Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

1193. a new "look"
1194. JC's posts
1195. bread in the oven
1196. confirmation
1197. tears
1198. a new chapter...
1199. the hope of Spring
1200. pulled pork
1201. sand play dough
1202. bread bags
1203. M'Cheyne
1204. ladybugs
1205. speckled eggs

Love you much!

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. 1206. Mine Sandy!
    1207. New Beginnings
    1208. Seeing friends new beginnings!
    1209. World Day of Prayer
    1210. Finals next week! EEEK!
    1211. Spring Break
    1212. Our new addition construction starts next week! YAY!! MORE SPACE!!
    1213. My Nook
    1214. Prayer Requests and Praises!
    1215. Sandy's skills with insulation! lol!
    Love you ladies!!

    In Him I Remain,
