Monday, November 21, 2011

Spiritual Ear Plugs?

     Happy Monday Ladybugs!!! I have missed you gals soo much!! Lately God has us doing lots in the ministry and doing weekly posts isn't always possible but please know that I haven't forgotten you all and I am still very much in prayer for each of you daily.
     Last night at church I was talking to a very special gal in my life and she told me the funniest story about earplugs. Apparently, her spouse is quite the snorer..(my hubby can saw some serious logs as well, so I could really relate) smile. So, she told me that she normally just wears one earplug in her ear at night so she can get some restful zzzz's. But, on this particular night she decided that in case she should turn over and expose the unplugged ear, she would just go ahead and put in both. WELL.. this is where it gets hilariously funny, she wakes up that morning and her hubby is speaking to her, she sees the lips moving but hears NOTHING!! As you can imagine the alarms began going off in her head screaming...I AM DEAF!!!! Thankfully, she quickly realized that she still had her earplugs on! hehehe... As I was standing there trying to not be so loud laughing at her funny tale, (our Pastor was in the middle of a hymn) I thought to myself, there is a blog in that!
     So many times, God has been telling me 'specifically' that I need to do something, it may be witness to someone or change something in my life etc. but I will put in my spiritual earplugs and just decide to not listen. I have been reading a book by one of my favorite ladies in ministry and she has been taking me on a spiritual journey with Jonah. So, I would like to remind you gals of someone in the scripture that decided to put in his spiritual earplugs and not listen to what the Lord was telling him to do.

Jonah 1:1-3
Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying,"Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me." But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.

     Oh my! It is embarrassing at how often I have high tailed it in the opposite direction of what God was telling me to do! I just don't have time for ONE more thing on my plate! I just need some time to clear my schedule and then I will teach that class or do that Bible Study! I need to clean my house and write that grocery list, I don't have time to go to _____'s house and witness to her! Do any of you all ever go through this? Anybody out there understand what I am sayin?
     We busy ourselves by taking the blessings God has given us and we put them above our God. That ladies is called idols, and I have caught myself doing that very thing and though I immediately repent, the damage has already been done and what God meant for my good I disrespectfully said, "No thanks, not today Lord, maybe tomorrow." We like What is your Tarshish? I know what mine is. My Tarshish is an island that I escape to just like Jonah that is a town filled with I don't want to's and I don't have time's. But I am asking you gals today to let pull out your spiritual earplugs, whether it be one or both ears you have plugged right now and listen to what our God is telling you, not asking, you to do. He always gives us the strength we need to do what He is telling us to do. I want to pray for you today my girls:

Lord Jesus, we just adore you Father, we are asking for you to help us to not be discouraged and to be women of spiritual maturity. Help us to pursue you through Your Word and seek your face every moment of everyday. We all lead busy lives Lord and You know our schedules Father. I thank You Lord for clearing my plate for me over the last few weeks Lord and I pray that if any gal reading this is struggling in this area You do the same for them as well. Thank You for Jonah Lord. I learned so much from him over the last few days and I praise You for knowing before the foundations of the earth that it would. You are the same today as You were when the creation began. No circumstances, decade or way of life can change You. I praise You for loving us so much. In the name above all names it is in Jesus name we pray. AMEN!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy Fall!

I love the changing of the seasons! It is such a pretty time of year and I always enjoy the cool breeze after having such a hot summer. I was thinking about that today among other things. The fall is a shedding of the old so the new can come along and it reminds me of how the Lord brings us into new seasons in our lives. Some of us don't 'like' change and some of us welcome it. I am a person that loves change. I get bored with the same ole same ole all the time. But, for others the change in something can be devastating. I am in a season of busyness, it is affecting all areas of my life and my situation isn't one that I can change myself. It is a God sized project. My needing a change is bigger than my want for change. Thankfully, we know that God won't ever change. Who He was before the foundation of the world is who He will be tomorrow and the next day; even when the world is no more. I think that we sometimes lose sight of that.

Exodus 3:6-8
Moreover he said, I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God. And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; and I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey..

Some of us are living in circumstances that are less than what we want for our lives. We have schedules that we are supposed to be in control of but find that most times  those schedules are controling us. Our lives are full of appointments and deadlines. We are slaves to the clock and crying out to God to interrupt our schedules...How did we get this way? Are we prepared for this change?

I cried out to God this morning..I have asked Him to interrupt my life...He has surely seen my affliction and He has surely heard my cry. He knows my sorrows and is coming to deliver me out of the hand of my disaster. (Self-made ones too ladies) It won't be long, and I will be brought out of this land into a good and broad land, a land that flows with milk and honey...amen...amen

What are you ladies struggling with today? How transparent are you to others about the problems we are facing today as Christians? Are you too, carrying on as if all is well in your land?  I want to know..I miss you my's been far too long!

Praying for you all today!

I love you so very much!

In Him I Remain,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day of Prayer for Sydney

Today we are having a Day of Prayer for Miss Sydney. I am asking all of you ladies to be in prayer today! I am sending out prayer emails to each of you and we will use them as a tool to be able to pray together. Let's go ahead and start now...

Heavenly Father, we praise you Lord for all you have been doing for Miss Sydney, we ask you Lord to be with her and comfort her today. We know that you have a blessed plan for this little girls life and we are so excited to be able to be a part of that. We pray Father that you will bless her Doctor's and give them the wisdom and everything they need to be able to work toward her healing, we know God that we cannot do what needs to be done to fix our Sydney and we ask that you guide us in what we can do and we pray that you will take care of the rest. Be with her family and help them to always rely on you. We ask that you keep her comfortable and help her to not be in pain. In your Son's Holy Name we pray...AMEN!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy Monday!!

I have been in prayer today about what to post on our blog...for the last few weeks little Sydney and her family has been on my mind. I have spoken with Mine Sandy to see what I can do and she always tells me the same thing, "Just pray", so my family and I have decided to do a Day of Prayer for Sydney. On Thursday August 25th, my family is dedicating so much time throughout our day to pray for Sydney and her family. We will be praying specifically for successful testing and surgery. We are praying that the Lord will continue to give her doctor's the knowledge in medicine to work toward her healing. We will also be praying for her pain to be minimal and for Chad, Sandy and the children to be able to continue to have a peace about the road ahead. We love them so much and we know that God has that sweet girl Sydney in His hands. I just think that we all need to support them in every way that we can and what better way to do that than to be in prayer for them. I knew you Ladybugs would participate! I love you girlies so very much!

Sandy~ We all love you and adore your family! Even though we aren't just minutes apart anymore, you are still very important to our prayer group! Love you Sister!!

I will be emailing most of you in the prayer group and we will exchange prayers back and forth on the 25th!

Tara~ I know you don't have internet access that morning so I will be calling you and we will pray together by phone!

Memaw~ I know you are at work that day so I will call you too!

In Him We Remain,

Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good Morning Ladybugs!! I have to keep my post short and sweet today! This is our 1st day of Homeschool!!! Yay!! I am so excited to pour God's Word into my girls and watch them transform into God following gals of God! This was a BIG step of faith for Roy and I. Please say a prayer for us today as you girlies go about your busy work days! Let's get started on a little devotional shall we?

Ephesians 3:20
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us... (NASB)

Jesus just fills me up! Overflowing!!!! I love that about my Jesus!! He does more than we could ever ask or think! Really read that girls. Jesus is able to do above and beyond what our human "fleshly" minds could ever think of. But there is something important that we need to see here. This is according to the power that works within us. How much of you does Jesus have? Are you in His Word every day, reading and praying and really getting to know Him? What goes into us is what comes out. I always think in terms of food. If I sit and eat Birthday Cake all day long...we all know what is coming out right? So, I was thinking this morning…I want to consume the Word of God to the point that I get plumb fat on it!! Let’s go on the Word of God diet! Three to six servings a day Ladybugs!! Get your daily servings!! Hehehehe!! I know your gettin’ a kick outta this Debbie..shew…anyway..
I was watching Beth the other day and she said something that has stuck with me. She said that she has a new technique for conversing with God. I just adore her! She takes her daily devotional verse from one of her Bible software’s, or you could just use any verse that you want... (GOOGLE daily devotions for women. Be careful though some sites are not very safe) then take that or those verses of scripture and copy and paste to a Word Document. While you are reading your verse, talk to God about that verse, example, “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly, Lord, I love that you are big enough to do more than I can Father, beyond all that we can ask or think, My mind cannot comprehend the power than you have Jesus..Do you see what I am doing here? I just thought this was an awesome way to talk to God and actually be able to journal what we are talking about together! Oh! And make sure that you change your color your typing in so that you can look back and see what Jesus said and what you said! Love you girls so very much!!!

