Monday, January 10, 2011

Multitude Monday!


1031. a safe trip
1032. my very own Kindle!
1033. church last night!
1034. a new vision for Wednesdays!
1035. devotions
1036. time spent with Iva
1037. a dirty kitchen
1038. lotion
1039. anticipation
1040. Mercy

Love you much!
In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. 1041. Sandy had a safe trip!
    1042. A new refridgerator
    1043. A new stove
    1044. An old stove to give away
    1045. A new vision for Wednesdays :)
    1046. New shelves in our pantry
    1047. Organization
    1048. Proverbs 10
    1049. Boys that will help work
    1050. One last day with Nicole before she goes back to UK...:(

    Love ya Girlies!

    In Him I Remain,
