Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thankful Thursday!

Better late......
251. Chad is on his way home!
252. the electricity is still on!
253. Chile Verde!
254. homemade tortillas!
255. a boy that shovels snow (without being told!)
256. cats ice skating!
257. kids that still want to sleep with mommy(even though they kick)
259. free shipping
260. aprons

Love you much!

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. 261. Tim LaHaye
    262. Finals are over!
    263. Christmas Breaks
    264. Nicole is home!!
    265. Chocolate cake
    266. Pigs in a blanket
    267. Microsoft Word
    268. Jacob saying "You see that?"
    269. Little Snowmen
    270. Snow Angels

    Hope everyone has gotten to enjoy the snow today! Love you girls through and through!

    In Him I Remain,
