Friday, February 18, 2011

Frugal Friday!!

Better late than never! Sorry was a long, long, long day....

Just saw this today...I don't do laundry but my Roy does and we'll see how well it works...

Fabric sheet smell for less...
Wet a washcloth with a 1/3 cup of fabric softener (we use Gain Island Fresh..I had to go look :))
throw in the dryer with your clothes. On each load re-wet the washcloth, this should last for at least 4 more loads..hmmm....I'll let ya know...apparently we use the liquid AND the dryer sheets...didn't know that...

Just a tip:
Plastic wrap untangling tip...leave it in the freezer and it won't cling together when you tear it from the roll...I do this on my freezer great!

Frugal recipe:
Save your potato peels!
After peeling your washed potatoes, pat dry and place in a heavy skillet with about a 1/4 inch of oil, let heat to at least 350 degrees and fry up in batches. Makes great homemade potato chips and you get all the extra fiber and vitamins from the skins, add salt after removing from the oil...enjoy...I like mine "xtra" crunchy...:)

Love you ladies!

In Him I Remain,


  1. On the dryer sheet/washcloth tip, I needed to rewet your washcloth with water, not more fabric softener...

  2. I have to try this washcloth deal......
    and the potatoes.