Praying for you gals today!!
In Him I Remain,

Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good morning Ladies!! How are you all today? I never thought I would say this but it is wonderful to have a cool rainy morning!! The heat has been unbearable! I was doing some reading this morning in 'The Purpose Driven Life' and I thought that I would share with you gals what I found.

Ephesians 1:11
It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ...He had His eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living,part of the overall purpose He is working out in everything and everyone. (Msg)

R.Warren goes on to say that before we were born, God planned this very moment, He planned the very moment that you girls would be reading this. I love that! I love knowing that He knows everything going on in our lives and He is not surprised or shocked with our prayers! He doesn't say, "Oh No Shana!!! I was worried that would happen!" He already knew it before the very foundations of the earth. I used to live life fearfully! I can remember being afraid of everything. It is so good to be set free from that. Are any of you girlies living in fear? I know what that is like and how crippling that can be.

Ephesians 2:10
It is God Himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago He planned that we should spend these lives helping others. (LB)

We are not here to just simply remain. We are to make a contribution and we are designed to make a difference with our lives. We are created to add to life on earth, not just to take from it. This is called 'ministry' or 'service'.

Think about your purpose today ladies..what are we doing for Him today? Jobs, appointments, grocery shopping, schedules, and even changing diapers or pouring that second bowl of cereal..we should have Jesus on the front of our minds. We are created to serve not be served, what are we doing today for Him? My Pastor said something very important yesterday..He said, "If you can spend three hours (watching tv, playing golf..)then you spend three hours in God's Word!" Well said.

Love you Ladybugs! Show off our Lord and Savior today! Tell someone about Him...What else is so important that we don't have time to do that?

In Him I Remain,

Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Monday Ladybugs!!

Happy Happy Monday to you gals!!! I have been on vacation for the last couple of weeks and haven't been posting...Before we get started I do have a few prayer requests, please continue to pray for my aunt and also my brother in law and his wife. I do have a praise! My other brother in law will be getting baptized on this coming Sunday morning! Praise God!! God is so faithful to His children! Also..I will be homeschooling my girls this fall and need lots of prayers! This morning I was on the phone with Memaw and just looked over my shoulder at the books lined up there on the book shelf and I had a mix of joy and nervousness that we are really doing this! let's get started!

Philippians 1:16
They preach because they love Me, for they know I have been appointed to defend the good news.

Every parent dreams of the day when their child obeys without hesitation. If only children found pleasure in timing themselves on how quickly they could respond to a directive from their parents. One thing is uncertain-if suddenly our children woke up and began to obey us immediately with a happy heart, the emergency rooms would be filled with parents suffering concussions from falling backwards in disbelief! What is truly gratifying is when a child matures to the point of realizing the value behind obeying your directive. You see, when children finally comprehend that a parent's directive is for their protection,peace, or even their pleasure, they begin to obey without argument. But as the child continues to grow up, he begins to condition himself to obey because he trusts the one from whom the directive comes. Why the change in attitude? As the child matures, he sees the parents heart and knows they directive was given out of a heart of love.

The same is true of every Child of God who receives a directive from God-the Child of God should see beyond the benefits of protection,peace,and pleasure that obeying God would provide and focus on the heart of the Giver. Therefore, the Child of God does not have to focus on the who/what/when/where/why/how of the directive, but simply trust the loving heart of God that is unconditionally committed to our spiritual growth.

Look at the life of Paul when he was "appointed" by God to sit in a prison cell for two years. At the time, Paul was being used of God to spread the Gospel to unreached groups of people, so it seemed like a counterproductive appointment to all concerned. But Paul conditioned his heart to obey God because he had become convinced of God's great care and love for him. In hindsight we know that Paul wrote a large part of the New Testament from prison cells. We are still reaping the benefits from Paul's obedience to God's divine appointment!

We can trust the directives of God in our lives. Has He appointed us to witness to a family member? To a child? Has God asked us to minister to someone today? It may seem impossible or you may not believe that you are the right one for the job, but remember if God directs you, all you have to do is obey!

I love you girlie's so very much! It is good to be "bloggin" again! I am praying for you all each and every day! MAUH!!!

In Him I Remain,

Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Monday!

I am a great Aunt!! At 3 am this morning my sister called me and said "It is HAPPENING!" I rush down to Mt Sterling and sure enough it had "Happened" and again I was able to see one of God's little miracles. He is just beautiful of course and nursing like a champ. There is nothing any sweeter than a newborn! My baby fever started to kick in and I had to tamp it down. I kept telling myself, let it go, let it go. I don't know if I will ever be content not being able to have anymore children. I miss being pregnant and nursing so badly! But,I am not getting any younger. (Neither is Roy..LOL) So, moving on! I just really needed to share that with my ladybugs!

Philippians 2:4
Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too.

Encourage Someone by Caring

When we experience a time of hardship, we often receive comments like, "I've been praying for you. Let me know if you need anything." This is thoughtful and we truly appreciate those prayers and offers to help, but what really ministers to those in the midst of trial is when the generic offers become specific actions.
More often than not, those with hurting hearts can't even verbalize what they need. When they hear, "Let me know if you need anything" they can't come up with an idea. But when someone says they have been praying, and they follow up with, "Now, I have been thinking about what you might need, and I would like to offer to take care of [x,y,z] for you this week." Why does this offer dramatically lift the spirits of someone in a hard season of life? Because this caring person took the time to concentrate and deliberate over how they could practically meet some specific needs. This speaks volumes to those with hurting hearts. It makes them feel like you sincerely care for them.

Praying for you Ladybugs today!!
Love you all!

IN Him I Remain,

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Monday Evening!

Happy Monday Ladybugs! I hope you all had a blessed weekend!

Let's get started:

Philippians 1:9-11
I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation-the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ-for this will bring much glory and praise to God.

How many of you ladies have an encourager? Someone you go to when you need a fill-up...I would bet that this person is kind and spirit-controlled. I would say that they pray for you daily and tell you often that even though nothing was going wrong in your life at that time, they simply felt that God wanted them to specifically pray for you.

Roy and I have people come to us often and tell us that they have been praying for us. It just feels so good to know that there are people out there whispering our names in their prayers. They don't have to. They have people in their own families that are lost and sick, but yet they still chose to include us in their prayers. That is such an encouragement to us. It means so much to know who we have standing on the front lines of this battle and they are willing to draw their swords on our behalf. Praise God!

I believe that the Lord has us praying for others that benefit from our specific and spirit-led prayers. I want to encourage you gals to think of the name of one person who you would really like to see encouraged by knowing that you have lifted them up in prayer. Then begin a seven day commitment to offer up a prayer for them each day. On the seventh day, let that person know how the Lord has laid them on your heart, and what you have been praying for them about. Then hold onto your seat my ladies! The Lord is gonna show you just how timely and effective that your prayers were in their life during that week.

Know that I am praying for you girlies daily!
I Love You all very much!

In Him I Remain,

Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy Monday!

WHAT A WEEKEND!!! Oh my goodness! I am still reeling from all the excitement! I went with some of the girls from Grace to the Deeper Still Conference and the Lord just absolutely knocked the polish off the toes of my flip flopped feet! Beth Moore has always been and is still my favorite Bible Teacher, but I now have a new favorite running right along with my sweet Beth, Miss Priscilla Shirer has just stolen my heart. She is just a sassy sweet girl and the love of the Lord just radiates from her. I am impressed as well by how she is juggling the ministry and raisin' all them babies! Anyway, for those that didn't get to go I just wanted to kinda summarize the conference and though I could never give it the justice it would require I will surely try!

Miss Kay Arthur taught on the love of God. We are daughters of the King. He loves the ungodly and the ugly...She talked about the benefits of using the Inductive Study Bible and gave us a little "lesson" on how to use this approach. I went the next day and got myself one and just adore it already!

Miss Priscilla Shirer taught on my addiction to chaos! This girl knew my name! Let me tell ya! I realized just how enslaved that I was to work....but after hearing this ladies, I literally heard the chains of bondage break off of me...I learned that it's okay and absolutely Biblical to take a "sabbath day" and if I take the gifts that God has given me and step over into my "sabbath day" I will be just like the Israelites and take more than my share of manna for the day and in turn it will begin to stink and become distasteful. I was right there. All of the gifts that God has given me to enjoy was becoming putrid to me because I was overworked and stressed. He never wanted me to be addicted to work, school or the ministry.

Miss Beth ladybugs know how I love me some Beth! Well, she was all that and a double fudge chocolate chip cookie! I learned to think in generations! I learned that some of us were in the Lois group, the Eunice group and the Timothy group...It was such a blessing to have all those ladies praying for us and each generation. I learned three things:
1. God has a unique regard for generations.
2. We are each in our generation on purpose.
3. Each generation is linked to the other two.

