Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

Love you all so very much! What a blessing you've been. Who knew that a little blog you bring people so much closer together! On with the list.....

446. Christmas services
447. repentance
448. Smashing Tomato pizza
 449. Chad's home
450. bare feet
451. Theology
452.Cole learning to play the recorder
453. cinnamon biscuits
454. husbands that make breakfast
455. Children that help
456. bell ringers
457. brown sugar
458. this keyboard
459. fingers that can type
460. visits we will make today

Love you much!
In Christ,


  1. Merry Christmas Eve Ladies! I love you gals so much!
    461. Hugs
    462. Seeing my brothers and sisters
    463. Christmas Dinner today
    464. Giving gifts
    465. Sledding
    466. Wet Socks and Shoes
    467. Pump knots and how they happened
    468. Suprises
    469. Rice Cookers
    470. Pioneer Woman

    I am praying that you all are spending time with your family and friends! I wish I could be with you girls! Love you so much!

    In Him I Remain,

  2. 471. a quiet Christmas Eve
    472. summer sausage
    473. cameras
    474. memories of Mamaw Georgie
    475. little girls that play with dolls
    476. how fast Cole can finish a Lego set
    477. Haley reading Christmas stories to Sydney
    478. the girls sleeping by the tree
    479. steak dinner at Mamaw Bea's
    480. the pending story of the pump knot!
    481. people that appreciate Pioneer Woman!
    482. the recipes I've discovered on Pioneer Woman (chocolate sheet cake!)
    483. chocolate sheet cake!
    484. gift bags
    485. tissue paper
    486. a new picture of Xander
    487. getting to know people a little bit better
    488. dried apples from H.A.
    489. cakes balls
    490. Christmas morning!

    Love you much!
    In Christ,

  3. I quess I will finish the 500.....

    491. getting off work early
    492. Tigers gift to me ( a sterling silver cross neglace)
    493. watching T.J. and Wyatt open their presents.
    494. maddie (my maltese)in a little red dress.
    495. Judy Miller
    493. Judy playing the xbox So funny.
    494. making it to work tonight ..It is snowing.
    495. Talking to my aunt today.
    496. christmas lights.
    497. being happy
    498. memory verses.
    499. pumpkin roll
    500. Jesus' birthday

    Hope you girls have a great Christmas. I did. I am working midnight shift tonight. Just want you to know i love blogging it is addicting. I wish all the ladies would join us in this little adventure. Dont you? LOVE IT..LOVE IT...Merry Christmas. I am prayer for you ALL....

    Your sister in Christ,
