Sunday, December 19, 2010

prayer meeting

Ladies I can't wait to share all I have been studying for for Tuesday. I have learned so much and you may already know about what I am going to share. I have been studying about Mary. Read Luke 1&2.

Thankful Thursday

261. the bible
262. co workers
263. clean house
264. fast food resturants
265. check card (debit )
266. little boys who makes sure his mother gets up for work(alarm clock has not been working) he stayed up all night to wake me up at 6:00 am. and he didnt have too.
267. my husband that tells me I beautiful even when I get up in morning and I HAVENT BRUSHED MY HAIR OR TEETH!!!!!
268. job

Hope this finds you warm and safe. I love being a christian and having christian friends like you guys and everyone at Grace. I miss being their. I was always there every ime the doors where open but feel this is where God has lead me for a purpose.

Love ya,

1 comment:

  1. Tara~ I am so excited about our Bible Study on Tuesday! I can't wait to see you!

    269. Christmas Plays
    270. Songs about the Lord
    271. Devotions
    272. Christmas Projects
    274. Warm covers
    275. Fluffy Pillows
    276. Sweatshirts and PJ's
    277. Butter Rum Candles
    278. Daycare babies holding their arms out for MiMi!
    279. Skype with my Momma
    280. Veggie Tales with Jacob
