Friday, December 31, 2010

We have to hurry.......

I leave in 1 hour and won't be back until next year :O

886. Tervis tumblers
887. Cole loading the silverware
888. the library
889. Ella Evans
890. the prayer chain
891. hair dryers
892.. homemade laundry detergent
893. linen scented oil
894. Amazon
895. Neil's Kindle shipped (finally)

Love you much!

In Christ,

Finishing up.....

811. egg whites
812. zip lines!!!!!!
813. cocoa powder
814. a new wireless mouse!
815. bags of yarn
816. a new coat
817. a "new" bookshelf
818. organized books
819. the sound of clothes in the dryer
820. conversations with Shana
821. Jacob answering the phone
822. blankets
823. quilts
824. extension hose for the vacuum
825. spatulas

We're almost there!

Love you much!

In Christ,

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another challenge?

So, I didn't post our link yesterday (imagine that!). But we can just jump right in with "Thankful Tuesday"! Our last challenge was so fun I thought we should do it again - how about 1,000 before the New Year? I think YES!

511. handmade gifts
512. Church service Sunday night
513. the kids playing the piano at church
514. Haley's help with Noah
515. banana muffins
516. new socks
517. Chad on break
518. the forecast for Friday
519. ham
520. beans

Love you much!

In Christ,

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday Gals! It is hard to believe that another year is almost over...this is the last Happy Monday Devotional Post I will do in 2010. I am excited for a new year, I love new beginnings. I am not one of those people that do New Year Resolutions, I used to be, but it just didn't stick with me. I would start out with the best of intentions and by the next week I was full of reasons to not continue. However, I did read something somewhere saying that anything you do consistently for 3 weeks will cause you to form a habit, so I am going to do a read the Bible in 90 days with Tara and hopefully that will help me to form good study habits. I love to read the Bible but I don't have a good system for study. So, I am praying about that and if any of you gals have any tips for me, please, send me some. I need em! Anyway, let's do our last Happy Monday Devotional of 2010....
Luke 1:39-44
At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice, she exclaimed: Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.

Ok...let's look at something have two women, one too young and one too old...they are both expecting and very much in need of each others friendship right now. Elizabeth and Mary both had questionable pregnancies and both of them had to have been feeling so many different emotions, they needed each other, they needed to be with one another so they could bear each others burdens so to speak. I want you to see the relationship they have here. You normally don't see a teenage girl running to an elderly woman seeking out that kind of friendship. But you do here. It is evident that these relationships are necessary. This was a relationship that was Christ arranged and I know that my relationship with you ladies is Christ arranged also. I know that none of us are up in age and pregnant and none of us are carrying our Lord and Savior but we are all running the same race together with the same goal. God has given you ladies to me so that I can share my joys and my heartaches. I can be standing with my back turned to you all and I can hear your voice and immediately recognize which of you is speaking. I like to list the things that are most special to me at the end of every year and you all are at the top of my list. We all have our "Treasures" and you are definitely mine. Thank you for being my friends and thank you for loving me. I get tickled when Sandy says, "You love me because God makes you love me!" But please know that I love you because you are special to me, and I prayed for you, I prayed for you and the relationships that I have with you. We are Women of Galatians 6:2!

I love you my ladyfriends! I hope that we will still be doing this when 2012 rolls around!

In Him We Remain,

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas Ladies! I hope you all have had a good morning so far. I sure have! My kiddos got us up at 4:30 am! They were so excited when they woke up to a living room full of gifts and stockings overflowing with goodies! I love to spoil them like this! It is just such a good feeling to see them smiling and thanking you for giving them gifts. I am overwhelmed at how thankful they are today! (Tears) I will go ahead and put us over the 500 thankfuls this morning and I am so glad that we met our goal! Yay!!! Well, I better wrap this up, my girls are wanting me to go play! Can't pass up an opportunity like that!

501. Waking up early
502. Watching sleepy eyes come alive
503. The sound of wrapping paper being ripped by six kids
504. Boxes...boxes and more boxes
505. Princess Dresses
506. Prince Jacob's suit
507. Christmas Rolls
508. Orange Juice
509. Being knocked over by hugs and kisses
510. Happy Birthday Jesus!

