Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy Monday!

Happy Happy Monday Girls! I pray that you gals had a great weekend! The Hensley household was filled with challenges but overall I enjoyed my time with my kids and got a lot done over the weekend. I have ordered us a Beth Moore: 90 Days with Paul this morning. I think that you all will really enjoy it. Since there are 90 devotionals in there we will be able to spend at least a year on this study... Anyway, we will start that on Monday..I am so excited! I cannot wait!! But on with our devotional for today:
Luke 24:50-53
When He had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, He lifted up His hands and blessed them. While He was blessing them, He left them and was taken up into heaven. Then they worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.

Try to put yourself on that hillside. See your Lord being carried up in glory. Feel your heart beating hard, not sure what to do next. What is it like? What are you thinking?

Let's think back on some experiences that we have had with Christ that should have been unforgetable but have somehow slipped from our memory. What do we need to remember about who He is and what He's done for us?

Thirty three years earlier, the little feet of our Savior Jesus, pit patted on this earth. Mary's young footprints following close behind His. I can't get this thought out of my mind. Throughout my day I am constantly chasing little feet. I wonder with all these babies that I care for. Which one will lead others to Christ. How many of them will grow up to be preachers, missionaries and more. I pray for these little ones all through my day and smile as I "imagine" their little ordinary lives becoming extraordinary. My ordinary life has been interrupted by His glory and I am so thankful for that today.
Jesus the One and Only...the title is His forever. He was the One and Only long before He breathed a soul into humanity, and He will continue to be the One and Only long after the last soul has been judged. He is changeless. But, ladies...we were destined for change! So determined is God to transform us, we cannot draw near Him and remain the same. May our tenure on this planet be characterized by one simple word....Jesus!

This is the last devotional we will be doing on the Beth Moore: 90 Days with Jesus
I hope that you gals have enjoyed it...I know I changed my life...Again, we will be beginning the Beth Moore: 90 Days with Paul...we will get to start on this one from the beginning and complete this series together..with this last series I had already began and just took you all through the remaining devotionals with me. I love Happy Mondays...I hope that you all do too!

Love you Ladies! Through and Through! :)

In Him I Remain,

Friday, January 28, 2011

A True Christian

To Be A True Christian Will Cost You

It costs something to be a true Christian. Let that never be forgotten. To be a mere nominal Christian, and go to church, is cheap and easy work. But to hear Christ’s voice, and follow Christ, and believe in Christ, and confess Christ, requires much self-denial. It will cost us our sins, and our self-righteousness, and our ease, and our worldliness. All- all must be given up. We must fight an enemy who comes against us with twenty thousand followers. We must build a tower in troubled times. Our Lord Jesus Christ would have us thoroughly understand this. He bids us “count the cost.”
~ J.C. Ryle
Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: Luke volume 2 , [Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1998], 168.

J.C. Ryle Quotes

In Christ,


You'll notice something new on the sidebar - The Joshua Project. There is a different unreached people group featured everyday. Please take time throughout your day to pray for them.

In Christ,

Frugal Friday!!

Hello Gals!! It's Friday!! Praising God for that today! It has been a long week and I am looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday...Well...Roy and I have been working on ways to save money by just "Trimming the fat" (Roys words...not mine) LOL! So...our biggest expense has been GROCERIES...imagine that...So I thought I would post a few recipes, household tricks and etc on Fridays...if you have some frugal ideas please postem! I have found that my biggest money "leaks" seem to be processed freezer foods, cakes, cookies and other snack items. I know that many of us don't seem to have time to make things from scratch to save money but I do one freezer day per month and I am able to stock my freezers with homemade items that cost dollars to make. The first month that I started frugal living our grocery bill was cut drastically! Even if you are not interested you can start with small things like I did in the beginning, I quit buying cookies for the kids and baked and froze them. I also quit buying cheez its and baked my own and froze them as well... I few dollars here and a few dollars there really start to add up...I will start by posting a recipe and add your own as we go!
Love you ladyfriends!

These are my kids favorite and they freeze very well!

