Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Care to join me?

Are you up for a challenge? I recently found this and it really hit home. I don't give thanks nearly enough. I could spend a lifetime thanking God for all of His blessings on my life but far too often I get trapped into a mindset of thinking of all the things that I have to do instead of praising God for all that He has already done.Here's a link to One Thousand Gifts. Now, #2 kinda got me, I don't want to do something to make my life better, it should be about praising God. Period. But obviously if we live out a life of thanksgiving then the things listed in #2 will come about. Anyway... check it out and see what you think. Praying for each of you today. Let's take time to Thank God for everything most importantly His Son, our Savior!

Your sister in Christ,

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