Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Shana I love seeing you grow as a christian. Your words are very encouraging to me. I wake up every morning and have coffee and a converstion with God. I could not imagine my life without Him and thanking Him daily for ALL he has brought me through. I admire you and Sandy for having such a big and close family that come to church together and pray together. That has(you know)been by biggest prayer!!. Please continue to pray for my family and keep up your encouraging words coming. You guys are a blessing to me.

May God always keep you ladies safe,

1 comment:

  1. It was so good to get together again Tara! I missed that! I knew that God would team us up again! I am so excited for our group, Gary asked us last Sunday,"How can you change the world?" I can go back and tell him Sunday,"One prayer group at a time!" I know that our prayers together will change our families, change our church and in turn change the community and then the world. I am praying for you and your family today! You all have blessed my SOCKS OFF!! LOL

    In Him I Remain,