So thankful that I am a child of God today. I wouldn't have my life any other way. I know you gals feel the same! It is so good to know that no matter what happens or comes our way, we will always be together because of Him and what He has done for us.

Merry Merry Christmas!

In Him I Remain,

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

Love you all so very much! What a blessing you've been. Who knew that a little blog you bring people so much closer together! On with the list.....

446. Christmas services
447. repentance
448. Smashing Tomato pizza
 449. Chad's home
450. bare feet
451. Theology
452.Cole learning to play the recorder
453. cinnamon biscuits
454. husbands that make breakfast
455. Children that help
456. bell ringers
457. brown sugar
458. this keyboard
459. fingers that can type
460. visits we will make today

Love you much!
In Christ,

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thankful Thursday!

Up for a little challenge? Do you think we can get to 500 before Christmas? I think so.....

311. Kay Arthur
312. Bible study
313. prune cake
314. meatballs
315. french bread
316. butter
317. friends that pray
318. friends to pray for
319. tiny loaf pans
320. Stella

Love you much!

In Christ,

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I am so thankful for my girls in my prayer group. Thanks Sandy for doing your homework. I have learned alot. My memory verses are Matthew 6:33 and Matthew6:34.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


Sister in Christ,



So I was late getting the link on here for Monday and planned on doing yesterday and now it's sorry. Moving right along with our list of thanks......

281. H.A. and Margaret
282. bakers chocolate
283. ponytail holders
284. melting ice
285. my vet's office
286. my friend Iva (pray for her - her mother passed away)
287. paper chains (Haley has a prayer on each of hers)
288. egg salad!
289. Debbie coming to Bible study!
290. Teresa joining our small group!

I hope that you are enjoying our list of thanks. I know that it's been a blessing to me. Even though we have a lot of seemingly silly things listed it still helps to refocus on what we have. Let us always lift up our thanks to the Lord in everything.

Love you much!

In Christ,

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Over the bridge.....

I'm so glad I made it over! It was so good to be with everyone tonight for Bible study! Thank you Tara for our lesson. Here's a great article from Answers in Genesis regarding the Apocrypha! Why 66?

a·poc·ry·pha  [uh-pok-ruh-fuh]

 a group of 14 books, not considered canonical, included in the Septuagint and the Vulgate as part of the Old Testament, but usually omitted from Protestant editions of the Bible.
various religious writings of uncertain origin regarded by some as inspired, but rejected by most authorities.
writings, statements, etc., of doubtful authorship or authenticity. Compare canon1 ( defs. 6, 7, 9 ) .

Love you all!

In Christ,

Welcome to Happy Monday!!

I just wanted to welcome Teresa to our Prayer Group and I am so excited to get to know another Sister in Christ! We go to church on Sundays and we have our Sunday School lessons, and fellowship and Sunday Sermon, but how many of the ladies do we "really" know? We listen to their prayer requests and have our small talk but we really don't know them. So...when I was told that Teresa was starting in our group, I was oober excited (that's goes out to you Sandy) and so thankful that she accepted the invitation. One more prayer warrior for the group! So anyway, I just wanted to say WELCOME TERESA!!! Sending ((HUGS)) and prayers your way. I hope that your relationship with Christ will be strengthened like mine by being a part of the lives of these amazing, strong and hilarious women. I love them through and through and I know you will too!

In Him I Remain,

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Monday!

I am still laughing about our Christmas Play last night! Of course if any of the kids will act up in a Christmas Play it is gonna be MINE! I still can't figure out how that Jacob broke out of that chicken it was wonderful, stressful and hilarious to see! Our Abbi though...she has such a fear of being in the public (like I am)...she so much enjoys practicing sign language and plays but when it comes time to get in front of a crowd she just freezes up and cries...but I have to say that she is improving...she did say her lines and she made it through it. If I could just get her to see what she did I could help her maybe. Anyway...I hope that you all enjoyed it! What was your favorite part of the play? I just loved seeing Noah up there so quiet like he was loving having a side seat to the play and I always catch myself holding my breath when I see Hailey stepping up and saying her lines. It was precious..

