Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday Ladies! I hope this finds you safe and warm! I woke up to a blanket of snow on the ground and did not want to get up this morning. I have been battling a cold and body aches and I just wanted to curl back up and sleep for a couple more hours. But, work to do and babies to take care of, I have some housework to catch up on and this is FINALS week. Classes are over for a month come Friday! Yay!!! I need the break! Let's get started on our devotional....

Mark 1:35-39
Now in the morning having risen long before daylight, He went out to a solitary place and there He prayed. And Simon and those who were with Him searched for Him. When they found Him they told Him, "Everyone is looking for you!" But He responded to them, "Let's go into the next towns so that I can preach there also,because for this purpose I have come forth." And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee and casting out demons.

Is there a certain time of day when you find your time with the Lord particularly sweet and tangible? Describe what makes it that way...

What thoughts or activities interrupt your ability to escape the way Jesus did, intent on spending time with the Father, desiring Him more than anything else?

I have to say that 5:30am is the best time of the day for me to spend time with God. All the kids are still in bed and Roy is sleeping most of the time. I love to get up and have a cup of coffee, grab my Bible and start my day with the Lord. There are times though that my time is cut short by babies needing me, early phone calls and sometimes I am just plain ole distracted. I am distracted today, the snow has me on edge, I know that I will have little ones bundled up in snow suits and car seats making their way to MiMi's House today. I will type a little and pray a little. I am also in prayer today for a dear Aunt of mine, she has just been diagnosed with COPD and my heart just breaks when I think of her spiritual condition. One of my Sister's is dealing with a situation and needing God to give her some direction as to what she should do. My heart is heavy today and I have alot to pray about. I wonder if Jesus felt that way, I can't imagine how the human flesh inprisoned Him. How that His disciples distracted Him from His Father with to meet their needs and the needs of others. Did we think about Jesus' needs at that time? Were the disciples sensitive to Him when He spent an entire day out there healing the sick and diseased? Did they send someone to wash His clothes for Him or fix Him a meal when He had walked in the heat all day and just wanted to have a bath and dinner and go to bed early to pray for a while? He must have felt like He was governed by the natural laws of the human body like we are...right? I am sorry to cut this short, but I have lots to pray about this morning and while the distractions are few I'd like to take this time to spend it with Him while I can!

I am praying for you Gals today! I hope that you all had a great weekend! I love you all through and through!

In Him I Remain,


  1. Thanks as always....falling short here. Can't seem to stay focused on anything. Maybe you should call me at 5:30, make sure I'm up and at it. Accountability right?

    Love you much!
    In Christ,

  2. It must just be a day for distractions Sandy...I just cannot stay focused to save my life! I have a final to do and 2 daycare trainings this week and I just am not motivated to even read a paragraph...praying for you my Bohemian Ladyfriend...I have a picture of you in a boggin and dreds...(GIGGLE) that did make me smile for once today...I am praying for a non distracting productive day tomorrow...Love you!

    In HIM I Remain,

  3. The best time I find myself in Gods word is when I first get up in the morning with a BIG cup of coffee. I too at times find myself distracted whether it be the phone ringing or just things running through my mind about what all needs to be done for the day. The most quite time I have with God is when I driving to work. God is soo good to me. I just love Him.
    Shana just want you to know you are such an inspiration to me with your words. Keep up the good work girlies.

    Love you always

    Sister in Christ,
