Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mulititude Monday on Tuesday....

holy experience 

 Oops...I forgot to post this yesterday - sorry. So, this is basically a challenge to give thanks. We're trying to reach 1,000. I don't think that will be a problem! Post in the comment section if you like and keep them numbered. Ready?

1.The blood of Jesus!
2.Shana's post from yesterday
3.the oppotunity to know each of you better
4.the gift of prayer
5.the power of prayer
6.a slower pace this week
7.a quiet morning to read
9.ice cream
10.puppy breath :)

OK, so a few of those might seem silly but I'm still thankful for them! So, 10 down, 990 to go!

As always, I'm praying for each of you today. Have a blessed day and remember if you need prayer PLEASE let someone in your prayer group know.

Your sister in Christ,


  1. Let's do this girls!
    11.The Book of Ephesians
    12.The small voice of God in prayer
    13.Sandy Lindon (for her call yesterday and being the woman of God you are!)
    14.Babies first steps
    15.Dark Chocolate covered cherries (yummy)
    16.Baby Magic Baby Lotion
    18.French Vanilla Coffee creamer
    19.Clorox wipes
    20.Thankful for today..my daughter comes home from college. YAY!!!

    I don't know about you all but I am so in love with my Jesus today! The rain is pouring at my house and I can't help but be thankful for the sound of it bouncing off of the porch roof. When I was a little girl, my Mamaw and I would sit on the porch in an old swing and listen to the sound of the rain bouncing off of the roof. I can remember the squeak of the swing and the pit pat of the raindrops...I miss her today...she passed away 11 years ago last Wednesday...I was also saved 10 years ago last Wednesday...I didn't tell you girls about that did I? By the way, I am thankful for that too! Anyway...I am listening to the rain with you girls today, having french vanilla flavored coffee with you too.. Good Morning!

    Your Sister in Christ,

  2. Wow! I LOVE comments;) I find myself missing my Mamaw as well - this will be the 1st Thanksgiving without her. She was(is) such an important part of my life. She loved me. Period.

    BTW, french vanilla sounds lovely but I don't have any - usually I like a little coffee with my cream and sugar. Real cream when I have it. This morning I had some left over cinnamon sugar on the counter and decided to try a little in my coffee and was pleasantly surprised! Anywho....work to do....

    In Christ,

  3. Mamaws are just wonderful aren't they! I pray that my Grandbabies will be as fond of me as I am of my Mamaw...

  4. 21.Frozen Lasagna Trays
    22.Christmas Music about our King
    23.The sound of "Momma" coming out of the mouths of my babies
    26.Saggy Diapers
    27.Bobby pins
    29.Beth Moore

    Happy Thanksgiving Eve!
