Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving and Thankful Thursday!

Praying that each of you has a blessed Thanksgiving.

Some things I'm thankful for:

31. a pink sky
32. apple bread
33. portable nebulizers and friends that let you borrow them!
34. Charles Spurgeon
35. baby toes
36. IGA
37 .warm socks
38. prunes
39. Fiddler on the Roof
40. chickens

Love you all!

Your sister in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. 10 things I am thankful for:

    1. Jesus
    2. to be a child of God
    3. My family
    4. For all thought God has brought me through. ( has humbled me).
    5. Hand prints on the wall. Lets me know my kids are around.
    6. To have friends like you girls.
    7. My church
    8. To be apart of helping underprivilaged young men and women(16-24) .
    9. Mr. Thompson who is an encourager when I feel down at work.( HE IS A CHRISTIAN).
    10. To be alive.
