Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas Ladies! I hope you all have had a good morning so far. I sure have! My kiddos got us up at 4:30 am! They were so excited when they woke up to a living room full of gifts and stockings overflowing with goodies! I love to spoil them like this! It is just such a good feeling to see them smiling and thanking you for giving them gifts. I am overwhelmed at how thankful they are today! (Tears) I will go ahead and put us over the 500 thankfuls this morning and I am so glad that we met our goal! Yay!!! Well, I better wrap this up, my girls are wanting me to go play! Can't pass up an opportunity like that!

501. Waking up early
502. Watching sleepy eyes come alive
503. The sound of wrapping paper being ripped by six kids
504. Boxes...boxes and more boxes
505. Princess Dresses
506. Prince Jacob's suit
507. Christmas Rolls
508. Orange Juice
509. Being knocked over by hugs and kisses
510. Happy Birthday Jesus!

So thankful that I am a child of God today. I wouldn't have my life any other way. I know you gals feel the same! It is so good to know that no matter what happens or comes our way, we will always be together because of Him and what He has done for us.

Merry Merry Christmas!

In Him I Remain,

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