Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December!

 Hope you like the new look. I really can't believe that December is already here! Hope you all are out of harms way where the water is concerned. Our bridge is flooded (as usual!) and the bottoms are full of puddles but not the river that we usually have! Just so you know, you are in my morning prayers everyday and throughout the day. Praying that we all grow closer to Christ today.

Love you much!

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I love the new look! JOY! That just says it all doesn't it. I am guilty ALOT of not finding Joy in all things. I am working on that. Lately, I feel that I am "missing" some things. I think that I have been in a mudpit of selfishness. When I was a little girl, my Momma used to call me "Ineeda"...she called me that because I would go around saying,"I need a new pair of shoes, I need a new backpack, I need a this and I need a that." I shamefully find myself doing my Lord and Savior the very same way. I have repented of that thankfully. I am looking at my life and my needs in such a different way today. Do I have any Ineeda's out there? Can any of you relate? I am curious because you Gals seem to be so humble in all things. I felt that I needed to get that out in the open, maybe if I bring my strongholds out (hang on Y'all, cause I got lots of em)into the light, I won't feel like I have secrets in darkness. I trust you girls more than you can imagine and I know that God put me in this group so that I could learn to serve God completely. I am thankful today for much more than I was yesterday...I am hoping to dig beneath the surface of myself, I want to be better today than I was yesterday. How do I do that? I don't know specifically, but I do know that I will start with Christ...what better example of "JOY" do I have? I want to experience the fullness of Him, I pray that my cup will overflow! Not for my own selfish pleasure but for the benefit of my relationship with Him. For the cause of bringing others to Christ. Praying the same for my prayer group today.

    Love and Prayers
    Your Sister and Servant of Christ,