I had so many questions going into this conference this weekend. I had gotten discouraged and went to this conference with a list asking "What about this Lord?" Just to tell you the truth, it was a total revival for me. I needed that. He is so faithful to His children. I can't wait to throw my arms around my Savior and show Him how much I love and appreciate what He has done for me. I got so much more than I expected and deserved this weekend.(Not to mention, I got to see Beth Moore in the flesh!)

The call that we have on our lives, may not be fully manifested in us. It may manifest itself through our children or our grandchildren. Every generation has a responsibility . Let's be part of a generation that seeks Him. Let's always support and encourage our christian brothers and sisters. We are all running the same race and fighting for the same cause...CHRIST!

I love you girls more than you will ever know. Whether we are minutes apart or hours. Mine Sandy, I know that our time with you is coming to a close and though I am sad because I will miss looking over and seeing you sitting on that front pew, I know that you are doing exactly what you are called to do and I am so proud to have had you for a "season" and if we don't get to see you much between now and glory, I know that I will get to spend my eternity with you at the feet of our precious Lord, Jesus Christ. However, I am praising Him right now for just sending you a couple hours away! LOL! I am praying for you all and cannot wait to see what you blog about as you set out on this journey!

I love you so much my Ladybugs!

Happy Monday!

In Him I Remain,

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Show and Tell

I have to say that I am back and in the mood to blog!! This is 3 in 2 days! Anyway...Obviously by the picture above you can see what I have been doing today! That's right! It's my freezer day...the pool is being filled so I cannot get outdoors with water trucks coming and going so what is a Sister to do? BAKE!! I love me some you all can tell...(I did eat them with skim milk of course..uh duh..) So, because I have a new love in my life, I felt that it was only fair to "Show and Tell"

1 1/4 cups of butter softened
2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips (yep..that's right death by chocolate...GLORY!)

Preheat oven to 350
In a large bowl cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Sift together the flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt; stir into the creamed mixture. Mix in the chocolate chips. Drop by spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake 8-9 minutes (10 for me) Cookies will be soft. Cool slightly on sheet and then transfer to wire rack to cool completely.

Let me tell ya, new love!
Get the ingredients and try as soon as possible my Ladybugs! You will not regret it! I promise! Let me just put it this way, if I could ever bake something for my sweet Jesus, this would be the cookie.

Love you as usual!

In Him I Remain,

Beauty can be in found in the driest of places...

As I saw this picture today, I am reminded of how powerful our God is. He can take the most hardened, dry land and grow something so beautiful there. I love how our Lord will send us the comfort we need. I have a family member that is lost, she is not anymore lost than the next but for me I feel the need to say she is so very lost. I have been in prayer for her over the last couple of months and haven't seen even the slightest change on the outside. But, I know that God is working on her, and I know that ultimately the decision is hers. I do have faith in God and what He can do. I know that He can take the driest of places and put something beautiful there...He did it with me

Monday, May 30, 2011


Let's speak with our mouths full!

Psalm 51:12-15
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and make me willing to obey you. Then I will teach your ways to rebels, and they will return to you. Forgive me for shedding blood, O God who saves; then i will joyfully sing of your forgiveness. Unseal my lips, O Lord, that my mouth may praise you.

Happy Memorial Day Ladybugs! I hope that you all have had a day off to enjoy with your family! I sure did! I believe this was the most fun packed day we have had together in a long time. Glory!!!!
Have you ladies ever been in a conversation about a topic that you were so passionate about that you couldn't get your thoughts out quick enough? You might have felt like you had so much to say with so little time? What happens next is quite unpredictable because there is such a limited amount of time, and you are desperate to find the most potent words to make your case. I understand. I have been there. And what usually ends up coming out of our mouths is a jumbled, disconnected collection of words and emotions.
But there is one positive thing the listener takes away from your conversation. There is no doubt that you are sincerely passionate about what you know and believe regarding that particular topic.

You'll have too much to say!
What is so amazing about our God is that He relishes the idea of seeing His people so passionate about spiritual things. He is delighted that at times we can hardly contain ourselves. In fact, I believe God must have a spiritual switch that triggers this reaction in our lives. And when He flips the switch, it immediately opens our mouths with passionate praises. The spiritual mechanism that produces praise is forgiveness!

Allow forgiveness to spark passionate praise!
Have you noticed the correlation between the forgiveness that David received from God and his instant response to sing praises and teach others about the goodness of God? Don't miss this beautiful picture of how God forgives. You'll quickly see how forgiveness of sins opens David's mouth to teach,sing, and praise God. David said:
vs.12 "Restore me...then I will teach your ways!"
vs.14 "Forgive me...then I will joyfully sing!"
vs.15 "Unseal my mouth will praise You!"

Be Encouraged today!
You have been forgiven in order to once again teach others of the perfect and protective ways of God. You have been forgiven in order to unlock your lips to freely praise again! Today, let's take a moment to confess our sins and to thank God for His goodness. Then start SINGING!!

I love you Ladies! Know that everyday you are in my prayers.

In Him I Remain,

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday Ladybugs! I pray that you all are enjoying the Revival as much as I am! I know that the opposition has been fierce at my house! How about you gals? It seems like it is just one thing after another...anyway, it is what it is! That's all I'm gonna say about that! I did love how that Brother Chuck pointed out us needing to encourage one another and to love one another. (Lightbuld moment for me)
Let's get started:

Philippians 2:4

Each of you should look not to only your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Let's encourage someone by caring.
When we are experiencing hardships, we often recieve comments like,"I've been praying for you. Let me know if you need anything." This is thoughtful and we truly apprecieate those prayers and offers to help, but what really ministers to those in the midst of trials is when the offers become specific actions. More often than not, those with hurting hearts can't even verbalize what they need. When they hear,"Let me know if you need anything," they can't come up with an idea. But when someones says that they have been praying, and they follow up with,"Now, I have been thinking about what you might need and I would like to offer to take care of...for you this week." Why does this offer dramatically lift the spirits of someone in a hard season of life? Because this caring peron took the time to concentrate and deliberate over how they could practically meet some specific needs.This speaks volumes to those with hurting hearts.
When Paul was instructing some believers to encourage others through their actions, he used a very interesting word that caused them to ponder exactly the type of encouragement Paul had in mind. The words "look" and "take an interest" are very good translations of Paul's unique word. His word was the original word from which we get our word "telescope!" Just as a telescope focuses in on an object in order to see the miniscule intricacies and details, we too are to concentrate and "zoom in" on the needs of others.
The same word also implies that this action of honing in on the needs of others is to be continual, constant, ongoing actions. It implies that we should "be on the lookout" for the specific needs of others.

Let's be that person today, that is remembered for thinking through what another person could possibly need druing their challenging season of life. Think about their daily routine, if they have childcare needs, how their meal plans have been interrupted, etc. Then offer specific support to meake them and make yourself available at a moments notice. Be on the lookout for folks in need and be intentional about offering your concentrated and continual support. And watch God infuse their heart with an unforgettable example of how they too can encourage others through their actions in the future.

Let's Pray:
Heavenly Father, we love and adore you our sweet Savior. Help us Lord to learn to be encouragers and not discouragers. Help us Father to always be on the lookout for the needs of the people around us. Help us to let You shine through us daily. Thank You for all the blessings and the confirmations that You give us. We are not worthy Lord but we take it as a gift and hold it in our hearts. Thank You Jesus! All these things we ask in Your Name! Amen!!!

Love you Ladybugs!!

In Him I Remain,

Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good rainy Monday to you Ladies! I think that I have kinda lost you all in my Happy Mondays...SO, I will do some different kinds of devotionals with you girls and try to "reel" you all back in. This is actually the second time I am doing this blog this morning...I hit publish post and took me right back to my sign in!! Argghhhh! I did scream...just like that...and then I took the kids to the bus I am again though, I will just start over. Maybe the Lord thought I needed to read it again, maybe I didn't get it the first time around. Oh well, it is what it is, let's get started, again...

Colossians 1:17
He existed before anything else, and He holds all creation together.

God never called us to control the world. He never has and He never will! To ask you to do so would be to call on you to perform a task that is reserved for only God Himself. In the same way, He also never intended for us to balance everything in our lives and in the lives of our friends and family all by ourselves. There is only one person who is able to manage all of these things-God alone. Our shoulders are not broad enough, nor strong enough to balance the weight of the world-and God knows that. But we can be encouraged, His shoulders are more than able to carry all of it!