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffiins
Makes approx. 30 muffins

4 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 (16 oz.) can of pumpkin
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups of vegetable oil ( and a quarter cup)
3 cups flour
2tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
12 oz. bag of semi sweet chocolate chips

In large mixing bowl, beat eggs, sugar, pumpkin, vanilla and oil until smooth. Mix dry ingredients together and mix into pumpkin mixture. Fold in chocolate chips. Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups about 3/4 full. Bake at 400 F for 16-20 minutes. Yummy!!

In Him I Remain,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New and Thankful Thursday!

I just couldn't wait until February....hope you like it;)

1101. A.W. Tozer
1102. learning more about King David
1103. Teaching Textbooks
1104. cats
1105. trains
1106. birthdays
1107. inhalers
1108. Noah Webster
1109. devotions
1110. salt

Love you all so very much!

In Christ,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Great thou art!!!!

How great is our Lord that he does allow us to go through some trials and tribulations in our lives. God knows I been through a few and I have grown alot. I got saved when I was young and yes I did get off the straight and narrow but God never left nor forsaked me(THANK GOD). He was with me every step I made and went throuh every trial and tribulation I went through and I WILL NEVER get off the straight and narrow again. I will continue to praise Him and glorify Him till the day I die. I will not rest till I see my husband saved. So girlies PRAY,  that day will come.. I am so thankful to be a child of God and I will never stop thanking Him for what He has done for me in my life. Prayer works I am living proof of that.
Wendy glad your with us!!!!

Love you Girls,
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13

For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Luke 11:10

Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the LORD, Till He comes and rains righteousness on you.
Hosea 10:12

"Every age has its own characteristics. Right now we are in an age of religious complexity. The simplicity which is in Christ is rarely found among us. In its stead are programs, methods, organizations and a world of nervous activities which occupy time and attention but can never satisfy the longing of the heart. The shallowness of our worship and that servile imitation of the world which  marks our promotional methods all testify that we, in this day, know God only imperfectly, and the peace of God scarcely at all."

A.W. Tozer
The Pursuit of God

Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday my girlies!! I am a little behind schedule today! I really needed to spend some time with the Lord this morning and I am just now posting but well...I guess it is what it is...that is my new motto...I am what I am and it is what it long as we are what we are in Him and seek His kingdom and His righteousness then all of those "other things" will be given unto us..right?...right! I won't be doing our devotional on the Beth Moore study today...God has led me in a different direction...this one is more for me than anyone let's get started and see where we end up...K?

Deuteronomy 8:1-5
Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today, so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land that the Lord promised on oath to your forefathers. Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands. He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Your clothes did not wear out and your feet did not swell druing these forty years. Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you.

Been in the wilderness lately? I heard someone say that there are some that NEVER get out. I don't want to be one of the Israelites that dies in the wilderness. It is so easy to get caught up in the get lost in the: time vs. space and wants vs. needs and flesh vs. spirit...been there a long time...I am paying close attention to the verses that say, " Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands." Have you all, like me, been humbled and tested? Were you as disgusted as I was of what was in your heart? I have been all of these things in the last week and I am choosing today, not to be disgusted anymore, I have found in God's Word that He has given me everything that I need to be able to get out of the wilderness and cross over into the promise land..however, don't misunderstand me, God tells us again that as we are enjoying the promise of our forefathers, we must follow these commands because on down in verse 19 God tells us that when we are in the promise land and we are enjoying the land of plenty, we MUST NOT forget the Lord our God, if we bow down to other gods (house, cars, money, etc) then we will surely be destroyed...I know in my heart that I love the Lord, I know in my heart that you ladies do too...but are we remembering God in all things? Let's decide today to go with God, not just on Sundays, on the phone with our Besties, or while we are visiting the sick and not just while we are on the phone with our Pastor!...let's remember God in ALL THINGS...if not, His Word says that we will be destroyed...I think if we are guilty of that, He may take us out of this world, or even worse, He may take us back to where we came from...before Him...that is a place that would be worse than death for me...can you imagine being in a place (spiritually) where you wouldn't hear God or feel His presence? BUT...I am thanking God today for His discipline! I was thinking of how that we discipline our own children, we do so with love, once the discipline has taken place, we go to our children and tell them that they are to obey us and when they don't they will be punished, then we will show them our forgiveness by giving them a hug or telling them we love them. God does us the same way girls, He looks into our mascara streaked eyes and tells us that He loves us, and we understand the discipline was needed (and deserved). I am so thankful to be His...Even more...I am so thankful to call Him mine...

