Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Show and Tell

I have to say that I am back and in the mood to blog!! This is 3 in 2 days! Anyway...Obviously by the picture above you can see what I have been doing today! That's right! It's my freezer day...the pool is being filled so I cannot get outdoors with water trucks coming and going so what is a Sister to do? BAKE!! I love me some cookies...as you all can tell...(I did eat them with skim milk of course..uh duh..) So, because I have a new love in my life, I felt that it was only fair to "Show and Tell"

1 1/4 cups of butter softened
2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips (yep..that's right death by chocolate...GLORY!)

Preheat oven to 350
In a large bowl cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Sift together the flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt; stir into the creamed mixture. Mix in the chocolate chips. Drop by spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake 8-9 minutes (10 for me) Cookies will be soft. Cool slightly on sheet and then transfer to wire rack to cool completely.

Let me tell ya, mmmmm...my new love!
Get the ingredients and try as soon as possible my Ladybugs! You will not regret it! I promise! Let me just put it this way, if I could ever bake something for my sweet Jesus, this would be the cookie.

Love you as usual!

In Him I Remain,

Beauty can be in found in the driest of places...

As I saw this picture today, I am reminded of how powerful our God is. He can take the most hardened, dry land and grow something so beautiful there. I love how our Lord will send us the comfort we need. I have a family member that is lost, she is not anymore lost than the next but for me I feel the need to say she is so very lost. I have been in prayer for her over the last couple of months and haven't seen even the slightest change on the outside. But, I know that God is working on her, and I know that ultimately the decision is hers. I do have faith in God and what He can do. I know that He can take the driest of places and put something beautiful there...He did it with me

Monday, May 30, 2011


Let's speak with our mouths full!

Psalm 51:12-15
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and make me willing to obey you. Then I will teach your ways to rebels, and they will return to you. Forgive me for shedding blood, O God who saves; then i will joyfully sing of your forgiveness. Unseal my lips, O Lord, that my mouth may praise you.

Happy Memorial Day Ladybugs! I hope that you all have had a day off to enjoy with your family! I sure did! I believe this was the most fun packed day we have had together in a long time. Glory!!!!
Have you ladies ever been in a conversation about a topic that you were so passionate about that you couldn't get your thoughts out quick enough? You might have felt like you had so much to say with so little time? What happens next is quite unpredictable because there is such a limited amount of time, and you are desperate to find the most potent words to make your case. I understand. I have been there. And what usually ends up coming out of our mouths is a jumbled, disconnected collection of words and emotions.
But there is one positive thing the listener takes away from your conversation. There is no doubt that you are sincerely passionate about what you know and believe regarding that particular topic.

You'll have too much to say!
What is so amazing about our God is that He relishes the idea of seeing His people so passionate about spiritual things. He is delighted that at times we can hardly contain ourselves. In fact, I believe God must have a spiritual switch that triggers this reaction in our lives. And when He flips the switch, it immediately opens our mouths with passionate praises. The spiritual mechanism that produces praise is forgiveness!

Allow forgiveness to spark passionate praise!
Have you noticed the correlation between the forgiveness that David received from God and his instant response to sing praises and teach others about the goodness of God? Don't miss this beautiful picture of how God forgives. You'll quickly see how forgiveness of sins opens David's mouth to teach,sing, and praise God. David said:
vs.12 "Restore me...then I will teach your ways!"
vs.14 "Forgive me...then I will joyfully sing!"
vs.15 "Unseal my lips...my mouth will praise You!"

Be Encouraged today!
You have been forgiven in order to once again teach others of the perfect and protective ways of God. You have been forgiven in order to unlock your lips to freely praise again! Today, let's take a moment to confess our sins and to thank God for His goodness. Then start SINGING!!

I love you Ladies! Know that everyday you are in my prayers.

