and cynicism. Matthew 23 is an entire discourse addressed to the teachers of the law and Pharisees. As we read this chapter carefully you will notice all the specific ways that Jesus described the same people that Saul encountered in Jerusalem. Let's take a thorough look at the characteristics we see in the people Jesus described. Do you see any that describe you? Godly people were valiant people. They are people with the courage to ask God to spotlight areas of weakness, sin and failure. Then God can strengthen, heal and complete what is lacking.

I love that about Jesus. I love how that he can correct us and still love us no matter how "ugly" we have been. Once that forgiveness is asked for, it is given freely and the sin is forgotten about. I sometimes say, "But Lord, I did this, I don't understand how you love me still" and He says, " But Shana, I did this, so I can love you still." I love my Jesus, He is sunshine to my darkness. His love endures forever.

Let's pray:
We love you Jesus. You are most wonderful and precious to us. No Father, we don't deserve your love and mercy that you give us fresh and new everyday Lord, but we will take it all the same! Speak to us Lord about the things in our lives that we need to correct Father. Help us Lord, "Carve" away from us whatever doesn't look like You. Take out all the worldly things in our lives that isn't of You Lord so that we become a "mirror image of You." We love you so very much Lord. Lead us and guide us Lord, until you come back to bring us home. Oh glorious day!

I love you my lady friends!
Stay in God's Word this week!
Pray for each other!

Sweet Girls!

In Him I Remain,

Friday, March 4, 2011


1217. warm weather
1218 my new lab puppy
1219. haircuts
1220. new beginnings
1221. my dorm
1222. my love for Christ
1223. students wanting to know about God


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

1193. a new "look"
1194. JC's posts
1195. bread in the oven
1196. confirmation
1197. tears
1198. a new chapter...
1199. the hope of Spring
1200. pulled pork
1201. sand play dough
1202. bread bags
1203. M'Cheyne
1204. ladybugs
1205. speckled eggs

Love you much!

In Christ,