I love you ladies! Through and through!

In Him I Remain,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

1071. batteries
1072. a new "little" vacuum
1073. Voice of the Martyrs
1074. loose teeth
1075. b-o-l-o-g-n-a
1076. Cole's Ms. Pam
1077. a "new" shirt
1078. chocolate chip cookies
1079. boys that can cook!
1080. Winner's Circle

Love you much!

In Christ,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Prayer Request

Joanne and Toben's girls will be starting school today. Let's lift them up in prayer ladies. It was just 8 days ago that their Mom had her stroke. I seen that they are waiting for some of her levels to stabilize so that they can begin to take her off of the paralytic drugs. I can't imagine the emotions they have had to endure over the last week. It is so awesome to be able to share this with you gals! Praying for you all today as well. Have a blessed day!

Love you all!

In Him I Remain,


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thankful Tuesday!

1051. Joanne's smile - I can't get her beautiful face out of my mind
1052. cold hands
1053. Lilias Trotter
1054. Bible study tonight:)
1055. broken stoves
1056. leftover donuts
1057. handmade slippers
1058. homemade play dough
1059. growing
1060. learning

Love you much!

In Christ,

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sweet Joanne

Psalm 46
God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in
Therefore we will not fear,
though the earth will give away
and the mountains fall into the
heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with
their surging
There is a river whose streams
make glad the city of God
the Holy Place where the Most High dwells.
God is within her and she will not fall,
God will help her at break of day.
Nations are in uproar,
Kingdoms fall;
He lifts His voice, the earth melts.
The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Come and see the works of the Lord,
the desolations He has brought on the earth.
He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth;
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear,
He burns the shields with fire,
Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.
The Lord God Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
We are praying for you Joanne...
Your Sisters in Christ

Happy Monday!

Jesus and Beelzebub

Luke 11:14-23

Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke and the crowd was amazed. But some of them said,"By Beelzebub, the prince of demons, he is driving out demons!" Others tested Him by asking for a sign from heaven. Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them,"Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall. If Satan is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? I say this because you say that I drive out demons by Beelzebub. Now if I drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your followers drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you. When a strong man fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up the spoils.

What has Satan stolen from you?
What have you lost along the way that you know the Lord will one day reclaim for you?
What are some of the "Weapons" Satan has trusted in as he's battled against you?
How could you use this knowledge to shield yourself from his attacks?

Let's look at 3 things here:
1) Satan may be strong, but Christ is "stronger".
2) Christ will attack and overcome Satan.
3)Our someone stronger is going to take away Satan's armor and divide up the spoils.

We have all had situations that Satan has stolen many things from us, we have the comfort of knowing that it won't last. There will come a time when God will give us double for our trouble. I am in prayer for a family right now that is feeling the effects of war from a Satanic attack. We have all been here...I am so thankful that we are all working on our Bible in 90 days, we need the Word of God, it is our armor to be able to defeat the enemy. As long as we are here on this earth we will be in a battle. How prepared for battle are we ladies? Let's not let Satan get the upper hand and be able to defeat us simply because we are not prepared...Let's stand strong, stay in the Word, keep His Words in our hearts and FIGHT!

Our Gracious and Heavenly Father, We are so thankful for your living Word today Lord, we ask Father that you give us the power to read every Word and be able to brand our hearts with it. Help us to be armed for battle Father. Lord I ask that your mighty hand will reach into Joanne's hospital room and heal her Lord, she is in a battle that she cannot win on her own. Help her Lord, heal her Father so that she can go back home to her loved ones and continue to fight the good fight. In Jesus Holy Precious Name We Pray...AMEN

I love you girlies!

