Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Monday!

Oh my...I really do not feel like this is a Happy Monday...yesterday has left my Joy bruised. Asking you all to be in prayer for the person/people that took our things yesterday, they were only things and for that I am thankful, but asking you all to pray for them. On with our devotional for the day!

Mark 1:29-34~
After leaving the synagogue, they came into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Simon's mother-in-law was sick with a fever and they told Him about her at once. So, He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up healing her at once. After the sun had set that evening they brought to Him all that were sick and demon posessed. The whole city was gathered together at the door. He healed many that were sick and cast out many demons; He did not allow the demons to speak for they knew Him.

How present is Jesus in the everyday routine of your household? How much of your relationship with Him takes place within your home and within the interaction of your family?

What would it be like if meeting with Jesus always required going to another place, leaving our homes to go out looking for Him?

My goodness, this devotional hits close to home for me! Ladies...I am overwhelmed by how I leave Jesus at the doors of Grace Baptist Church as I make my way back home. I have heard my Sunday School Teacher tell our class many times that he will walk in the door and immediately feel the presence of God but as he leaves he instantly feels that he has left Him in the Church. I have done that! Have we left Jesus at Grace today? Do you feel and see Jesus in your house today? Did you see Him or talk to Him when you woke up this morning ? While you were making your coffee? Getting prepared for your day? Or, were you like me and jumped up to take on the hustle and bustle of Monday morning? We need to put Him first. In ALL things. Not just in our Sunday Morning services or in the Wednesday night services. I am striving to take Jesus with me throughout my day today and everyday. He said in Genesis 2:18 It is not good that man should be alone; I will make a him a helpmate for him. Just as we need our husbands or our children Gals; can you imagine going through your day without your husband or your babies? Can you imagine them being there only when you want them for something or in times of despair but not having them there any other time? Me either! We do our precious Lord and Savior that way too! How abusive we are...I am asking you all to join me in loving Him today and everyday, take Him with you throughout your day, just like we would our husbands or our to Him and praise Him, thank Him for His goodness! I am praying for you Girlies today! I will take you all with me throughout my day today, lifting you up in prayer! We will all parade around my house following Jesus while I go through the hustle and bustle of Happy Monday! Love you Ladies! Through and Through!

In Him I Remain,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Praying for you today! We missed you guys so much last night:( Praying that today is a better one. Love you much!

    In Christ,