Luke 7:11-17
And it came to pass that Jesus went into the city of Nain, and many of His disciples went with Him and much people. As He came up to the city gate they were carrying out a dead man, he was the only son of his mother who was also a widow, and many people in the city were with her. And when the Lord saw her, He had compassion for her and said, "Weep not." And He came and touched the coffin they were carrying, the men stood still. And Jesus said, "Young man, I say to you, Arise." And he that was dead, sat up and began to speak. And He delivered him to his mother. And fear came on all and glorified God saying,"That a great Prophet has risen up among us and that God has visited His people." And this rumor of Him went forth throughout all Judea and throughout all the region about Him.

Who and what stirs it up in you?
What does it look like when it happens?
When you hold compassion back, when you pass by and don't stop to help, what are your reasons for doing so?

I don't always have compassion like I should and I am curious as to why..I know that I let my busyness with work and home consume me and I have repented of that, I am in prayer that God will show me all the areas that I need to have more compassion in.
I would have loved to have been there and watched as the men carried that young man out in a coffin, I can hear the crying and moaning of the widowed mother who had lost her only son and bearing this grief alone, with no husband to share it with. I can imagine Jesus, stopping and shushing the crowd behind Him so that they would know something was up ahead.
I know that when I am with someone who is grieving, I want to tell them, " Don't cry." My heart breaks and I just want them to stop crying, I don't want them to have a broken heart and I want to see them smile and laugh again.
I can imagine Jesus walking up to the coffin and the mother raising her eyes to Him and knowing He is someone but not knowing who or what He is going to do. The men that carried him stood still...I bet they all did...the mother, the town that was supporting her, the disciples and the people that were following Him. As I read it, I stood still too..they not only physically stood still but mentally they stood still...have you ever watched something and stood still in your mind?
As the men carrying the stretcher stood still, Jesus touches the coffin and tells him,"Arise." The Bibles that I am looking at don't have exclamation points after arise, so I don't know if He said it with a raised voice or if He said it softly but I am sure that it was HEARD loudly regardless. I know that mother had to have just been overwhelmed with what she saw and to be able to hold her son in her arms again alive just overwhelms me to the point of tears. I can't imagine losing a son, and I can't imagine watching the Lord in the flesh, bring him back. I bet she, the crowd, the men holding the coffin and the disciples laughed and wept all at the same time...I know I did

Compassion...from now on...I will remember what I have read...

Happy Monday ladyfriends! Hope you have a blessed day!

Love ya gals!

In Him I Remain,

Sunday, December 19, 2010

prayer meeting

Ladies I can't wait to share all I have been studying for for Tuesday. I have learned so much and you may already know about what I am going to share. I have been studying about Mary. Read Luke 1&2.

Thankful Thursday

261. the bible
262. co workers
263. clean house
264. fast food resturants
265. check card (debit )
266. little boys who makes sure his mother gets up for work(alarm clock has not been working) he stayed up all night to wake me up at 6:00 am. and he didnt have too.
267. my husband that tells me I beautiful even when I get up in morning and I HAVENT BRUSHED MY HAIR OR TEETH!!!!!
268. job

Hope this finds you warm and safe. I love being a christian and having christian friends like you guys and everyone at Grace. I miss being their. I was always there every ime the doors where open but feel this is where God has lead me for a purpose.

Love ya,

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thankful Thursday!

Better late......
251. Chad is on his way home!
252. the electricity is still on!
253. Chile Verde!
254. homemade tortillas!
255. a boy that shovels snow (without being told!)
256. cats ice skating!
257. kids that still want to sleep with mommy(even though they kick)
259. free shipping
260. aprons

Love you much!

In Christ,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Needing to get a blog off my chest!