In Him I Remain,

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Prayer Request


I have a blogging Momma that needs our prayers. I don't know her personally, only by blog, but she is our Sister in Christ and she desperately needs our prayers. Her name is Joanne and she has suffered a massive stroke. She has a blog called The Simple Wife and if you follow this link you can read all about her... I am asking that you gals get on this as soon as possible. One of our ladies in this very prayer group as you all know had the same type of stroke and by the grace of God, He saved her life, Tara is a walking, talking, witnessing MIRACLE. I love her so much and can't imagine my life without her, I know that Joanne's husband Toben feels the exact same way about her and is believing that God will heal her. Please girls, fill your days with prayer for her. I just read Toben's last post and with desperation he is asking we pray for her brain to stop swelling. Thanks Ladies!
Galatians 6:2

In Him I Remain,

Friday, January 14, 2011

"Give yourself to this. Immerse yourself in the written Word of God; saturate your mind with it. And pray that the Spirit of Christ would make you so new that the spillover would be good, acceptable, and perfect—the will of God."
John Piper
Desiring God

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mighty God

I have been ready my 90 day bible and I do have to admit I am a few days ahead of schedule. I can not seem to put it down ( I am addicted). Our Gos is so Mighty and He is a jealous God. I am just at awe when I read how God was so or how can i put it He wanted things done to perfection when it came to serving and worshiping Him. More people need to fear our God because He is sooooo mighty and great. I love him I love Him and I love Him. I sometimes wonder " WHO AM I?"  that God has alowed me to be here on this earth. Just wondering how everyone else is doing in their reading. Let me know and I am praying for all of you and your families.

Love you much,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Multitude Monday!


1031. a safe trip
1032. my very own Kindle!
1033. church last night!
1034. a new vision for Wednesdays!
1035. devotions
1036. time spent with Iva
1037. a dirty kitchen
1038. lotion
1039. anticipation
1040. Mercy

Love you much!
In Christ,

Happy Monday!

Hebrews 10:32-39
Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. For in a very little while,"He who is coming will come and not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if He shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him. But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.

So many times we are "going through something" and we look up to the heavens and say, "How much longer? How much more can happen?" I love the book of Hebrews! There is so much in there for those of us that are going through something! I am so guilty of (as Pastor Mike says) going to the phone and not the throne when something "else"happens. There are so many something happenings going on in our families right now. But Ladies, I have learned that is just livin' life...I say it to myself daily and sometimes hourly, Lord, hang on to me, I am really livin' life right now!
In verse 38 it says, "But my righteous one will live by faith."
Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
As we read on down throughout the 11th chapter we see, By faith Abel, By faith Enoch, By faith Noah, By faith Abraham, By faith Isaac, By faith Joseph, By faith Moses, By faith the people passed through the Red Sea, By faith the walls of Jericho fell, By faith the prostitute Rahab, and By faith Shana, and By faith Sandy, and By faith Tara, and By faith Lori, and By faith Wendy, and By faith Teresa, then it says and what more shall I say?

So, gals, what can I say? Stand strong, have faith, persevere, don't shrink back! Praying for you today!

A prayer for you all today:
Our Heavenly Father, I love you Lord and I am so thankful to get up today to fight the good fight with these ladies in this group. I ask Lord that you raise us up today out of our mudpits and give us the faith to walk on mud with You! Help us Lord to be the wives, mothers, daughters, and Sisters that You would have us to be and I pray Lord that we won't get weary in our race and we will finish strong just as You have commanded. Help us Lord, to bear one another's burdens and do so with compassion and pure hearts. We love you so much Father and ask you for forgiveness of our sins and trespasses. In Jesus name we pray...AMEN!

Love you through and through!

In Him I Remain,

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy 40th Birthday Tara!

I Love You Tara!