In Him I Remain,

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday Ladybugs! I pray that you all are enjoying the Revival as much as I am! I know that the opposition has been fierce at my house! How about you gals? It seems like it is just one thing after another...anyway, it is what it is! That's all I'm gonna say about that! I did love how that Brother Chuck pointed out us needing to encourage one another and to love one another. (Lightbuld moment for me)
Let's get started:

Philippians 2:4

Each of you should look not to only your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Let's encourage someone by caring.
When we are experiencing hardships, we often recieve comments like,"I've been praying for you. Let me know if you need anything." This is thoughtful and we truly apprecieate those prayers and offers to help, but what really ministers to those in the midst of trials is when the offers become specific actions. More often than not, those with hurting hearts can't even verbalize what they need. When they hear,"Let me know if you need anything," they can't come up with an idea. But when someones says that they have been praying, and they follow up with,"Now, I have been thinking about what you might need and I would like to offer to take care of...for you this week." Why does this offer dramatically lift the spirits of someone in a hard season of life? Because this caring peron took the time to concentrate and deliberate over how they could practically meet some specific needs.This speaks volumes to those with hurting hearts.
When Paul was instructing some believers to encourage others through their actions, he used a very interesting word that caused them to ponder exactly the type of encouragement Paul had in mind. The words "look" and "take an interest" are very good translations of Paul's unique word. His word was the original word from which we get our word "telescope!" Just as a telescope focuses in on an object in order to see the miniscule intricacies and details, we too are to concentrate and "zoom in" on the needs of others.
The same word also implies that this action of honing in on the needs of others is to be continual, constant, ongoing actions. It implies that we should "be on the lookout" for the specific needs of others.

Let's be that person today, that is remembered for thinking through what another person could possibly need druing their challenging season of life. Think about their daily routine, if they have childcare needs, how their meal plans have been interrupted, etc. Then offer specific support to meake them and make yourself available at a moments notice. Be on the lookout for folks in need and be intentional about offering your concentrated and continual support. And watch God infuse their heart with an unforgettable example of how they too can encourage others through their actions in the future.

Let's Pray:
Heavenly Father, we love and adore you our sweet Savior. Help us Lord to learn to be encouragers and not discouragers. Help us Father to always be on the lookout for the needs of the people around us. Help us to let You shine through us daily. Thank You for all the blessings and the confirmations that You give us. We are not worthy Lord but we take it as a gift and hold it in our hearts. Thank You Jesus! All these things we ask in Your Name! Amen!!!

Love you Ladybugs!!

In Him I Remain,

Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good rainy Monday to you Ladies! I think that I have kinda lost you all in my Happy Mondays...SO, I will do some different kinds of devotionals with you girls and try to "reel" you all back in. This is actually the second time I am doing this blog this morning...I hit publish post and nothing...it took me right back to my sign in!! Argghhhh! I did scream...just like that...and then I took the kids to the bus stop..here I am again though, I will just start over. Maybe the Lord thought I needed to read it again, maybe I didn't get it the first time around. Oh well, it is what it is, let's get started, again...

Colossians 1:17
He existed before anything else, and He holds all creation together.

God never called us to control the world. He never has and He never will! To ask you to do so would be to call on you to perform a task that is reserved for only God Himself. In the same way, He also never intended for us to balance everything in our lives and in the lives of our friends and family all by ourselves. There is only one person who is able to manage all of these things-God alone. Our shoulders are not broad enough, nor strong enough to balance the weight of the world-and God knows that. But we can be encouraged, His shoulders are more than able to carry all of it!

So, let's take a load off. Let's take off the load that is unnecessarily burdening us. As Christians, we have never been called by God to bear any burden, perform any task, lead any group of believers, manipulate any situation to produce a certain outcome, or make any decision that God Himself has not purposed and equipped us to do. And once we remove these unnecessary burdens off of our shoulders, the faster we will grow in wisdom.

It has taken me a long time to realize that when I say "no", that doesn't mean that I am "shrugging off" my responsibilities. I thought that when you are in the ministry, you had to always say "YES!" I just read that by saying no, we are showing a level of spiritual wisdom. When we extract the unnecessary burdens from our lives and discipline ourselves to focus only on what God expects from us, we will become more efficient in our time-management. We will also experience a greater sense of accomplishment. Most importantly, those around us will not feel the spill-over of our emotional frustrations like they do when we are striving to perform the impossible.

Today ladybugs--- let's make a list of everything weighing heavy on us, be specific. The more detailed the better. After it is complete, scratch out every single item that is out of our control, the ones that only God can take care of. Mark them out completely- so completely that you cannot even read what you have written! Then read the items that remain on your list. I believe that the remaining items will be things that are just between us and God.

Let's be encouraged today:
Live to the fullest, within the parameters God has set up for us. Live within His expectations. Focus on what He has called you to do, and do not burden yourself with things that He has reserved only for Himself.

Let's Pray:
Heavenly Father, we love You Lord and we praise You for this devotional today. Help us Father to give You what only You can take care of. Help us to give You the unnecessary burdens Lord, and do what You have called us to do. Not what we have called ourselves to do.Help us to get back to where we started with You Lord! In Your Son Jesus' name... AMEN!!!

