Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mighty God

I have been ready my 90 day bible and I do have to admit I am a few days ahead of schedule. I can not seem to put it down ( I am addicted). Our Gos is so Mighty and He is a jealous God. I am just at awe when I read how God was so or how can i put it He wanted things done to perfection when it came to serving and worshiping Him. More people need to fear our God because He is sooooo mighty and great. I love him I love Him and I love Him. I sometimes wonder " WHO AM I?"  that God has alowed me to be here on this earth. Just wondering how everyone else is doing in their reading. Let me know and I am praying for all of you and your families.

Love you much,

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tara! I'm so glad that you are this excited! It's awesome, isn't it!!!! I was a day ahead earlier in the week but "slowed" down a bit because I didn't want to be too far ahead. I guess I don't need to worry about that huh? It's amazing!!!!!

    Love you much!

    In Christ,