Sorry for not being on here for a couple of days. I have been off work and as you know I have no computer at home. Sandy I know how you feel about company just popping in. I once was told to always expect company so keep things clean but I fall short when it comes to this and I just have TWO kids and a husband. Since I had a stroke I really dont mind it much that is just material things and I care more about eternal things. I just got paged over the intercom so GOOD MORNING and I gotta go picke up some students in Lexington and then go to Louisville airport and get students from airport.PRAY PRAY PRAY for me!!!!!!

Love ya,

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Intentional hospitality.....

Chad recently shared this sermon from John Piper with me. I really fall so very short here. I have to say that I really do enjoy having having people over. We enjoy entertaining, we love to cook and eat! But these are planned events and on my terms. Who am I to have terms? I don't do well when people just happen to stop by. Just being honest here. It seems that for the most part my house is usually clean. Unless someone just stops by. And then it seems that it's a mess. But who cares? I know that I shouldn't but I do. It kind of goes back to that curtain thing, you know, if it looks good on the outside you don't have to deal with what's lurking behind that curtain. Why should I care what others think? I do have 6 kids at home all day;) But still I struggle here. My grandmother, Mamaw Maude was different - very. She truly lived a life of intentional hospitality. And again I fall short. I think I get my desire to have a clean house from her, hers was always clean. I mean she even bleached her coffee cups. She always had some type of cake sitting on the counter. "Mamaw why do you always have cake?" And her answer was simply, "someone might be hungry."Mamaw, why do you cook so much?" And again, "someone might be hungry". And I always knew that she meant someone other than family and friends. She meant anyone that might indeed be hungry. And I remember several times people that I didn't know stopping by, simply because they were hungry. Mamaw always carried cash, she also carried cash that Papaw didn't know about. She referred to this stash as love notes. But that's another story. "Mamaw, why do you always have so much money?" Her answer,"someone might need it." "Mamaw, why do you have so many sheets and towels?" Her answer, "someone might need a place to stay." And stay they did, people I didn't know, they stayed, they ate, they were warm and clothed, they had a little spending money before they left, and most importantly of all they learned of Christ. Sermons, you can listen on line or if you've been blessed as I have you can remember seeing them lived out. What have I done with both? Not much.......

Love you much!

In Christ,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January Memory Verses

Hello Girlies! Hope your day has started off in prayer and reading the Word of God! I am in day 4 of the Read the Bible in 90 days and I just finished the Book of Genesis. Although we are covering alot in a short amount of time, I am learning so much! I am continuing to read a Proverb a day as most of you all are as well. Just a few months ago I was in prayer that God would show me a way to really dig into His word and be able to remember His Words in my heart so that I will be able to apply them to my life and my prayers have most definitely been answered by the studies that we are in. So, we are all working on memorizing 2 verses of Scripture per month for the next year, we are all working on our own verses so that we can apply them specifically to our lives at the moment.

Galatians 6:2

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the Law of Christ.

Philippians 1:6

Being confident of this very thing, that He which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Love you gals! Can't wait to see what your verses are for the month!

In Him I Remain,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Let's lift it all up to Him Ladies!!

It's one of those days for me Girlies! How about you all?
Love you!
In Him I Remain,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thankful Tuesday!

No challenges today, just thankfulness!

1001. today
1002. Neil's Kindle arrived!
1003. thousands of free books for the Kindle!
1004. Shana's post from yesterday
1005. Cole's birthday
1006. fellowship
1007. the Bible in 90 days!
1008. pizza stones
1009. wondering....
1010. dentist appointments

Love you much!

In Christ,

Monday, January 3, 2011

1st Happy Monday of 2011!

I love a New Year! I like the feeling of starting over...Roy and I set yearly goals and it is such a feeling of accomplishment to meet those goals and on occasion we get to bask in the joy of going beyond our goals. This is one of those years, we set a goal it was a personal goal that I prefer to keep silent but we went above the goal we had set and it was nice to celebrate that with him. I am especially excited about our Bible Study on Tuesday, I do have a little something that I would like to share with you Gals, anytime that I experience the power of God I like to "share". Speaking of the power of God, let's get started on our 1st Happy Monday Devotional of 2011!

