Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Good morning! Let's start our day off with a thankful heart! List 5 things you're thankful for (you can do that in the comment section our simply on your own). I'll go 1st!

1. clean water - see here for why
2. a warm house on this cold morning
3. crumbs on the floor (it means my kids have had breakfast)
4. my Bible
5. my prayer group

Wow! How easy was that! Praying that each of you has a blessed day filled with thanksgiving!

With much love and prayer your sister in Christ,


  1. 1.Jesus
    2.My Bible
    3.My Family
    4.Our Prayer Group
    5.Grace Baptist Church

    I really like thankful Thursdays!! (Well, it's Sunday but still thankful all the same)
    Your Sister in Christ,

  2. 1.Clean water (read your link)
    2.My Daycare babies
    3.The ability to read
    4.School breaks
