Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thankful Tuesday!

No challenges today, just thankfulness!

1001. today
1002. Neil's Kindle arrived!
1003. thousands of free books for the Kindle!
1004. Shana's post from yesterday
1005. Cole's birthday
1006. fellowship
1007. the Bible in 90 days!
1008. pizza stones
1009. wondering....
1010. dentist appointments

Love you much!

In Christ,


  1. 1011. The Bible in 90 Days!
    1012. Tara now has her 90 Day Bible
    1013. God's annointing
    1014. Not knowing God's Plan for our lives
    1015. Proverbs
    1016. Tonights Bible Study
    1017. A good start to the New Year
    1018. www.defendchristians.org
    1019. www.momstoolbox.com
    1020. Conversations with Sandy :P

    Love you my Ladyfriends!
    See you tonight!

    In Him I Remain,

  2. 1021. light covers
    1022. self decipline
    1023. trying times
    1024. my haircut(thank you Shana)
    1025. strangers
    1026. conversations with the lost
    1027. dreams
    1028. friends that give thier new cloths to me
    1029. growing as a christian
    1030. screwdrivers for putting on lots and lots of light switch covers and eletric covers with at work!!!!
