Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy Monday!

Happy Happy Monday Girls! I pray that you gals had a great weekend! The Hensley household was filled with challenges but overall I enjoyed my time with my kids and got a lot done over the weekend. I have ordered us a Beth Moore: 90 Days with Paul this morning. I think that you all will really enjoy it. Since there are 90 devotionals in there we will be able to spend at least a year on this study... Anyway, we will start that on Monday..I am so excited! I cannot wait!! But on with our devotional for today:
Luke 24:50-53
When He had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, He lifted up His hands and blessed them. While He was blessing them, He left them and was taken up into heaven. Then they worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.

Try to put yourself on that hillside. See your Lord being carried up in glory. Feel your heart beating hard, not sure what to do next. What is it like? What are you thinking?

Let's think back on some experiences that we have had with Christ that should have been unforgetable but have somehow slipped from our memory. What do we need to remember about who He is and what He's done for us?

Thirty three years earlier, the little feet of our Savior Jesus, pit patted on this earth. Mary's young footprints following close behind His. I can't get this thought out of my mind. Throughout my day I am constantly chasing little feet. I wonder with all these babies that I care for. Which one will lead others to Christ. How many of them will grow up to be preachers, missionaries and more. I pray for these little ones all through my day and smile as I "imagine" their little ordinary lives becoming extraordinary. My ordinary life has been interrupted by His glory and I am so thankful for that today.
Jesus the One and Only...the title is His forever. He was the One and Only long before He breathed a soul into humanity, and He will continue to be the One and Only long after the last soul has been judged. He is changeless. But, ladies...we were destined for change! So determined is God to transform us, we cannot draw near Him and remain the same. May our tenure on this planet be characterized by one simple word....Jesus!

This is the last devotional we will be doing on the Beth Moore: 90 Days with Jesus
I hope that you gals have enjoyed it...I know I changed my life...Again, we will be beginning the Beth Moore: 90 Days with Paul...we will get to start on this one from the beginning and complete this series together..with this last series I had already began and just took you all through the remaining devotionals with me. I love Happy Mondays...I hope that you all do too!

Love you Ladies! Through and Through! :)

In Him I Remain,

1 comment:

  1. I love reading the devotionals with you. I love Beth Moore and maybe sometime soon I will be able to do another Beth Moore study with you ladies and other women in the church.

    Love you ladies,