Luke 8:42-48
Jesus was on His way to the house of Jairus to see his 12 year old daughter that lay dying. As He went the crowd was thronging Him, in the crowd was a woman having an issue of blood 12 years, she had spent everything she had on physicians still had not been healed. Coming up behind Jesus she touched the hem of His garment and immediately her issue of blood stopped. And Jesus said, " Who touched me?". When all denied, Peter and they that were with Him said, "Master, the crowd throngs You and presses You, and You say, who touched me?" And Jesus said,"Somebody has touched me, for I perceive that virtue has gone out of me." And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling , and fell down before Him, she declared to Him before all the people, the reason that she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately.

Oh my, I love to read these scriptures! Do we realize how "LIVING", "ALIVE" & "POWERFUL" that the Word of God is? Do we realize what a privilege that it is to own one? I have Bibles of all versions and shapes and sizes. What a blessing to be able to freely have in my possession so many! What a blessing to be able to say that without fear and trembling. We see here in these scriptures that Jesus was being pressed in the crowds, I can imagine Him in a sea of people being pushed along, then all of the sudden He felt virtue leave from Him. The definition of virtue is effective force or power. All that the woman did was touch the hem of His garment. We see how a small, simple act of faith, healed her of a 12 year issue of blood! I don't know about you gals but I got so excited for her when I read that, I got so excited for me when I read that, I am so excited for you all after reading that! What are we waiting for?!? Why are we lying in our beds worrying about our lives and the "issues" that we are going through? I have "issues" just like the woman with the 12 year one! Why are our "issues" any different? Do you think that you have to be pressed in the crowd chasing the hem of His garment to be healed? I think that we have lost faith in His power because we are separated from what He did in this scripture by time, death and Resurrection. He is just as real today as He was when His precious feet walked on the same ground that we do. Listen to this my Ladyfriends...He has more than enough power to fix my "issues" right now, even while He is fixing yours! He has more than enough to go around! One is no more important than the other. I have a project for you gals! In private, let's do a list, identify your greatest needs, I want you to list them ALL...then let's take them to the throne and lay them at His feet. He is more than enough to give us what we need. If He does not grant us what we ask for in faith, it is never because He lacks the power. I believe it's because He wants to reveal Himself through another answer, all the while revealing an even greater glory. So, will we laugh like the mourners outside of Jairus' home or will we go inside and get to see a miracle unfold? (verses 49-56)

Love you girlies! Through and through!

In Him I Remain,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Behind the curtain.....

I think that I have a pretty home, a very nice addition was made to the old  house. But behind that addition still remains a very old house. A few rooms of the old house have been redone, a few haven't. The little old bathroom was one of those. It was just ugly (very). But after several coats of paint it's not that bad. I walked past it the other day and thought it looked pretty good. That is until you look behind the shower curtain. There's a pink bathtub, caulking gone WRONG, too many coats of paint to count, one area that doesn't have anything, the faucet has even been painted - it's an UGLY place back there. And then I realized, I'm just like that bathroom. I've tried for years to cover up the ugliness of sin in my life, in my heart. It hasn't been a pretty place. But no matter what I tried to do it still remained. I still struggle sometimes believing that a Holy and Righteous God can and will forgive me. But He has done exactly that! I just had to lay it all at the foot of the Cross and let the Blood of Christ wash me clean! I don't have to hide behind that curtain of shame and guilt. I'm seen through the veil of Blood that covers me. Praise be to God! I want to live a life of authenticity. I'm tired of hiding behind a curtain. So I've started using this little bathroom more often and you know what? It serves it's purpose just as well as the other one. And so it is with us. We can serve God regardless of what we've been hiding behind the curtain.......

Love you much!

In Christ,

Happy New Year!

 I love you my sweet girly friends! I was so glad to see you  tonight! Lori and Wendy, we missed you :(
I hope you  like the new look. You know I love to change things around! I look forward to sharing the coming year with you  and I'm so very thankful that the Lord brought us together in 2010! What a blessing that each of you have been to me:) Our challenge was fun! I'm glad that you are enjoying them. But, I'm going to have to think of something a little tougher next time;)

Love you much!

In Christ,