Tuesday, November 30, 2010

All is quiet in the Hensley household....

Believe it or not....all children are sleeping....???? you say??? Believe it! So what is the first thing that I need to do? Clean, laundry, homework???? No way Jose....Ima Bloggin'!! I don't know how you ladies make it through your day, if it is by listening to sermons or if you are listening to music or a mix like me. But, TODAY, I heard Chris Tomlin's new song called "Our God" and it was just awesome! Ariel sings it often in church and when I hear it I just get Jesus bumps from head to toe! LOVE IT!! Per Chris:
And if our God is for us, then who can ever stop us...
Did you hear that ladies?
Hell just trembled!!!!

God is asking me to do some things and I am scared outta my gourd!
Pray with me on it please...It is something that He has laid on my heart for
2 years and I just keep putting it off...but I will be on break starting the 17th so I am getting started! I will be calling you gals for input...I am putting you on speed dial! (Sandy..u ready?)
Back to work....Boo...

I love you my prayer warriors and I am praying for you today and always!

Your Sister in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. My earlier comment disappeared? Anyway - I'm so excited! I just LOVE surprises!

    In Christ,
