Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

A whole week without "thankfuls".......What's up with that????? So sorry...

1161. a week's worth of thanksgiving!
1162. JC and the trip!
1163. JC's LOVE for Sydney!
1164. getting to travel with JC
1165. a yard FULL of robins!
1166. paper snowflakes ( a reminder to enjoy whatever season we are in)
1167. Dove chocolate (who said candy fast?)
1168. Kim
1169. Diana
1170. Mine Shana!
1171. Dollar store drier sheets ;)
1172. lasagna
1173. kid's dinner night!
1174. Sydney riding her bike!
1175. "chocolate" footprints ;)

Love you much! Don't forget to leave JC some comments! Try to everyday - please and thank you!

In Christ,


  1. 1176. Having Kayleigh back this week
    1177. Sea Monkey's
    1178. Overnight shipping
    1179. For my work
    1180. Wednesday night youth class
    1181. Power Washers
    1182. New Dishwashing liquid
    1183. Walk away the pounds videos
    1184. Lifestyle changes
    1185. Contractor is coming today!

    I have an unspoken prayer request Ladies! Please be in prayer for us...Love you so much!

    In Him I Remain,

  2. Praying for you Mine Shana......

    In Christ,

  3. Thank you Mine Sandy...:)

    In Him I Remain,

  4. Sorry I havent posted lately. i have been on but did not post.

    1186. encouragment
    1187. learning from others
    1188. Palsms
    1189. respect
    1190. loving others
    1191. prayer request
    1192. ambien

  5. I have missed you T! Call me later if work will allow it...I know you are super you..
