Wednesday, December 22, 2010


So I was late getting the link on here for Monday and planned on doing yesterday and now it's sorry. Moving right along with our list of thanks......

281. H.A. and Margaret
282. bakers chocolate
283. ponytail holders
284. melting ice
285. my vet's office
286. my friend Iva (pray for her - her mother passed away)
287. paper chains (Haley has a prayer on each of hers)
288. egg salad!
289. Debbie coming to Bible study!
290. Teresa joining our small group!

I hope that you are enjoying our list of thanks. I know that it's been a blessing to me. Even though we have a lot of seemingly silly things listed it still helps to refocus on what we have. Let us always lift up our thanks to the Lord in everything.

Love you much!

In Christ,


  1. Thankful for much and thankful for little today...

    291. Christmas Parties
    292. Toothless smiles
    293. Liberty University
    294. Electric Heat
    295. Running water
    296. Happy Birthday Songs
    297. The sound of wrapping paper being torn
    298. Hearing Jacob say Grace
    299. A New Year
    300. Healthy and Happy Kids

    Love you gals!

    In Him I Remain,

  2. 301. The love of God
    302. Babies laughing
    303. Shana
    304. Dictionaries
    305. Sandy
    306. Debbie
    307. Mike
    308. internet
    309. This blog
    310. birthdays

    Love Tara
