Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday Ladybugs! I pray that you all are enjoying the Revival as much as I am! I know that the opposition has been fierce at my house! How about you gals? It seems like it is just one thing after another...anyway, it is what it is! That's all I'm gonna say about that! I did love how that Brother Chuck pointed out us needing to encourage one another and to love one another. (Lightbuld moment for me)
Let's get started:

Philippians 2:4

Each of you should look not to only your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Let's encourage someone by caring.
When we are experiencing hardships, we often recieve comments like,"I've been praying for you. Let me know if you need anything." This is thoughtful and we truly apprecieate those prayers and offers to help, but what really ministers to those in the midst of trials is when the offers become specific actions. More often than not, those with hurting hearts can't even verbalize what they need. When they hear,"Let me know if you need anything," they can't come up with an idea. But when someones says that they have been praying, and they follow up with,"Now, I have been thinking about what you might need and I would like to offer to take care of...for you this week." Why does this offer dramatically lift the spirits of someone in a hard season of life? Because this caring peron took the time to concentrate and deliberate over how they could practically meet some specific needs.This speaks volumes to those with hurting hearts.
When Paul was instructing some believers to encourage others through their actions, he used a very interesting word that caused them to ponder exactly the type of encouragement Paul had in mind. The words "look" and "take an interest" are very good translations of Paul's unique word. His word was the original word from which we get our word "telescope!" Just as a telescope focuses in on an object in order to see the miniscule intricacies and details, we too are to concentrate and "zoom in" on the needs of others.
The same word also implies that this action of honing in on the needs of others is to be continual, constant, ongoing actions. It implies that we should "be on the lookout" for the specific needs of others.

Let's be that person today, that is remembered for thinking through what another person could possibly need druing their challenging season of life. Think about their daily routine, if they have childcare needs, how their meal plans have been interrupted, etc. Then offer specific support to meake them and make yourself available at a moments notice. Be on the lookout for folks in need and be intentional about offering your concentrated and continual support. And watch God infuse their heart with an unforgettable example of how they too can encourage others through their actions in the future.

Let's Pray:
Heavenly Father, we love and adore you our sweet Savior. Help us Lord to learn to be encouragers and not discouragers. Help us Father to always be on the lookout for the needs of the people around us. Help us to let You shine through us daily. Thank You for all the blessings and the confirmations that You give us. We are not worthy Lord but we take it as a gift and hold it in our hearts. Thank You Jesus! All these things we ask in Your Name! Amen!!!

Love you Ladybugs!!

In Him I Remain,

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