Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another challenge?

So, I didn't post our link yesterday (imagine that!). But we can just jump right in with "Thankful Tuesday"! Our last challenge was so fun I thought we should do it again - how about 1,000 before the New Year? I think YES!

511. handmade gifts
512. Church service Sunday night
513. the kids playing the piano at church
514. Haley's help with Noah
515. banana muffins
516. new socks
517. Chad on break
518. the forecast for Friday
519. ham
520. beans

Love you much!

In Christ,


  1. I love it!! Let's do it!!

    521. Sweet Rice
    522. French Roast Coffee (' ces't délicieux ')
    523. God's Promises
    524. Sign Language
    525. Two hands
    526. Kayli
    527. Sue
    528. New Classes coming up
    529. Club Kooloda
    530. Spray n Wash

    Well, we have already got a good start! Love ya girlies!

    In Him I Remain,

  2. I love that too. Lets get started.

    531. Having someone to lean on.
    532. birthday parties.
    533. cappuccino
    534. sisters
    535. Heather
    536. Kenley
    537. Sparky
    538. ribs
    539. peace God gives us.
    540. Sidney

    Love you girls,

    Your sister in Christ,

  3. 541. Wii games
    542. Crayons
    543. Color Wonder Sets
    544. The Opportunity Store
    545. Long Weekends
    546. Chocolate Oranges
    547. Cd Burners
    548. Magazines
    549. Calculators
    550. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

    Love You Chickadees,

  4. 551. reading glasses.
    552. keys
    553. salons
    554. folders
    555. history channel.

  5. 556. Haircuts
    557. Haircolor
    558. Fear
    559. Chit Chat
    560. Thankful lists
    561. Lyrics.com
    562. Overalls
    563. Warm days coming!
    564. Tara calling me from work
    565. Speakerphones
    566. Front loader washers and dryers
    567. Tanktops
    568. Bible Covers
    569. Hand Sanitizer
    570. The Primitive Homestead

  6. 571. nail clippers
    572. eyebrow tweezers
    572. blow dryer
    573. sunglasses
    574. abbi and sami (twinkies)
    575. chocolate chip cookie dough ( Shana I am not food poisoned yet. HA HA)
    576. buggies(walmart)
    577. pockets
    578. Solomon
    579. hot sauce
    580. girlies
    581. mascara
    582. anti aging creme!!!!!
    583. victoria secret
    584. carmex
    585. dead sea salt (Great for hands) I'll bring some Jan. 4 and let you try it.
    586. Wyatts smile
    587. T.J.s complaining.
    588. insulated underwear
    589. airfreshner(Lysol)
    590. storage containers
    591. washcloths
    592. Tiger picking on me.
    593. Tigers BIG belly
    595. Krogers gift card
    596. can openers
    597. crackers
    598. kindness
    599. not holding grudges
    600. strength God has given me.
    601. challenges
    602. obstacles
    603. mysteries
    604. the ability to listen
    605. bloodflow
    606. my heart beating
    607. cardinal hill
    608. physical threapy
    609. shock treatment
    610. speech therapy.
    611. feeding tubes
    612. curling iron
    613. blood thinners
    614. talking
    615. alone time

    While you were at church I came up with this. Will be back later. See ya!!


  7. 616. plastic spoons
    617. canned food
    618. ocean
    619. heat from the sun
    620. being safe
    621. beauty of marriage
    622. Gods will
    623. clocks
    624. time going by at work
    625. pianos
    626. automatic car wash
    627. being excited
    628. automatic airfreshners
    629. toothpaste
    630. toothbrush
    631. coffee pots
    632. remote control
    633. cordless phone.
    634. homemade blankets(Tigers mom)
    635. hymnals
    636. John playing the drums
    637. being a great great aunt.I am getting old!!!

  8. 638. Bible study tonight
    639. Chad leading Bible study
    640. the way Noah walks
    641. Neil's appetite
    642. decisions
    643. Half Price Books
    644. Shana's help on Wednesdays
    645. Lainey's sense of smell
    646. chocolate chip cheese ball
    647. fried pineapple
    648. fried bananas
    649. rearranging furniture
    650. Tara's older than me!!!!!!!

    Love you!

