Monday, January 3, 2011

1st Happy Monday of 2011!

I love a New Year! I like the feeling of starting over...Roy and I set yearly goals and it is such a feeling of accomplishment to meet those goals and on occasion we get to bask in the joy of going beyond our goals. This is one of those years, we set a goal it was a personal goal that I prefer to keep silent but we went above the goal we had set and it was nice to celebrate that with him. I am especially excited about our Bible Study on Tuesday, I do have a little something that I would like to share with you Gals, anytime that I experience the power of God I like to "share". Speaking of the power of God, let's get started on our 1st Happy Monday Devotional of 2011!

Luke 8:42-48
Jesus was on His way to the house of Jairus to see his 12 year old daughter that lay dying. As He went the crowd was thronging Him, in the crowd was a woman having an issue of blood 12 years, she had spent everything she had on physicians still had not been healed. Coming up behind Jesus she touched the hem of His garment and immediately her issue of blood stopped. And Jesus said, " Who touched me?". When all denied, Peter and they that were with Him said, "Master, the crowd throngs You and presses You, and You say, who touched me?" And Jesus said,"Somebody has touched me, for I perceive that virtue has gone out of me." And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling , and fell down before Him, she declared to Him before all the people, the reason that she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately.

Oh my, I love to read these scriptures! Do we realize how "LIVING", "ALIVE" & "POWERFUL" that the Word of God is? Do we realize what a privilege that it is to own one? I have Bibles of all versions and shapes and sizes. What a blessing to be able to freely have in my possession so many! What a blessing to be able to say that without fear and trembling. We see here in these scriptures that Jesus was being pressed in the crowds, I can imagine Him in a sea of people being pushed along, then all of the sudden He felt virtue leave from Him. The definition of virtue is effective force or power. All that the woman did was touch the hem of His garment. We see how a small, simple act of faith, healed her of a 12 year issue of blood! I don't know about you gals but I got so excited for her when I read that, I got so excited for me when I read that, I am so excited for you all after reading that! What are we waiting for?!? Why are we lying in our beds worrying about our lives and the "issues" that we are going through? I have "issues" just like the woman with the 12 year one! Why are our "issues" any different? Do you think that you have to be pressed in the crowd chasing the hem of His garment to be healed? I think that we have lost faith in His power because we are separated from what He did in this scripture by time, death and Resurrection. He is just as real today as He was when His precious feet walked on the same ground that we do. Listen to this my Ladyfriends...He has more than enough power to fix my "issues" right now, even while He is fixing yours! He has more than enough to go around! One is no more important than the other. I have a project for you gals! In private, let's do a list, identify your greatest needs, I want you to list them ALL...then let's take them to the throne and lay them at His feet. He is more than enough to give us what we need. If He does not grant us what we ask for in faith, it is never because He lacks the power. I believe it's because He wants to reveal Himself through another answer, all the while revealing an even greater glory. So, will we laugh like the mourners outside of Jairus' home or will we go inside and get to see a miracle unfold? (verses 49-56)

Love you girlies! Through and through!

In Him I Remain,

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