Love you gals! Know that I am in prayer for you all today!

In Him I Remain,

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

How long has it been? Too long......

1301. ponytails
1302. our trip
1303. the "new" van!
1304. 8 seats!
1305. contracts
1306. LBAR.com
1307. Scott A.
1308. Haley's ham roll ups :)
1309. Lainey vacuuming :)
1310. a new chapter....
1311. kittens
1312. getting to see Jeff!
1313. Carl "babysitting"
1314. Marie
1315. loan applications
1316. butterscotch brownies
1317. muddy kids
1318. a water hose (for the muddy kids;)
1319. the aquarium
1320. our prayer group

Love you much!

In Christ,

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good Morning Ladies! How is everyone? I took last week off to sort of "regroup?" I felt like someone or something had kinda "pulled the plug" on my energy and I just really needed to recharge. Still not full power yet but working on it...The last couple of months we have been going through an illness cycle at my house, and believe me, we go through cycles with the size of our family, the saying, " What comes around, goes around" carries an entire different meaning in the Hensley household. However, we are on the mend and I keep telling myself that it could be so much worse, so there you have it.
Let's get started:

Acts 14:1-7

Now it happened in Iconium that they went together to the synagogue of the Jews, and so spoke that a great multitude of the Jews and the Greeks believed. But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brethren. Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly to the Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands. But the multitude of the city was provided:part sided with the Jews, and part with the apostles. And when a violent attempt was made by both the Gentiles and Jews, with their rulers, to abuse and stone them,they became aware of it and fled to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lyaconia, and to the surrounding region. And they were preaching the gospel there.

How should we determine when to trust God to protect us supernaturally and when to run for our lives?

What causes us to doubt that this is equally God's provision? Look deep enough to define some of the miraculous components involved using our heads.

Have you ever read something in the Bible and thought,"Oh my goodness! Those words were written for me!" I just had one of those moments! In the last few weeks, through the illness in our house, I have looked to heaven, and thought (sometimes out loud) boldly, Lord what is going on? Through all of this turmoil, what are you trying to teach me?
Between Paul's tenacity and Barnabas's encouragement, niether of them lacked motivation. I have been unmotivated...have you gals been there? I have been reading my Bible, praying and doing all the motions as usual but I lacked one thing..."Motivation"...I looked up the definition of motiviation, and this is what I found,"To provide incentive, to move into action." I am sure that by the time Paul and Barnabas could see Iconium in the distance, the were motivated. They knew that a new challenge awaited them. Perhaps more than they expected. Though they met opposition they still chose to stay for a long time and spoke boldly, in reliance on the Lord, who testified to the message of His grace by granting that signs and wonders be performed through them.(Acts 14:3) But then as things took a turn for the worse. They learned that there was a plot to stone them. So they ran for their lives!!
I was suprised to find that they fled in the face of the plans set against them. Shouldn't they have stayed and trusted God to guard them from attack since they were doing His will and preaching His message? Couldn't the same power used to perform signs and miracles be used to stifle their enemies?
I think that they were smart! I don't believe that they were acting out of fear. I think that they were responding out of wisdom and quickly at that! Proverbs 22 says that, " A sensible person sees danger and takes cover, but the inexperienced keep going and are punished." They were responding to danger the way that Jesus did on several occasions. Christ could have called to the ground, to swallow up His enemies and destroy them. But He chose to use another method. Christ did deliver Paul and Barnabus from an evil attack alright! He just chose to use their heads and feet to do it! Jesus ordinarily used natural means of provision. When He and His disciples were hungry, they usually found something to eat. When they were thirsty they went to a well a drew water to drink. He could have supplied anything they wanted supernaturally,but He chose natural means whenever available. He responded the same way to impending danger. He used His feet or sometimes a boat, and He departed. Whether God uses natural means or supernatural means to deliver us from danger, both are divine provisions. God supplied healthy legs for Paul and Barnabas to flee. I thank God for His natural forms of provision.

Let's Pray:

Heavenly Father, we love You Lord. We praise You today for your natural provisions. We don't have to have a supernatural act from You to know that it is You! Thank You so much for loving us today, thank You for loving us everyday and giving us the confidence in Your Word that never changes. Lead, guide and direct us Father. Help us to glorify You in all that we do and not ourselves. All these things we ask in Jesus name. AMEN!!

Love you girlies! Praying for you all always!