    In Christ,

  9. 651. clean dishes
    652. clothes washing
    653. red fingers
    654. stinky toes (Noah's!)
    655. Wednesdays
    656. clean teeth
    657. ears popping
    658. conditioner
    659. braids
    660. Tara's list!
    661. Subway
    662. cream cheese
    663. garlic
    664. wooden spoons
    665. magnets
    666. John 3:16
    667. Smencils
    668. Rod and Staff
    669. scones
    670. oatmeal
    671. kiwi
    672. Vaseline
    673. spending time with Willie,Shell,and Xander
    674. cousins
    675. Marie
    676. scrapbook pages
    677. new clippers
    678. Roy
    679. picking on Roy
    680. Shana's attitude ;)

    In Christ,

  10. I love your lists girls! It was a good laugh reading them! (Roy enjoyed them too!)

    681. Roy fixing breakfast
    682. Roy taking me out to eat today!
    683. Looking for new appliances
    684. Jacob eating bologna
    685. Being with my daycare babies for the last time this year
    686. Sandy picking on Roy
    687. My attitude
    688. Tiger Gibson
    689. Chad Lindon
    690. Finding my glasses
    691. Mayo (love it)
    692. organizing the house
    693. Paula Deen
    694. Learning to live Frugal (work in progress)
    695. Sippy Cups
    696. nail clippers
    697. New Tires
    698. Eliptical Machines
    699. Kim Hampton
    700. Watching Sidney learn a new sign language song

    Whew!!! That was fun! Love you gals!

    In Him I Remain,

  11. Love doing this!!!!

    701. lines on roads
    702. guard rails
    703. directions
    704. road signs
    705. side mirrors on bus
    706. gas gage
    707. Sandys sense of humor!!
    708. volumizing mousse
    709. Christmas tots
    710. space
    711. new sheets
    712. white chocolate pudding
    713. caller IDs
    714. picking on Wyatt
    715. fire alarm
    716. flea pills (for dogs!!)
    717. little laughs
    718. teeth
    719. miosterizer
    720. Jacob saying he loves me.
    721. Grayson Alex Taylor Taulbee
    722. I hate to say this but my tatooed eye liner
    723. tylenol
    724. ink pens
    725. blinkers
    726. red lights
    727. key rings
    728. Sharon
    729. Hymanal song Because He lives. My favorite
    730. living another year.
    731. Tiger cooking
    732. muscle rub
    733. helping hands
    734. brillo pads
    735. hystorectomy( can I hear an amen)!!!!!
    736. sweat pants
    737. folded cloths
    738. trash bags
    739. picture frams
    740. birds singing

    I believe we can do it girls!!!!


  12. 741. snow melting
    742. waterproof boots
    743. water drops
    744. dry erase boards
    745. concealer
    746. lanyards ( goes around neck with keys on it)
    747. lipstick
    748. toenail polish
    749. wedding band
    750. Walker

    Last time I will be on here. Good luck.

  13. 751. Vacuum cleaners
    752. Steam Cleaners
    753. Rugs
    756. Babysitters
    757. Boys that give monster hugs!
    758. Parental Control Options
    759. Posters
    760. Mission Projects
    761. Bouncies
    762. Playpens
    763. Clocks
    764. Anticipation
    765. Baby gates
    766. Umbrellas
    767. Colors
    768. Smell
    769. Taste
    770. Touch
    771. Sight
    772. Hearing
    773. Pop Up Books
    774. Fruit Crisp
    775. Glycerin Suppositories (My poor Jacob)
    776. Chinese Food!!
    777. Quietness this morning
    778. Missing my Momma (makes time with her so special)
    779. Momma missing me (ditto)
    780. Working from home
    781. Having Roy working with me
    782. Being a Sophmore (finally)
    783. Elmer Towns
    784. New Books coming today
    785. New Beginnings
    786. Endings
    787. Cleaning out closets
    788. Give aways
    789. Melting snow
    790. New Calenders
    791. 2011
    792. It's almost been a year that we surrendered to the ministry
    793. God's direction
    794. Godly friends
    795. Godly children
    796. NIV
    797. Kerruso Apparel
    798. Ties with Bible Verses
    799. Fellowship at Grace
    800. Aching fingers from typing

    200 more! We almost have it Sandy!

  14. 801. Homemade Butter
    802. Homemade Oreos
    803. Jacob is feeling better
    804. Pottys
    805. Prayers
    806. Grace
    807. Ringing phones
    808. Big Bird
    809. Heating Pads
    810. Dirty Dishes (my kids just had breakfast)
