Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thankful Thursday on Saturday

I meant to post on Thursday but I was just having too much fun with my family! I hope that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Things that I am thankful for today:

51. Jacob's sight
52.Bissel 3 in 1 vacuum cleaners
53. Popcorn in the floor (for Jacob to sweep up with his "Bacuum")
54.Dr. Julia Stevens with UK Eye Clinic
55. Sherry with First Steps
56.Cindy with the Ky School of the Blind
57.Singing and Dancing Snowmen
58.Homemade Buttercream Icing
59.I am thankful that Tara is posting with us now!
60.Going to see Mike and Debbie in the morning!!

Praying for you girls tonight!

Your Sister in Christ,

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