Hello Gals! Hope your Wednesday is finding you enjoying yet another snow day! I am enjoying the day today...all thanks for that to my precious Lord! I have to tell you ladies how the last 3 days have been for me...I have been a little under the weather physically and spiritually. It was a needed place for me to be though. I ALWAYS learn something from being sick spiritually whether I want to or not. I think that there are levels to being spiritually sick. I think that some of us have a spiritual cancer, one that will likely kill you if you let it go untreated, ranging all the way down to a spiritual cold. I had a spiritual flu/ is just as severe as the other so I used a / until I figure out which....I was having my emotional breakdown yesterday and had to call on one of you ladies to bare my burden with me...(Galatians 6) I know exactly why that I picked up that phone and called her, I WAS DESPERATE, and found myself for split second trying to mask why that I had really called, but thankfully she knows me well enough to know when something is wrong, make a long story short, as you all know my Mom had surgery today, my Aunt is sick, and finals are this week. SO~ needless to say your Sister was STRESSIN!! And I am being polite when I use CAPS here! But....she knew just who we needed to go to, immediately before I went any further on my breakdown, we went to the Throne, God was there and since then my world is right again. I know that I am an Internet and texting addict but why, God why don't you carry a cell phone or have the internet up there??? (JUST KIDDING) Thankfully we can go to Him at any hour and He is there above and beyond Mountain Telephone Internet and Verizon anyway...I was enjoying my day today and it hit me (sin) like a derailed train what I had done on the phone yesterday...I am prideful...probably the most prideful person that I I was breaking down yesterday and my dear Sister was talking me off of my spiritual ledge I said to her, " I am so sorry, I don't want you to think that I can't handle this, I am so embarrased that I called with all of this, how can I help anyone else if I can't help myself?"Can you say drama 101...that was my pride and for that I have repented and I have learned that I am not exempt because I feel like Sister Christian sometimes....I can't imagine how that sounded...really tryin' not to. But it brings me back to Galatians 6:3, For if a man (or Shana) thinks himself (or herself) to be something, when he (she) is nothing, he (she) decieves himself (herself)..hmmm....who do you all have on a pedestal today? You? A friend? I am so thankful that he didn't rapture me outta here yesterday, I would have been the fish he threw back in...I love you girls....and thank you to my sweet Sista yesterday that walked on mud to get to me and pull me outta my pit!! Chillin' out today and enjoying sanity...hope you all are too! PEACE (again, I have two fingers raised)

In Him I Remain,

Monday, December 13, 2010

Multitude Monday

231. my husband made it to work safely
232. hot chocolate
233. fresh donuts
234. tortillas
235. Proverbs
236. Christmas Evans
237. Jotham's Journey
238. Little House books
239. light bulbs
240. a broom

The picture isn't linking up correctly, here's the link to Multitudes on Mondays @ A Holy Experience

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday Ladies! I hope this finds you safe and warm! I woke up to a blanket of snow on the ground and did not want to get up this morning. I have been battling a cold and body aches and I just wanted to curl back up and sleep for a couple more hours. But, work to do and babies to take care of, I have some housework to catch up on and this is FINALS week. Classes are over for a month come Friday! Yay!!! I need the break! Let's get started on our devotional....

Mark 1:35-39
Now in the morning having risen long before daylight, He went out to a solitary place and there He prayed. And Simon and those who were with Him searched for Him. When they found Him they told Him, "Everyone is looking for you!" But He responded to them, "Let's go into the next towns so that I can preach there also,because for this purpose I have come forth." And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee and casting out demons.

Is there a certain time of day when you find your time with the Lord particularly sweet and tangible? Describe what makes it that way...

What thoughts or activities interrupt your ability to escape the way Jesus did, intent on spending time with the Father, desiring Him more than anything else?

I have to say that 5:30am is the best time of the day for me to spend time with God. All the kids are still in bed and Roy is sleeping most of the time. I love to get up and have a cup of coffee, grab my Bible and start my day with the Lord. There are times though that my time is cut short by babies needing me, early phone calls and sometimes I am just plain ole distracted. I am distracted today, the snow has me on edge, I know that I will have little ones bundled up in snow suits and car seats making their way to MiMi's House today. I will type a little and pray a little. I am also in prayer today for a dear Aunt of mine, she has just been diagnosed with COPD and my heart just breaks when I think of her spiritual condition. One of my Sister's is dealing with a situation and needing God to give her some direction as to what she should do. My heart is heavy today and I have alot to pray about. I wonder if Jesus felt that way, I can't imagine how the human flesh inprisoned Him. How that His disciples distracted Him from His Father with to meet their needs and the needs of others. Did we think about Jesus' needs at that time? Were the disciples sensitive to Him when He spent an entire day out there healing the sick and diseased? Did they send someone to wash His clothes for Him or fix Him a meal when He had walked in the heat all day and just wanted to have a bath and dinner and go to bed early to pray for a while? He must have felt like He was governed by the natural laws of the human body like we are...right? I am sorry to cut this short, but I have lots to pray about this morning and while the distractions are few I'd like to take this time to spend it with Him while I can!

