Monday, December 13, 2010

Multitude Monday

231. my husband made it to work safely
232. hot chocolate
233. fresh donuts
234. tortillas
235. Proverbs
236. Christmas Evans
237. Jotham's Journey
238. Little House books
239. light bulbs
240. a broom

The picture isn't linking up correctly, here's the link to Multitudes on Mondays @ A Holy Experience

1 comment:

  1. 241.Friends that talk you down from a bad day
    242.Roy's compassion
    243.Cinnamon and Sugar
    244.Snickerdoodle cookie faces
    245.Bible Stories
    246.Piano lessons
    247.One final down one to go!
    248.Author: Steven K. Scott
    249.Homemade Christmas Cards
    250.Wrapping paper

    I have so much to be thankful for today! Thanks for praying with me today Sandy!
    Love you Gals through and through!

    In Him I Remain,