So, let's take a load off. Let's take off the load that is unnecessarily burdening us. As Christians, we have never been called by God to bear any burden, perform any task, lead any group of believers, manipulate any situation to produce a certain outcome, or make any decision that God Himself has not purposed and equipped us to do. And once we remove these unnecessary burdens off of our shoulders, the faster we will grow in wisdom.

It has taken me a long time to realize that when I say "no", that doesn't mean that I am "shrugging off" my responsibilities. I thought that when you are in the ministry, you had to always say "YES!" I just read that by saying no, we are showing a level of spiritual wisdom. When we extract the unnecessary burdens from our lives and discipline ourselves to focus only on what God expects from us, we will become more efficient in our time-management. We will also experience a greater sense of accomplishment. Most importantly, those around us will not feel the spill-over of our emotional frustrations like they do when we are striving to perform the impossible.

Today ladybugs--- let's make a list of everything weighing heavy on us, be specific. The more detailed the better. After it is complete, scratch out every single item that is out of our control, the ones that only God can take care of. Mark them out completely- so completely that you cannot even read what you have written! Then read the items that remain on your list. I believe that the remaining items will be things that are just between us and God.

Let's be encouraged today:
Live to the fullest, within the parameters God has set up for us. Live within His expectations. Focus on what He has called you to do, and do not burden yourself with things that He has reserved only for Himself.

Let's Pray:
Heavenly Father, we love You Lord and we praise You for this devotional today. Help us Father to give You what only You can take care of. Help us to give You the unnecessary burdens Lord, and do what You have called us to do. Not what we have called ourselves to do.Help us to get back to where we started with You Lord! In Your Son Jesus' name... AMEN!!!

Love you gals! Know that I am in prayer for you all today!

In Him I Remain,

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

How long has it been? Too long......

1301. ponytails
1302. our trip
1303. the "new" van!
1304. 8 seats!
1305. contracts
1307. Scott A.
1308. Haley's ham roll ups :)
1309. Lainey vacuuming :)
1310. a new chapter....
1311. kittens
1312. getting to see Jeff!
1313. Carl "babysitting"
1314. Marie
1315. loan applications
1316. butterscotch brownies
1317. muddy kids
1318. a water hose (for the muddy kids;)
1319. the aquarium
1320. our prayer group

Love you much!

In Christ,

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good Morning Ladies! How is everyone? I took last week off to sort of "regroup?" I felt like someone or something had kinda "pulled the plug" on my energy and I just really needed to recharge. Still not full power yet but working on it...The last couple of months we have been going through an illness cycle at my house, and believe me, we go through cycles with the size of our family, the saying, " What comes around, goes around" carries an entire different meaning in the Hensley household. However, we are on the mend and I keep telling myself that it could be so much worse, so there you have it.
Let's get started:

Acts 14:1-7

Now it happened in Iconium that they went together to the synagogue of the Jews, and so spoke that a great multitude of the Jews and the Greeks believed. But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brethren. Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly to the Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands. But the multitude of the city was provided:part sided with the Jews, and part with the apostles. And when a violent attempt was made by both the Gentiles and Jews, with their rulers, to abuse and stone them,they became aware of it and fled to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lyaconia, and to the surrounding region. And they were preaching the gospel there.

How should we determine when to trust God to protect us supernaturally and when to run for our lives?

What causes us to doubt that this is equally God's provision? Look deep enough to define some of the miraculous components involved using our heads.

Have you ever read something in the Bible and thought,"Oh my goodness! Those words were written for me!" I just had one of those moments! In the last few weeks, through the illness in our house, I have looked to heaven, and thought (sometimes out loud) boldly, Lord what is going on? Through all of this turmoil, what are you trying to teach me?
Between Paul's tenacity and Barnabas's encouragement, niether of them lacked motivation. I have been unmotivated...have you gals been there? I have been reading my Bible, praying and doing all the motions as usual but I lacked one thing..."Motivation"...I looked up the definition of motiviation, and this is what I found,"To provide incentive, to move into action." I am sure that by the time Paul and Barnabas could see Iconium in the distance, the were motivated. They knew that a new challenge awaited them. Perhaps more than they expected. Though they met opposition they still chose to stay for a long time and spoke boldly, in reliance on the Lord, who testified to the message of His grace by granting that signs and wonders be performed through them.(Acts 14:3) But then as things took a turn for the worse. They learned that there was a plot to stone them. So they ran for their lives!!
I was suprised to find that they fled in the face of the plans set against them. Shouldn't they have stayed and trusted God to guard them from attack since they were doing His will and preaching His message? Couldn't the same power used to perform signs and miracles be used to stifle their enemies?
I think that they were smart! I don't believe that they were acting out of fear. I think that they were responding out of wisdom and quickly at that! Proverbs 22 says that, " A sensible person sees danger and takes cover, but the inexperienced keep going and are punished." They were responding to danger the way that Jesus did on several occasions. Christ could have called to the ground, to swallow up His enemies and destroy them. But He chose to use another method. Christ did deliver Paul and Barnabus from an evil attack alright! He just chose to use their heads and feet to do it! Jesus ordinarily used natural means of provision. When He and His disciples were hungry, they usually found something to eat. When they were thirsty they went to a well a drew water to drink. He could have supplied anything they wanted supernaturally,but He chose natural means whenever available. He responded the same way to impending danger. He used His feet or sometimes a boat, and He departed. Whether God uses natural means or supernatural means to deliver us from danger, both are divine provisions. God supplied healthy legs for Paul and Barnabas to flee. I thank God for His natural forms of provision.

Let's Pray:

Heavenly Father, we love You Lord. We praise You today for your natural provisions. We don't have to have a supernatural act from You to know that it is You! Thank You so much for loving us today, thank You for loving us everyday and giving us the confidence in Your Word that never changes. Lead, guide and direct us Father. Help us to glorify You in all that we do and not ourselves. All these things we ask in Jesus name. AMEN!!

Love you girlies! Praying for you all always!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Monday!

Hello Ladybugs! Happy belated Monday to you! I have a couple of prayer requests for you gals today...I have a friend that is really going through some trying times right now and I would like for you all to remember her and her family right now. I also am having some health "issues" nothing serious but serious enough that I would like for you to pray about it. I am so thankful to have you girls in my life! Just knowing that you are speaking to the Lord on my behalf is such a blessing to me. Let's get started while we still have some Monday left shall we?

Let's start by getting our Bibles and turning to Acts 9:10-25..It is alot to type out for me today, and since I am so late starting on "Happy Monday" I didn't think you gals would care to get your Bible's and read this one.

We'll stop and consider this verse together:

All who heard him were astounded and said,"Isn't this the man who, in Jerusalem, was destroying those who called on this Name?"

What changes has Christ made in your life since you put your trust in Him? Even if you recieved him as a child, how is He continuing to change recently as today?

How do you react to your seemingly constant need for repentance and refinement? Does it drive you crazy? Does it discourage you? Or does it comfort you to know that He's still willing to keep working on you? (Praising God right now for still working on me!!)

There are few things more precious to me than the expression's on my newborn babies faces as they were suddenly cast from the darkness of the womb into the bright lights of the delivery room. I can remember both laughing and crying with all of them, they all had this indignant look on their lil faces, as if they were saying,"Ok! Would the wise guy who turned on that light mind turning it off!!"
Many years ago when a grown man was born again on the dusty road to Damascus,a light came on that no one was able to turn off. We will soon discover many who tried. The Lord told Ananias to look for Saul praying at a certain house. The Bible doesn't tell us the content of Saul's prayer , but it does tell us what happened next. Ananias came to Saul, and...
Then he placed his hands on him and said,"Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road you were traveling, has sent me so you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit." At once something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he got up and was baptized. (Acts 9:17-18)
Paul's version of these events appears in Galatians 1:14-18. He was careful to tell the reader that he did not consult any man but went immediatly into Arabia following his conversion. Apparently Saul thought he'd better get to know the One who obviously knew him so well. He had already learned more about scripture in his young years than most learn in a lifetime. What he needed now was to come to grips with the Author. When his quiet exile with the Savior was over, he then approached the ancient city of Damascus. Strange thoughts had to have been going through his mind. He had first came here to profane the name of Christ and now he was coming to preach the name of Christ. He first came to Damascus to take prisoner the followers of the Way. In fact, we read that " Saul grew more and more pwoerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Christ" (Acts 9:22) This verse tells us 2 wonderful things about Saul:

1. He grew more powerful: The supernatural power that God gave to Samson physically, God gave to Saul spiritually.
2. He proved to the Jews that Jesus is the Christ:The word translated as "proved" means to cause to come together, to knit together. What did he knit together? The old and the new! He knit the teachings of the Old Testament Law and Prophets with their fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

Can you imagine how much differently Saul must have approached the city this time? Every step that he had taken carried a new signifigance. Damascus was northeast of Jerusalem, so Saul walked past the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane. He walked through the city gates where his face was recognized instantly. The chief priests expected him to return with prisoners. Instead, only one prisoner returned: A prisoner of Jesus Christ.

