Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Monday!

I am still laughing about our Christmas Play last night! Of course if any of the kids will act up in a Christmas Play it is gonna be MINE! I still can't figure out how that Jacob broke out of that chicken it was wonderful, stressful and hilarious to see! Our Abbi though...she has such a fear of being in the public (like I am)...she so much enjoys practicing sign language and plays but when it comes time to get in front of a crowd she just freezes up and cries...but I have to say that she is improving...she did say her lines and she made it through it. If I could just get her to see what she did I could help her maybe. Anyway...I hope that you all enjoyed it! What was your favorite part of the play? I just loved seeing Noah up there so quiet like he was loving having a side seat to the play and I always catch myself holding my breath when I see Hailey stepping up and saying her lines. It was precious..

Luke 7:11-17
And it came to pass that Jesus went into the city of Nain, and many of His disciples went with Him and much people. As He came up to the city gate they were carrying out a dead man, he was the only son of his mother who was also a widow, and many people in the city were with her. And when the Lord saw her, He had compassion for her and said, "Weep not." And He came and touched the coffin they were carrying, the men stood still. And Jesus said, "Young man, I say to you, Arise." And he that was dead, sat up and began to speak. And He delivered him to his mother. And fear came on all and glorified God saying,"That a great Prophet has risen up among us and that God has visited His people." And this rumor of Him went forth throughout all Judea and throughout all the region about Him.

Who and what stirs it up in you?
What does it look like when it happens?
When you hold compassion back, when you pass by and don't stop to help, what are your reasons for doing so?

I don't always have compassion like I should and I am curious as to why..I know that I let my busyness with work and home consume me and I have repented of that, I am in prayer that God will show me all the areas that I need to have more compassion in.
I would have loved to have been there and watched as the men carried that young man out in a coffin, I can hear the crying and moaning of the widowed mother who had lost her only son and bearing this grief alone, with no husband to share it with. I can imagine Jesus, stopping and shushing the crowd behind Him so that they would know something was up ahead.
I know that when I am with someone who is grieving, I want to tell them, " Don't cry." My heart breaks and I just want them to stop crying, I don't want them to have a broken heart and I want to see them smile and laugh again.
I can imagine Jesus walking up to the coffin and the mother raising her eyes to Him and knowing He is someone but not knowing who or what He is going to do. The men that carried him stood still...I bet they all did...the mother, the town that was supporting her, the disciples and the people that were following Him. As I read it, I stood still too..they not only physically stood still but mentally they stood still...have you ever watched something and stood still in your mind?
As the men carrying the stretcher stood still, Jesus touches the coffin and tells him,"Arise." The Bibles that I am looking at don't have exclamation points after arise, so I don't know if He said it with a raised voice or if He said it softly but I am sure that it was HEARD loudly regardless. I know that mother had to have just been overwhelmed with what she saw and to be able to hold her son in her arms again alive just overwhelms me to the point of tears. I can't imagine losing a son, and I can't imagine watching the Lord in the flesh, bring him back. I bet she, the crowd, the men holding the coffin and the disciples laughed and wept all at the same time...I know I did

Compassion...from now on...I will remember what I have read...

Happy Monday ladyfriends! Hope you have a blessed day!

Love ya gals!

In Him I Remain,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you as always! I struggle so much here. There are a few people that I'm SO compassionate about and it comes so naturally and then there are the others.....I fall short far too often.

    Don't you worry about Abbi she was fine. No one thought a thing of it. But I DO understand. I get SO frustrated when my crier appears. It's hard to deal with sometimes (ok most of the time)God gives me so many opportunities for grace.....

    Love you much!
    In Christ,
