Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Needing to get a blog off my chest!

Hello Gals! Hope your Wednesday is finding you enjoying yet another snow day! I am enjoying the day today...all thanks for that to my precious Lord! I have to tell you ladies how the last 3 days have been for me...I have been a little under the weather physically and spiritually. It was a needed place for me to be though. I ALWAYS learn something from being sick spiritually whether I want to or not. I think that there are levels to being spiritually sick. I think that some of us have a spiritual cancer, one that will likely kill you if you let it go untreated, ranging all the way down to a spiritual cold. I had a spiritual flu/ is just as severe as the other so I used a / until I figure out which....I was having my emotional breakdown yesterday and had to call on one of you ladies to bare my burden with me...(Galatians 6) I know exactly why that I picked up that phone and called her, I WAS DESPERATE, and found myself for split second trying to mask why that I had really called, but thankfully she knows me well enough to know when something is wrong, make a long story short, as you all know my Mom had surgery today, my Aunt is sick, and finals are this week. SO~ needless to say your Sister was STRESSIN!! And I am being polite when I use CAPS here! But....she knew just who we needed to go to, immediately before I went any further on my breakdown, we went to the Throne, God was there and since then my world is right again. I know that I am an Internet and texting addict but why, God why don't you carry a cell phone or have the internet up there??? (JUST KIDDING) Thankfully we can go to Him at any hour and He is there above and beyond Mountain Telephone Internet and Verizon anyway...I was enjoying my day today and it hit me (sin) like a derailed train what I had done on the phone yesterday...I am prideful...probably the most prideful person that I I was breaking down yesterday and my dear Sister was talking me off of my spiritual ledge I said to her, " I am so sorry, I don't want you to think that I can't handle this, I am so embarrased that I called with all of this, how can I help anyone else if I can't help myself?"Can you say drama 101...that was my pride and for that I have repented and I have learned that I am not exempt because I feel like Sister Christian sometimes....I can't imagine how that sounded...really tryin' not to. But it brings me back to Galatians 6:3, For if a man (or Shana) thinks himself (or herself) to be something, when he (she) is nothing, he (she) decieves himself (herself)..hmmm....who do you all have on a pedestal today? You? A friend? I am so thankful that he didn't rapture me outta here yesterday, I would have been the fish he threw back in...I love you girls....and thank you to my sweet Sista yesterday that walked on mud to get to me and pull me outta my pit!! Chillin' out today and enjoying sanity...hope you all are too! PEACE (again, I have two fingers raised)

In Him I Remain,

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