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father, we love You so much Lord. Help us Lord to be like Saul, be a prisoner for YOU Lord and not for the things of this world. We get so caught up in our own comforts Father and in turn we lose our focus. Many of us Lord have battles going on in our homes that only You know the details of. Help us to put on the armour of God and be prepared for battle. I know that I speak for all of us when I say Lord, our hope, our joy and our happiness is in You Lord and not our health, wealth or any other worldly thing that exists right now. We are in the storms of life Jesus, we need You to guide us Lord, and as You are, help us to lead others to You Father! In Your Precious Holy Name We Pray...AMEN!!!!!!

Go ahead if you haven't already Ladies...raise your hands up and praise Him.
I love you so very much!

In Him I Remain,

Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good Morning LadyBugs!! Is this the most awesome weather we are having or what!?! I love this time of year! I love opening the windows and patio door first thing in the morning...I wish you gals were listening to the chorus of frogs coming through here! BEAUTIFUL!! Let's get started! :)

Phillipians 3:12-21

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers,I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you.Only let us live up to what we have already attained. Join with others in following my example brothers, and take not of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. For, as I have often told youbefore and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Chirst. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame.Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.


Saul's life is a testimony to zeal misplaced and then transformed toward an eternal purpose. How does a sense of that purpose play into the activities you perform each day?

If you are regularly suffering from a lack of purpose and meaning, does the problem lie with the things you're doing or with the way you're doing them? Or both?

Let's end with some important thoughts on zeal. In the conversion of Saul, we see demonstrated that: a) we can wholeheartedly believe in someting and be wholeheartedly wrong and b) sincerity means nothing if it is midirected. Saul believed in his cause with all his heart, yet it led him down the path to destruction. Saul was sincere. As he stated in Act 26:9, "I myself supposed it was necessary to do may things in opposition to the name of Jesus the Nazarene." Christ not only snatched Saul from Satan that pivotal day; He also snatched Saul from himself-from his own misguided zeal, his own obsessions. He can snatch you from yours too. I am living proof. I couldn't count the times during any given month that I thank God for saving me not only from Satan but from myself.
Having studied the life of Saul, how can we ever doubt that Christ can save? Is anyone too wicked? Anyone too murderous? Grace never draws a line with a willing soul. His arm is never too short to save (Isa. 59:1). He can reach into the deepest pit or down the dustiest road to Damascus. Yes, some things are gray such as, " Why did He choose us?" But some things are still black and white- I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see.

Let's Pray:

Heavenly Father, We love You Lord and praise you today! We come to You boldly Lord and ask You Lord to lead us where You desire. May our desires mirror Yours Lord and may we follow faithfully , directing our zeal and passion for holy, eternal purposes. We thank You Father for saving us,not just from an eternity in hell seperated from You but also from ourselves Lord. All these things we pray in Your Holy Son's Name Jesus...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thankful Saturday

1281. blue skys
1282. physical therapy
1283. biofreeze (medicine for tendons)
1284. Gods grace
1285. job
1286. God will for my life
1287. Do not worry about tommorrow!!!!!!
1288. good listening skills
1289. my testitmony
1290. FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Sister in Christ,

Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good Morning Girls! I hope you ladies are having a Happy Monday! Let's get started...

Acts 9:1-9

Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord's disciples. He went to the High Priest to ask him for te letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there that belonged to the Way, whether it be men or women, he would take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. As he got closer to Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed all around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul,Saul, why do you persecute me?" "Who are you Lord?" Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,"he replied."Now get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do." The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. Saul got up but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. For three days he was blind and did not eat or drink anything.

I don't know about you gals but I ask Jesus daily, "Why in the world did you choose us?" Our family is so disfunctional! With all of our failures and our frailties!
A the blinding light falls on the murderous persecuter Saul, we are left in the dark to understand why we have each been called. But our eyes are opened to the One who called. And we sigh and say,"How very like Him."
Lukes account of Saul's conversion is probably quite familiar to you ladybugs. In my mind, I can just see Saul strutting around Jerusalem, determined to make a name for himself as a hotheaded rabbi seeking authorization to arrest followers of Jesus in Damascus and return them to Jerusalem. He was on his journey when God intervened and knocked him off his donkey. Jesus asked Saul,"Why are you persecuting Me?" This encounter left a blind and very "taken to the woodshed" Saul being led to Damascus where he would hear about Jesus from a courageous believer named Ananias.
Would you ladies agree with me that no example could much better illustrate the statement that a person can be sincere in his beliefs yet be sincerely wrong? Saul knew it all, and yet he still knew nothing..

Let's pray:
Our precious Heavenly Father, We love you Lord and praise You today! I pray Lord that you will help us to see You in all things and not miss it when You are at work in our lives. Alot of us have sickness going on in our families Lord and we ask that you heal them Lord. We have physical and spiritual sicknesses Father that only You have the power to heal. I love that about You! I love knowing that I have a Father that with only a thought can move a mountain for us! We thank You for calling us to do Your work and spread Your Gospel. It is a privelage that we will not take lightly and will continue to give You the praise and the glory Lord. In Your Name we pray..

I love you all and am praying for each of you today!

In Him I Remain,

Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday Ladybugs! Let's get started on our devotional for today!

Acts 7:54-8:1

When they heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit,looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. "Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the SOn of Man standing at the right hand of God." At this they covered their ears and , yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed,"Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then he fell to his knees and cried out, " Lord, do not hold this sin against them."When he said this he fell asleep. And Saul was there, giving approval to his death. On that day a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem, and all excetp the apostles were scattered throuhout Judea and Samaria.

The first mention of Saul in the Bible is in Acts 7:58. Saul's zeal quickly took him on to active persecution of the followers of Jesus. Yes, Saul was there and he was approving of Stephen's stoning. The original greek word for approval is "suneudokeo." It means "to take pleasure with others." It is a word that is sometimes used by both parties in a marriage who are mutually pleased with something. Now, when we apply the original meaning to Saul's actions, the scene becomes a little clearer. He was pleased with their actions and they were pleased with his approval. It was a mutual admiration society. Saul was virtually cheering throughout the entire exhibit. He didn't just give his approval when Stehphen breathed his last. He cheered at every blow, like points on a scoreboard.
As Jesus watched, He didn't miss a single nod of Saul's phylacteried head. Remember, Christ was up on His feet at the time. (vs.56) Can you imagine the emotions He must have experienced as he looked on the two key players in the kingdom that day? On for Him and one against Him. One covered in blood; the other covered by prayer shawls. One who could not save himself from men;the other who could not save himself from sin. One dead body but alive in spirit;the other alive in body but dead in spirit. One loved by God; and the other loved by God. Grace, grace, God's grace.
Just a day in the life of a man named Stephen. A shooting star. He had one brief performance. One chance on stage. But it was absolutely unforgettable. As the curtain fell on his life, he received a standing ovation from the only One who really mattered. I have a feeling that seconds later the two of them hadn't changed positions much. Christ was still on His feet. Stephen was still crumpled to his knees. How sweet to imagine the first heavenly words he heard that day:"Welcome Stephanos, My joy, My crown."

Let's pray:
Heavenly Father, we love you Lord and we praise you Lord. We are so unworthy Father. Help us Lord to not fear death for your sake but to long for it. Help us Jesus to live to spread your Gospel and not live for ourselves. Help us Lord to live Radical lives for you. In Your Precious Name I pray...

In Him I Remain,

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Please pray for my son T.J. he is having some issues that I think is a battle between God and Satan. Satan is telling him God is to blame for all the bad things that is happening to him physically and mentally. Pray for me for strength to be able to cope with his prognosis and always be a mother that he can trust and lean on when he feels he has no one that understands what he is going through.

Your Sister in Christ,

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good Morning Girls!! Happy Monday too you! Let's get started...

Acts 6:8-15

Now Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people. Opposition arose, however, from members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen-Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilicia and Asia. These men began to argue with Stephen, but they could not stand up against his wisdom of the Spirit by whom he spoke.Then they secretly persuaded some men to say,"We have heard Stephen speak words of blasphemy against Moses and against God." So they stirred up the people and the elders and the teachers of the law. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin. They produced false witnesses, who testified,"This fellow never stops speaking against this holy place and against the law." For we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customes Moses handed down to us." All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.


What do you think it was about Stephen that infuriated the religious leadership of Jerusalem and the surrounding regions?

We enjoy being liked by as many friends as possible. But what does it say about us if we don't have any enemies at all, no one who is ever at least somewhat offended by us?

