Saturday, January 1, 2011

Behind the curtain.....

I think that I have a pretty home, a very nice addition was made to the old  house. But behind that addition still remains a very old house. A few rooms of the old house have been redone, a few haven't. The little old bathroom was one of those. It was just ugly (very). But after several coats of paint it's not that bad. I walked past it the other day and thought it looked pretty good. That is until you look behind the shower curtain. There's a pink bathtub, caulking gone WRONG, too many coats of paint to count, one area that doesn't have anything, the faucet has even been painted - it's an UGLY place back there. And then I realized, I'm just like that bathroom. I've tried for years to cover up the ugliness of sin in my life, in my heart. It hasn't been a pretty place. But no matter what I tried to do it still remained. I still struggle sometimes believing that a Holy and Righteous God can and will forgive me. But He has done exactly that! I just had to lay it all at the foot of the Cross and let the Blood of Christ wash me clean! I don't have to hide behind that curtain of shame and guilt. I'm seen through the veil of Blood that covers me. Praise be to God! I want to live a life of authenticity. I'm tired of hiding behind a curtain. So I've started using this little bathroom more often and you know what? It serves it's purpose just as well as the other one. And so it is with us. We can serve God regardless of what we've been hiding behind the curtain.......

Love you much!

In Christ,


  1. Well said Sandy...I love it when I see others have an encounter with God. How just like Him to use a simple everyday bathroom to show us His love and show us how far we have come with Him. Thank you for sharing this Sandy! Love it and Love You!

    In Him I Remain,

  2. I have been forgiven for sins and the ugliness I once carried around and God has throne them in the sea of forgetfullness. I still remember the sin and all its sidekicks but I think God wants us to remember where we were and where we have been to remind us just how far we have come and not to go back to that ugly place ever again. I have to admit I feel ugly at times at work but I catch myself and realize this is a test of patience. Studing proverbs has really got me on fire again. Lets see how much more control I have against the devil when these very immature young adults get back from Christmas break January 9th. Lets pray for them all. Some come from being homeless, alot from gangs, court ordered, poor. I work alone in the dorm with all this and I hear alot of "POTTY MOUTH" to say the least and sometimes that gets hard for me especially sinse almost all the staff here talk with a potty mouth too but I put on the armor of God and the students and staff know this. I can tell because when staff or student talks with me and if they say a bad word and their favorite word is g.d. they tell me "sorry"
    I just pray "Lord help me and give me strength for today."

    Love you lots,