I am praying for you Gals today! I hope that you all had a great weekend! I love you all through and through!

In Him I Remain,

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy Gotcha Day!

Today is our 4 year "gotcha" day anniversary! This is our 1st picture with Sydney. We had only been with her for a few minutes. The lady in the picture is her foster mother. Sydney had been with her since she was 8 weeks old.

Love you much!

In Christ,

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thankful Thursday on Friday

what I am  thankful for today(and always)

201. the cross
202. well behaved students
203. scenary on the way to work.
204. Gods forgiveness
205. dishwashers
206. messy kids and husband( always something to come home to.)
207. pets
Our 1st day of touring China! Here's our travel group at The Great Wall! The pictures we have do not do it justice. It is truly amazing!
In Christ,

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A look back.....

Here's a picture of us arriving in Beijing 4 years ago! Since you guys didn't get to "go" with us then, I thought you might like to take a look back with me. Look at that - only 3 kids.....

Love you much!

In Christ,

Thankful Thursday!

178. Homemade ornaments
179. Having a 2nd Job but still not wanting to go to Frankfort today!
180. My teenage boys humor
181. Homemade Bread! YAY~I finally did it!
182. Gloves
183. Scarves
184. Hairspray
185. Blowdryer (Frozen hair is not attractive)
186.Christmas Specials
187. Christmas Cards
188. Christmas Play practice
189. Bounty Papertowels (The quicker picker upper)
190. Highlighters

Almost 200 Girlies! WooHoo!

Love you through and through!

In Him I Remain,

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thankful Thursday

171. time to get off work!!!
172. silence in the dorm
173. bed time
174. agreements
175. peace
176. Gods grace.
177. you (all you girls)

Sister in Christ,


Shana I love seeing you grow as a christian. Your words are very encouraging to me. I wake up every morning and have coffee and a converstion with God. I could not imagine my life without Him and thanking Him daily for ALL he has brought me through. I admire you and Sandy for having such a big and close family that come to church together and pray together. That has(you know)been by biggest prayer!!. Please continue to pray for my family and keep up your encouraging words coming. You guys are a blessing to me.

May God always keep you ladies safe,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

149. coffee
151.Beverly Lewis books
152. Teaching Textbooks
153. quiet
155. soy sauce
156. school desks
157. hand written notes
158. uncertainty
159. forgiveness
160. Tuesdays

Love you much!                                                        
In Christ,                                                                  

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Monday!

Oh my...I really do not feel like this is a Happy Monday...yesterday has left my Joy bruised. Asking you all to be in prayer for the person/people that took our things yesterday, they were only things and for that I am thankful, but asking you all to pray for them. On with our devotional for the day!

Mark 1:29-34~
After leaving the synagogue, they came into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Simon's mother-in-law was sick with a fever and they told Him about her at once. So, He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up healing her at once. After the sun had set that evening they brought to Him all that were sick and demon posessed. The whole city was gathered together at the door. He healed many that were sick and cast out many demons; He did not allow the demons to speak for they knew Him.

How present is Jesus in the everyday routine of your household? How much of your relationship with Him takes place within your home and within the interaction of your family?

What would it be like if meeting with Jesus always required going to another place, leaving our homes to go out looking for Him?

My goodness, this devotional hits close to home for me! Ladies...I am overwhelmed by how I leave Jesus at the doors of Grace Baptist Church as I make my way back home. I have heard my Sunday School Teacher tell our class many times that he will walk in the door and immediately feel the presence of God but as he leaves he instantly feels that he has left Him in the Church. I have done that! Have we left Jesus at Grace today? Do you feel and see Jesus in your house today? Did you see Him or talk to Him when you woke up this morning ? While you were making your coffee? Getting prepared for your day? Or, were you like me and jumped up to take on the hustle and bustle of Monday morning? We need to put Him first. In ALL things. Not just in our Sunday Morning services or in the Wednesday night services. I am striving to take Jesus with me throughout my day today and everyday. He said in Genesis 2:18 It is not good that man should be alone; I will make a him a helpmate for him. Just as we need our husbands or our children Gals; can you imagine going through your day without your husband or your babies? Can you imagine them being there only when you want them for something or in times of despair but not having them there any other time? Me either! We do our precious Lord and Savior that way too! How abusive we are...I am asking you all to join me in loving Him today and everyday, take Him with you throughout your day, just like we would our husbands or our to Him and praise Him, thank Him for His goodness! I am praying for you Girlies today! I will take you all with me throughout my day today, lifting you up in prayer! We will all parade around my house following Jesus while I go through the hustle and bustle of Happy Monday! Love you Ladies! Through and Through!