Acts 6:8 says Stephen was a man full of God's grace and power who "was performing great wonders and signs among the people." When Saul arrived, his fellow Jews were trying to debate the follower of Christ, but Stephen's passionate love for Jesus was tying a group of empty, legalistic Pharisee's in knots.
Many of us remember our own agony of emptiness. And right here on earth's miserable sod, Stephen was full-not just because he'd accepted Jesus as Savior, but because he had surrendered his whole life to Christ's will and purpose. The more Stephen poured out his life for Christ, the more Christ poured His life into Stephen. Stephen was full of faith, full of God's grace and power. Only a person full of the Holy Spirit can possess that kind of power Stephen displayed and yet remain full of God's grace. A person full of the Holy Spirit cannot be full of self. Pride never accompanies power in the fully yielded life.

When I think of the last 10 years of my life, I think of all the Christians that have helped "shape" me. When I get to heaven, I know first off, I want to see my Savior, but when I have spent a few centuries at His feet, I wonder who else I will want to see...I would like to take a basin and a towel and wash the feet of those who have meant so much to me here. I betcha that Stephen has a high place on the "wash list" of Saul of Tarsus!

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father, you are so precious to us Lord. I thank you so much for your Word Lord. Help us Father to live out our lives for you in a way that would be pleasing to You. Help us to always bear witness to Your Name during times of persecution and use them as an opportunity to praise You always. In Your Holy Name We Pray...Amen

Have a blessed day Ladybugs!

In Him I Remain,

Friday, March 18, 2011

Frugal Friday!!

I found a site with lots of homemade cleaning supplies! I will definitely be trying these! Love ya Ladybugs! Happy Frugal Friday!

Cleaning Carpets
Mild carpet stains can be cleaned using club soda. For a heavier, more difficult stain, use cornstarch or Fuller's earth, sprinkled on the problem area. Allow this to sit for about half an hour, then scrub with one part vinegar to three parts water. To deodorize the carpet, sprinkle a mixture of baking soda and crushed herbs on the carpet. Let it sit a half hour, then vacuum it back up for fresh smelling carpets. Of course, serious odors may require scrubbing. You will find these homemade cleaners are much more pleasant and easier on the environment.

Cleaning Ovens
Oven cleaner is a really dangerous substance, and we should avoid using it if at all possible. Start by using preventative maintenance - scrub spills right away using salt or a paste of baking soda and an old toothbrush. It takes a little elbow grease, and sometimes you need to let the paste sit, but the dangers of oven cleaner are completely avoided. Clean your oven more often to make this less of a chore.

Unclogging Drains
First, make sure you use a drain trap to prevent clogs as much as you can. If sluggish drains still occur, pour a quarter cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar. Then, stopper the drain and let it sit for fifteen minutes. Flush the drain afterward with the hottest water you can. Hot water on its own will sometimes solve the problem, as well. Avoid using commercial drain cleaners, which are incredibly toxic and can even harm your plumbing.

Air Freshening
Burning incense, making your own potpourri, using an essential oil diffuser, and having plants around your home can all help. Use lavender sachets in closets and clothes chests, too. Get rid of chemical air fresheners, which can cause headaches and pollute your indoor air. Get rid of musty smells in boxes and trunks using crumpled paper to absorb the smell. When you get rid of the paper, you get rid of the smell. A pan of spices in the oven will help you get smells out of the kitchen, too, and you'll get a wonderful fragrance. Lemon oil, cinnamon and nutmeg are great choices if you try this.

All Purpose Cleaner
A little soap (not detergent), some water and a few drops of lavender and tea tree oils can help you disinfect just about any surface that's not glass (which it streaks) and makes a great cleaner. Just rinse well. Another option is to simmer rosemary, sage, eucalyptus, juniper, thyme or lavender for thirty minutes in a small amount of water. This also works on any surface other than glass, and with a little soap, will even cut grease. Try a tablespoon of ammonia, a tablespoon of laundry detergent and two cups water for a very strong cleaner.

Furniture Polish
Skip the spray on polish, which could damage furniture in the long run, and use a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil (or another vegetable oil you like) to keep your furniture shiny and beautiful. A soft cloth is all you need to apply it. Wax wooden floors with a similar solution, or substitute the lemon juice for vinegar. It's remarkably easy to keep your wood in good shape with these homemade cleaners and without using silicone oil or other commercial products.

Homemade Cleaners For Glass
Try these homemeade cleaners for glass, they are a lot more pleasant than the commercial ones. A mixture of a half cup of vinegar and a gallon of water will work, or you can clean with lemon juice or club soda. Or try one part rubbing alcohol to one part water, with a dash of vinegar. For a strong glass cleaner, to be used when others haven't worked, try substituting the vinegar with a dash of non-sudsing clear ammonia. Be careful with ammonia, however - it can be hazardous if you don't treat it properly. Remember to use soft, lint free cloths to clean glass. This will reduce the chances of serious streaking.

Polishing Metal
Use a mixture of salt and lemon juice, or just a little baking soda to polish metal. You can also rub metals with toothpaste to remove tarnish and rust. It's amazing how well it'll work! Just remember that softer metals can be damaged by abrasives, so you'll need to take care when you clean them. Make sure that antiques, especially, are cleaned with extreme care.

These aren't the only homemade cleaners out there, but they're a good start, and they're all relatively nontoxic and inexpensive. If you want to improve your health, spend less, and have less of a negative environmental impact, making your own household cleaning products is a really smart idea. You'll be amazed at how well these cheap cleaners can work, and the difference they'll make in your home. Say goodbye to rubber gloves and start using cheap, nontoxic cleaners made at home.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thankful Tuesday!

1261. blue skies
1262. sunshine
1263. the book of John
1264. the book of Acts
1265. another sermon......
1266. Science experiments
1267. the sound of birds outside
1268. seeds sprouting
1269. Find It Here
1270. Mr. Burton (our neighbor)

Love you much!

In Christ,

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Mondays with Paul!

Good Morning Ladybugs! I hope you are having a Happy Monday! Let's get started...

Philippians 3:2-11

Watch out for those dogs, those me who do evil,those mutilators of the flesh. For it is we who are the circumcision,we who worship by the Spirit of God,who glory in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh-though I myself have reasons for such confidence. If anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: Circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews;in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church;as for legalistic righteousness,faultless.But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Crhist. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I amy gain Christ and be found in him, not having a reighteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ- the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.

If you could summarize your life in a few short lines and thoughts, what are some of the words that you would use?

Assuming that some of your answers reveal a few mistakes and regrets, how do you "wish" your life could be summarized? What's missing that you'd like to see added to the list?

Saul himself was a Pharisee and probably returned from Jerusalem to Tarsus to serve as a teacher of the law.(Beth Moore) "I believe that Saul probably had to said to Jerusalem as a young adolescent with a pure heart; but somewhere along the way negative influences outweighed the positive, and his purity began to erode." The law became his god. That's what happens when you take the love out of obedience. The result is law. Without loves for God and His Word, we're just trying to be good. Nothing will wear us out faster...
Have you been there ladies? Trying to obey God and serve Him before we've come to love Him can be exhausting!!
To seperate ourselves from others we often put up what is called "Identity Bounderies", these are walls we put up to seperate "Our Group" from other groups. Gangs wear certain colors to show who is in and who is out. Churches and denominations develop distinctive teachings to accomplish the same goal. The first-century Jews became so obsessed with identity bounderies that they forgot about loving God.
Paul was absolutely miserable..wanna know how I know this? In Philippians 3:6, he said his zeal was so great that he persecuted the church,and that his legalistic righteousness was "blameless".
We cannot even begin to imagine what Saul's life was like as he sought to live by the letter of the law because we do not have a jewish background. His daily rituals determined the first words out of his mouth in the morning, the way he took off his nightclothes and put on his dayclothes and how he sprinkled his hands before breakfast. He carefully avoided eating or drinking quickly and never ate while standing.He pronounced several benedictions throughout his day, they were filled with rituals and at night he took off his shoes and garments in the prescribed order. He avoided certain sleep positions and chose others. For the sake of his heart and liver, he probably attempted to begin the night on his left side and end the night on his right. These daily rituals paled in comparison to all the laws regarding the Sabbath. Restrictions existed for almost everything. For example, prior to the Sabbath a Pharisee cut his fingernails and toenails not in consecutive order but alternately. He then burned the nails. He avoided spitting in a place where the wind could scatter the saliva so he would not break laws concerning sowing on the Sabbath.
Saul was strangled by the letter of the law. He tried desperately to keep all the outward acts of obedience while his heart slowly eroded. Saul gradually became the model for Isaiah 29:13: "These people approach Me with their mouths to honor Me with lip-service, yet their hearts are far from Me, and their worship consists of man-mades rules learned by rote.

