Monday, May 30, 2011


Let's speak with our mouths full!

Psalm 51:12-15
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and make me willing to obey you. Then I will teach your ways to rebels, and they will return to you. Forgive me for shedding blood, O God who saves; then i will joyfully sing of your forgiveness. Unseal my lips, O Lord, that my mouth may praise you.

Happy Memorial Day Ladybugs! I hope that you all have had a day off to enjoy with your family! I sure did! I believe this was the most fun packed day we have had together in a long time. Glory!!!!
Have you ladies ever been in a conversation about a topic that you were so passionate about that you couldn't get your thoughts out quick enough? You might have felt like you had so much to say with so little time? What happens next is quite unpredictable because there is such a limited amount of time, and you are desperate to find the most potent words to make your case. I understand. I have been there. And what usually ends up coming out of our mouths is a jumbled, disconnected collection of words and emotions.
But there is one positive thing the listener takes away from your conversation. There is no doubt that you are sincerely passionate about what you know and believe regarding that particular topic.

You'll have too much to say!
What is so amazing about our God is that He relishes the idea of seeing His people so passionate about spiritual things. He is delighted that at times we can hardly contain ourselves. In fact, I believe God must have a spiritual switch that triggers this reaction in our lives. And when He flips the switch, it immediately opens our mouths with passionate praises. The spiritual mechanism that produces praise is forgiveness!

Allow forgiveness to spark passionate praise!
Have you noticed the correlation between the forgiveness that David received from God and his instant response to sing praises and teach others about the goodness of God? Don't miss this beautiful picture of how God forgives. You'll quickly see how forgiveness of sins opens David's mouth to teach,sing, and praise God. David said:
vs.12 "Restore me...then I will teach your ways!"
vs.14 "Forgive me...then I will joyfully sing!"
vs.15 "Unseal my mouth will praise You!"

Be Encouraged today!
You have been forgiven in order to once again teach others of the perfect and protective ways of God. You have been forgiven in order to unlock your lips to freely praise again! Today, let's take a moment to confess our sins and to thank God for His goodness. Then start SINGING!!

I love you Ladies! Know that everyday you are in my prayers.

In Him I Remain,

1 comment:

  1. OH MY!!!!!! Psalm 51 has been "my" prayer for the past few days.................Love you!

    In Christ,
