Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

 I love you my sweet girly friends! I was so glad to see you  tonight! Lori and Wendy, we missed you :(
I hope you  like the new look. You know I love to change things around! I look forward to sharing the coming year with you  and I'm so very thankful that the Lord brought us together in 2010! What a blessing that each of you have been to me:) Our challenge was fun! I'm glad that you are enjoying them. But, I'm going to have to think of something a little tougher next time;)

Love you much!

In Christ,


  1. Love the new look. I love bright colors. Cant wait to see your next idea for us girls this year.

    Your sister in Christ,


  2. I love the new look! Sooo Chic!!! Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve Sandy!
    Love you gals!

    In Him I Remain,