Let's pray:
Our Heavenly Father, forgive us Lord when we begin to act like modern day Pharisees. Lay conviction on us everytime we stray from the law of love You have written on our hearts. Give us hearts of devotion for You Father and not heads full of "RELIGION." Help us Lord to witness to others Your love and grace, and not display a religion of rules and regulations. We love You Lord. In Your Precious Name we pray. Amen

Praying for you all today and always!

In Him I Remain,

Friday, March 11, 2011

Frugal Friday!!

Ladies, I’ve made (2) sets of scrubs and gave them away as Christmas gifts and Birthday gifts:I put little tags and also wrote on the jars to be careful of slipping when in the tub due to the oil.

PEPPERMINT SCRUB (great when you want something to really invigorate you in the shower; use this BEFORE not AFTER shaving.)
- Kosher Salt
- Peppermint Oil
- Almond Oil

- Brown Sugar
- Citrus Essential Oil (orange/grapefruit/lemon – use either one)
-Almond Oil

So incredibly easy.

Happy Savings and God Bless…

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thankful Tuesday and did you know?

Mine Shana posted the 100th post yesterday! I always have so much much to be thankful for but today especially. I guess that you all know that Chad preached his 1st sermon Sunday at Faith! It was an amazing and humbling experience. I just can't explain how I felt that day and have felt since. Blessed beyond measure for sure. By the grace of God!

Well, on with our list.....
1224. Sunday
1225. Chad
1226. his sermon
1227. Faith Baptist Church
1228. Pastor Mick
1229.(((( Roy and Shana))))
1230. Chad's mom
1231. being ready.....
1232. pictures
1233. lavender
1234. Sydney & JC
1235. Sydney's gifts from J
1236. seashells
1237. driftwood
1238. rain
1239. washcloths
1240. wicker

Love you much!

In Christ,

Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Mondays with Paul!

Happy Monday Ladies!! I just love how that the Easter Lillies are popping up all over the place right now. I love SPRING!! Roy and I are looking forward to our "Spring Break." We have finals this week, so pray for us, we will be relieved to get past this semester, it has been a tough one. Although it has been tough, we have learned SO much! Anyway, on with our devotional for today, this is a long one, so I will have you to get your Bibles and do your reading this morning.

Get your Bibles and read...Matthew 23:1-36

Vs. 25
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence!"

How do you think Paul responded to the hypocrisy of the Jews in Jerusalem? How have you reacted in similar situations?

In what ways have you been disillusioned by Christians? How would you counsel someone who came to you confessing these types of feelings and disappointments?

Paul's father entrusted him to the finest rabbinic school, but he was not there alone. He was surrounded by the good and bad influences. He saw people who were the real thing and he saw people who were religious frauds. We don't need to look any further than the Word of God to see many of the influences that Saul encountered among the Pharisees of Jerusalem. Soon after Saul finished his education in Jerusalem and presumably headed back to Tarsus, John the Baptist began to preach "Prepare the way for the Lord."(Matt. 3:3) In no time at all, Jesus was on the scene, teaching in the same synagogue where Saul recently stood. Saul found influences like the wise teacher Gamaliel, but he also experienced influences like the ones Jesus so aptly described in the Gospels. In fact, many of the Pharisees and members of the Sanhedrin whom Christ encountered were Saul's instructors or classmates. The term Pharisee was meant to represent genuine piety and deep devotion to God. Although exceptions certainly existed among the Pharisees, in the days of Jesus and Saul the term had become synonymous with hypocrisy and cynicism. Matthew 23 is an entire discourse addressed to the teachers of the law and Pharisees. As we read this chapter carefully you will notice all the specific ways that Jesus described the same people that Saul encountered in Jerusalem. Let's take a thorough look at the characteristics we see in the people Jesus described. Do you see any that describe you? Godly people were valiant people. They are people with the courage to ask God to spotlight areas of weakness, sin and failure. Then God can strengthen, heal and complete what is lacking.

I love that about Jesus. I love how that he can correct us and still love us no matter how "ugly" we have been. Once that forgiveness is asked for, it is given freely and the sin is forgotten about. I sometimes say, "But Lord, I did this, I don't understand how you love me still" and He says, " But Shana, I did this, so I can love you still." I love my Jesus, He is sunshine to my darkness. His love endures forever.

Let's pray:
We love you Jesus. You are most wonderful and precious to us. No Father, we don't deserve your love and mercy that you give us fresh and new everyday Lord, but we will take it all the same! Speak to us Lord about the things in our lives that we need to correct Father. Help us Lord, "Carve" away from us whatever doesn't look like You. Take out all the worldly things in our lives that isn't of You Lord so that we become a "mirror image of You." We love you so very much Lord. Lead us and guide us Lord, until you come back to bring us home. Oh glorious day!

I love you my lady friends!
Stay in God's Word this week!
Pray for each other!

Sweet Girls!

In Him I Remain,

Friday, March 4, 2011


1217. warm weather
1218 my new lab puppy
1219. haircuts
1220. new beginnings
1221. my dorm
1222. my love for Christ
1223. students wanting to know about God


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

1193. a new "look"
1194. JC's posts
1195. bread in the oven
1196. confirmation
1197. tears
1198. a new chapter...
1199. the hope of Spring
1200. pulled pork
1201. sand play dough
1202. bread bags
1203. M'Cheyne
1204. ladybugs
1205. speckled eggs

Love you much!

In Christ,

Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Mondays with Paul!

Was that an awesome service yesterday or what Gals?!?! I don't know that I have cried like that in years...before I get started this morning, I just want us to praise God for what He is doing in our lives...we just need to stop what we are doing today and let Him know how thankful we are for His love and His guidance in our lives...God is so good! Again, words don't have the capacity for us to tell Him just how much we love Him do they? Happy Monday's a new week and a new beginning! Let's get started!

Acts 5:27-42
The Apostles were brought to the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the High Priest. He said,"We gave you strict orders not to teach in His Name! Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man's blood." Peter and the other Apostle's replied," We must obey God rather than men!" The God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead-whom you had killed by hanging Him on a tree!" God exalted Him to His own right hand as Prince and Savior that He might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel. We are witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him.
When they heard this they were furious and wanted them put to death. But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while. Then he answered them:"Men of Israel consider carefully, what you intend to do to these men. Sometime ago Theudas appreared, claiming to be somebody, and about 400 men rallied to him. He was killed and all his followers were dispersed and it all came to nothing. After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people to revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God."
His speech persuaded them. They called the Apostles in and had them flogged. Then they ordered them not to speak in the Name of Jesus and let them go.
The Apostles left the Sanhedrin rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ!!!!!

AMEN to that!!!

Who are some of the people that have had the greatest influence on your life, and what do you most respect about them?

Name one or two of the best pieces fo Godly advice you've ever received. What has God enabled you to do (or protected you from doing) as a result of knowing and applying this?

One of the most awesome and wonderful concepts about the Word of God concerns the plan that He has for our lives. In Galatians 1:15, Paul descibed God as the One "who from my mother's womb set me apart and called me by His grace." YES! God had a plan for Saul from birth. Nothing in the young man's life would be a waste unless he refused to let God use it.
It's no wonder that Saul took a seat in the classroom of the rabbi Gamaliel, grandson of the great Hillel-names of considerable importance in the history of Judaism. Gamaliel continues to be so highly esteemed. He was referred to by the Jews as, "the beauty of the law."
All of Saul's religious training, his countless hours spent in Scripture and study, and his brilliance in spiritual matters would all be parts of God's ornate plan. God would use what Saul learned at the feet of Gamaliel, who was "clearly a remarkable man, the first to whom the title Rabban (Master) was given."
He was almost liberal in comparison to many of his contemporaries. Bighearted, wise, and open-minded, Gamaliel had been raised on the teachings of his grandfather Hillel, whose words often had a remarkable similarity to the Greatest Rabboni who would ever live, Jesus Christ. "Judge not thy neighbor until thou art in his place; abasement is my exaltation; he who wishes to make a name for himself loses his name;...what is unpleasnat to thyself that do not to thy neighbor; this is the whole Law, all else is but its exposition. Do those words sound familiar girls? God in His wonderful wisdom made sure that the law was taught to Saul with a touch of rare grace.
God included a sample of Gamamliel's teachings in the passage we read from Acts 5. During the early days of the young church, the Jewish officials wanted to put the Apostles to death but Gamaliel advised them: "Stay away from these men! Leave them alone! For if this plan is the work of men, it will be overthrown, but if it is the work of God then you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even be found fighting against God! (vs. 38-39)
Obviously, Saul sat at the feet of one of Judaism's most grace-filled teachers.

