Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thankful Tuesday!

1261. blue skies
1262. sunshine
1263. the book of John
1264. the book of Acts
1265. another sermon......
1266. Science experiments
1267. the sound of birds outside
1268. seeds sprouting
1269. Find It Here
1270. Mr. Burton (our neighbor)

Love you much!

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. 1271. Bible Study
    1272. Galatians
    1273. Insecurities
    1274. Spring Break
    1275. Luke
    1276. New Classes
    1277. Quiet time
    1278. Nicole being home
    1279. Clean bathtubs
    1280. Joanne. .Happy Birthday!

    Love you Ladybugs!

    In Him I Remain,