In Him I Remain,

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thankful Thursday

What I thankful  for TODAY!

129. All wheel drive,
130. defrost
131. windshied wipers
132. coats
133. heater in suv
134. the scenering of the snow. I'ts beautiful!!!!
135. heater blankets.
136. Students that like to work.( shovel snow).
137. Waking up!!!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday on Saturday

I am so glad that we are doing a list of our "Thankfuls".

121. The snow today!!
122. Laptops
123. Internet
124. Heat
125. Fuzzy socks
126. Sleeping baby
127. George our weiner dog playing in the snow
128. Ultrasound pictures
129. Other Blogs
130. Recipes

I love listing what we are thankful for! It turns your ordinary day into an extraordinary day!

Hope you all are having extraordinary days today!

Love ya Ladies!

In Him I Remain,

Friday, December 3, 2010


Shana I just want to thank you for getting me set up on this blog. You and Roy worked for a while for me and I appreciate that.

You reached out to me
When I was in need
You came by my side
And held me as I cried
You held out your hand
Telling me “I understand”
You gave me new hope
When I felt I couldn’t cope
You cheered up my heart
When you made me laugh
You showed me love
When life got really tough
At my point of need
You became Jesus to me.
Days of Praise
He Rides Upon the Heaven
December 3, 2010
"There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun, who rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and in his excellency on the sky." (Deuteronomy 33:26)
Chapter 33 of Deuteronomy contains the last recorded words of a truly great man, Moses, "whom the LORD knew face to face" (34:10). Many times Moses had addressed the people of Israel with mixed blessing and warning, listing conditions for blessing and the inevitable results of rejecting God's plan. But here, as he prepared for his impending death (32:48-52), Moses spoke only of God's majestic character and the privileges of those who serve Him.
The God of Jeshurun (literally "upright," here a symbolic name for Israel) is an active God, for He rides in His excellency across the heaven to help us, as we see in our text. He strongly acts on our behalf. "The eternal God is |our| refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms" (33:27). He is not like the gods of the heathen, who do nothing.
Next, He is a God of grandeur. Here He rides across the sky and the heaven; elsewhere we are told that He "rideth upon the heavens of heavens" (Psalm 68:33). He walks (104:3) and flies (18:10) "upon the wings of the wind." "The LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet" (Nahum 1:3).
Finally, God is eternal. The "eternal God" with "everlasting arms" (Deuteronomy 33:27) assures us of eternal victory. "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death" (Revelation 1:18).
Such was Moses' God and the God whom we serve today--the One who showers us with incomparable blessings. Indeed, "who is like unto thee, O people saved by the LORD" (Deuteronomy 33:29) to have such a One as our God? JDM
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Institute for Creation Research

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thankful Thursday!

I hope this morning finds you well. It was good to have Mike and Debbie back last night, it's just not the same without them. Please remember Debbie in your prayers. In case you hadn't heard, her aunt passed away. She said she was like a second mom to her. It's always hard to say goodbye.

Moving on with our list.....we've reached 100!

101. open eyes
102. dental insurance (I have 3 kids with orthodontist appts. today:0)
103. good neighbors
104. a boy that takes pleasure in gathering eggs!
105. a boy that loves to draw!
106. a girl that loves to sew!
107. a baby that gives kisses!
108. mosaics
109. painting
110. dred locks!

Love you much!

Your sister in Christ,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December!

 Hope you like the new look. I really can't believe that December is already here! Hope you all are out of harms way where the water is concerned. Our bridge is flooded (as usual!) and the bottoms are full of puddles but not the river that we usually have! Just so you know, you are in my morning prayers everyday and throughout the day. Praying that we all grow closer to Christ today.

Love you much!

In Christ,