Friday, December 31, 2010

Finishing up.....

811. egg whites
812. zip lines!!!!!!
813. cocoa powder
814. a new wireless mouse!
815. bags of yarn
816. a new coat
817. a "new" bookshelf
818. organized books
819. the sound of clothes in the dryer
820. conversations with Shana
821. Jacob answering the phone
822. blankets
823. quilts
824. extension hose for the vacuum
825. spatulas

We're almost there!

Love you much!

In Christ,


  1. 826. Afternoon naps
    827. Mixed Fruit
    828. Dental Floss
    829. Burberry
    830. Corn
    831. Paper Plate
    832. Plastic cups
    833. Plastic Ware
    834. Keurig Coffee Machines
    835. K Cups
    836. Cranberry Soap
    836. A clean closet
    837. Jacob's Air Guitar
    838. A new exercise program (maybe)
    839. Good intentions
    840. Sandy's Posts (Love em)

  2. 841. Shana's prayers!
    842. baby spoons
    843. string
    844. Lainey kisses
    845. The Cross
    846. navy blue
    847. bittersweet
    848. a new year
    849. this year
    850. chocolate faces

    In Christ,

  3. 851. cheez its
    852. envelopes
    853. chocolate fingers
    854. The Good Foods Coop
    855. Jungle Jim's
    856. wild rice
    857. slush
    858. glasses
    859. windshield wipers
    860. ears that hear

    In Christ,

  4. 861. Boots
    862. Dryers
    863. Baskets
    864. Pictures
    865. Old Friends
    866. New Friends
    867. Sales!
    868. In Laws
    869. Head Bands
    870. Braids
    871. Flat Irons
    872. Hair Appointments
    873. Braces
    874. Clocks that play music
    875. Deep Freezers
    876. Vests
    877. 6 kids for New Years Eve
    878. Prayers not answered my way
    879. Patience
    880. My Baby Girl that is waiting to come home (Genesis)
    881. Hope
    882. Love
    883. Faith!
    884. Tears
    885. Smiles

  5. 886. Gravel
    887. Sand
    888. Icesicles
    889. New Wave
    890. Shadow Boxes
    891. Baby Toys
    892. Baby Swings
    893. Bouncers
    894. Baby Beds
    895. Gas X
    896. Car seat Covers
    897. Carpet
    898. Furniture
    899. Remembering
    900. Pillows
    901. Nursery Water
    902. Mylecon Drops
    903. Beauty Pageants
    904. Calenders
    905. Motorcycles
    906. Gum
    907. Breathmints
    908. Kool Aid Fun Fizz
    909. Straws
    910. Gas Logs
    911. Trash cans with auto lids
    912. Hiding places
    913. Tree Skirts
    914. Amazing Grace
    915. Primitives
    916. Candles
    917. Kerosene lanterns
    918. Oil Lamps
    919. Sleigh Rides
    920. Baby smiles
    921. Zip up boots
    922. Storage Boxes
    923. Snowmen
    924. Benches
    925. Scented Pinecones
    926. Waiting
    927. Holidays
    928. Red wing boots
    929. Work uniforms
    930. Name badges
    931. Water in a can
    932. Admiring Shana
    933. Rolling Pins
    934. Baby Bumps
    935. Coffee Mugs
    936. Thinking
    937. Blogs!
    938. This challenge
    939. Time ticking away
    940. Church Bells ringing
    941. Sunday School Classes

    Love you! See you in a few minutes!
