Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Mondays with Paul!

Happy Monday Ladies!! I just love how that the Easter Lillies are popping up all over the place right now. I love SPRING!! Roy and I are looking forward to our "Spring Break." We have finals this week, so pray for us, we will be relieved to get past this semester, it has been a tough one. Although it has been tough, we have learned SO much! Anyway, on with our devotional for today, this is a long one, so I will have you to get your Bibles and do your reading this morning.

Get your Bibles and read...Matthew 23:1-36

Vs. 25
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence!"

How do you think Paul responded to the hypocrisy of the Jews in Jerusalem? How have you reacted in similar situations?

In what ways have you been disillusioned by Christians? How would you counsel someone who came to you confessing these types of feelings and disappointments?

Paul's father entrusted him to the finest rabbinic school, but he was not there alone. He was surrounded by the good and bad influences. He saw people who were the real thing and he saw people who were religious frauds. We don't need to look any further than the Word of God to see many of the influences that Saul encountered among the Pharisees of Jerusalem. Soon after Saul finished his education in Jerusalem and presumably headed back to Tarsus, John the Baptist began to preach "Prepare the way for the Lord."(Matt. 3:3) In no time at all, Jesus was on the scene, teaching in the same synagogue where Saul recently stood. Saul found influences like the wise teacher Gamaliel, but he also experienced influences like the ones Jesus so aptly described in the Gospels. In fact, many of the Pharisees and members of the Sanhedrin whom Christ encountered were Saul's instructors or classmates. The term Pharisee was meant to represent genuine piety and deep devotion to God. Although exceptions certainly existed among the Pharisees, in the days of Jesus and Saul the term had become synonymous with hypocrisy and cynicism. Matthew 23 is an entire discourse addressed to the teachers of the law and Pharisees. As we read this chapter carefully you will notice all the specific ways that Jesus described the same people that Saul encountered in Jerusalem. Let's take a thorough look at the characteristics we see in the people Jesus described. Do you see any that describe you? Godly people were valiant people. They are people with the courage to ask God to spotlight areas of weakness, sin and failure. Then God can strengthen, heal and complete what is lacking.

I love that about Jesus. I love how that he can correct us and still love us no matter how "ugly" we have been. Once that forgiveness is asked for, it is given freely and the sin is forgotten about. I sometimes say, "But Lord, I did this, I don't understand how you love me still" and He says, " But Shana, I did this, so I can love you still." I love my Jesus, He is sunshine to my darkness. His love endures forever.

Let's pray:
We love you Jesus. You are most wonderful and precious to us. No Father, we don't deserve your love and mercy that you give us fresh and new everyday Lord, but we will take it all the same! Speak to us Lord about the things in our lives that we need to correct Father. Help us Lord, "Carve" away from us whatever doesn't look like You. Take out all the worldly things in our lives that isn't of You Lord so that we become a "mirror image of You." We love you so very much Lord. Lead us and guide us Lord, until you come back to bring us home. Oh glorious day!

I love you my lady friends!
Stay in God's Word this week!
Pray for each other!

Sweet Girls!

In Him I Remain,

1 comment:

  1. I have said Jesus forgive me I have been so unpleasing to you today. I do have to say I have never been so close to God as I have this year. I mean Ive been close but not so wanting to learn indepth his word like I have been CRAVING this year. God has been so good to me. Thanks Sandy for telling me about the 90 day bible. It has changed me. I love you.

    Your Sister in Christ,
