Monday, February 7, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays

Since mine Shana is very busy I thought I would go ahead with Monday!

1141. a red sky
1142. the book of Esther
1143. a black cat on the porch rail
1144. the ticking of a clock
1145. I am not my own
1146. cold fingertips
1147. heartfelt prayers
1148. offers of help
1149. work to do
1150. another day to try again....

Love and prayers....
In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. 1151. mine Sandy
    1152. understanding Professors
    1153. hustle and bustle
    1154. History of Christianity
    1155. Book of John
    1156. A new devotional on Paul
    1157. Waking up today
    1158. Roy
    1159. Hugs
    1160. Early Valentines

    Love you girlies!
    I am going to do our Happy Monday NOW!!

    In Him I Remain,