Let's pray:
We love You Lord and we are so thankful to be a part of Your work Father. How honored we are for Your love and Your mercy. Knowing that You have Your mighty hand on our lives is more than our small minds can wrap around. Just being able to serve You is more than we deserve but to be able to do Your work and lead others to You is above and beyond what we can comprehend. We praise You! We love You! Lead us Lord, guide us Father, show us what You would have us to do to glorify Your Name... All of these things we ask in Your precious and Holy Name!


I love you Girlies and I am praying for you all today!!

In Him We Remain,

Friday, February 25, 2011

Frugal Friday!!


















Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday! I just could not wait to get up and get movin' this morning! I am so excited to learn more about Paul with you girls! Let's continue to pray for each other and our families this week...we all have alot to be in prayer about don't we...I am thankful we have Jesus to go to with those prayer requests aren't you? I can't imagine not having Him, Grace Baptist Church, or you all...Let's get started...Ready?

Acts 21:37-22:3

Paul Speaks to the Crowd
As the soldiers were about to take Paul into the barracks, he asked the commander, "May I say something to you?" "Do you speak Greek?" he replied. "Aren't you the Egyptian who started a revolt and led four thousand terrorists out into the desert some time ago?" Paul answered," I am a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no ordinary city. Please let me speak to the people." Having recieved the commanders permission, Paul stood on the steps and motioned to the crowd. When they were all silent, he said to them in Aramaic. "Brothers and fathers, listen now in my defense." When they heard him speak to them in Aramaic they became very quiet. Then Paul said, " I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city. Under Gamaliel I was thoroughly trained in the law of our fathers and was just as zealous for God as any of you are today.


Looking back, what are some of the things you misunderstood about Christian life and practice, things you were once adamant about but have since plastered over with grace?

Why are legalism and judgmentalism such safe havens for us? What is it about them- what do they provide us- that we keep going back for?

Although Saul's education in a Pharisee's home was probably typical, his response to this instruction was certainly atypical. We might say, " He took to it like a duck to water."
Saul was an excetpional student. Hebrew fathers were not notorious gushers, so his father probably didn't brag on him alot. Yet he no doubt considered the wisest approach for Saul's future, not unlike a modern father looking for the best University for his gifted son. In the search for the best continuing Jewish education, he set his sights on Jersusalem, the homeland-the fountain of Jewish learning.
Mixed emotions must have filled the heart of the young man as he prepared for the journey to Jerusalem. Like most teenage boys, his emotions probably swung to the same extremes as his changing voice. Like any 13 year old going so far from home, he was probably scared to death. Yet as a Jewish 13 year old he was considered a man. He packed his bags with articles foreign to us but common to the ancient Jew: prayer shawls, phylacteries, sacred writings, and customary clothing. He probably didn't gaze with affection over familiar contents in his room prior to leaving. The Jew was not given to domestic decor and did not believe in images on the walls.
All his life Saul had heard about Jerusalem. His father probably made the journey often. Three annual feasts beckoned Jewish men from near and far to the city of Zion. A proper Pharisee traveled to Jerusalem for the annual Passover Feast. Saul likely stayed home and watched over the family affairs while picturing the busy streets and solemn assemblies of the sacred city. Saul probably devoured every story his father told about Jerusalem upon his arrival home. Now it was his turn.
Mose assuredly, Saul's father sought a Jewish traveling companion for his young son, someone who could provide proper supervision as the young student traveled from Tarsus to Jerusalem. As Saul boarded the boat at the docks of Tarsus, he had no idea just how familiar the nauseating heaving of a sea vessel would ultimately become to him. The boat sailed almost due south as Saul gazed at the ancient coastal cities of Sidon and Tyre in the distance. After several rather unpleasant days on board, he probably arrived at the port of Caesarea with a chronic case of sea legs. There he exchanged rubbery limbs for the peculiar soreness of riding on the back of a beast over rough country. 35 miles later, he caught his first glimpses of the city set on a hill-Jerusalem, the City of David.
Young Saul's eyes beheld far more cosmopolitan city than had his ancestors. Just a few decades prior to Saul's visit, Herod the Great sought the favor of the Jewish populace by rebuilding not just the temple but the entire city of Jerusalem. The desert sun danced on city walls built of Jerusalem limestone. Saul probably dismounted just before the city gate. The elders sitting at the gate looked up only long enough to notice the young traveler. No heathen was he. Noting his age, they probably nodded with approval over his father's obvious choice of further education- a budding Rabbi no doubt. Just inside the gate, Saul cast his eyes on the impressive fruit of Herod's labors:a large theater, a palace, an ampitheater, a hippodrome for horse and chariot races, imposing fortified towers, and probably perfectly blended architecture. But all this paled in comparison to the structure on top of the hill- Herod's Temple. Herod rebuilt the temple bigger and better than its predecessor. Huge, richly ornamented white stones mounted upon another created a lavish feast for the eyes. Young Saul witnessed one of the most magnificent buildings in the entire world.
Saul probably ran up the main street of Jerusalem to the house of the Lord. He surely conjured up pictures of King David dancing around that very street. He hurried up the many stairs to greet magnificent porches surrounding the entire enclosure. Then he walked to a wall, one that held tremendous significance for the Jew, but one that would hold far more significance for a Jew who would ultimately become the world's most renowned missionary to the Gentiles.
When from a prison cell in Ephesus, Paul wrote that Christ had broken down the wall that seperates Jew and Gentile, the apostle was not simply referring to a figurative wall of partition. He was referring to an imposing structure he had faced on the temple grounds as an adolescent many years before. Being raised in a Gentile City, young Saul had no problem reading the noticeds inscribed in Greek and Latin. This literal middle wall of partition in the temple forbade access of the defiling heathen into the inner sanctuaries of the house of God. As a young man born into a postition of religious privelage, he stood a little taller- as he read those words. What a contrast of emotions he would feel many years later as he came to despise the prejudice of those who would not recognize the wall crumbled by the cross. To them Saul would write,"For He is our peace, who hath made both [Jew and Gentile] one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us."

Even with our clear understanding that God has accepted us by grace through faith, do you all still find yourself appealing to Him on the basis of your good works and best efforts? How can freedom in Christ coexist with a zealously disciplined lifestyle?

Happy Monday girlies!! I know this one was a little long...but so necessary!

Love you so much!

In Him I Remain,

Friday, February 18, 2011

Frugal Friday!!

Better late than never! Sorry was a long, long, long day....

Just saw this today...I don't do laundry but my Roy does and we'll see how well it works...

Fabric sheet smell for less...
Wet a washcloth with a 1/3 cup of fabric softener (we use Gain Island Fresh..I had to go look :))
throw in the dryer with your clothes. On each load re-wet the washcloth, this should last for at least 4 more loads..hmmm....I'll let ya know...apparently we use the liquid AND the dryer sheets...didn't know that...

Just a tip:
Plastic wrap untangling tip...leave it in the freezer and it won't cling together when you tear it from the roll...I do this on my freezer great!

Frugal recipe:
Save your potato peels!
After peeling your washed potatoes, pat dry and place in a heavy skillet with about a 1/4 inch of oil, let heat to at least 350 degrees and fry up in batches. Makes great homemade potato chips and you get all the extra fiber and vitamins from the skins, add salt after removing from the oil...enjoy...I like mine "xtra" crunchy...:)

Love you ladies!

In Him I Remain,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

A whole week without "thankfuls".......What's up with that????? So sorry...

1161. a week's worth of thanksgiving!
1162. JC and the trip!
1163. JC's LOVE for Sydney!
1164. getting to travel with JC
1165. a yard FULL of robins!
1166. paper snowflakes ( a reminder to enjoy whatever season we are in)
1167. Dove chocolate (who said candy fast?)
1168. Kim
1169. Diana
1170. Mine Shana!
1171. Dollar store drier sheets ;)
1172. lasagna
1173. kid's dinner night!
1174. Sydney riding her bike!
1175. "chocolate" footprints ;)

Love you much! Don't forget to leave JC some comments! Try to everyday - please and thank you!

In Christ,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The second time......

JC's new blog........Going Back With God - Again!

Please leave him some words of encouragement and most importantly keep him in your prayers.

Love you much!

In Christ,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday Girlies!

Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your strength. The commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

In what ways do you (or could you) keep the truth of the Scripture more readily available and accessible to you throughout the day?

What have been some of the greatest benefits of memorizing Scripture? How has God used His internalized Word in both dramatic and everyday fashion?

Saul was 13 years old he was considered a son of the law. Like an adult Jew he assumed all the religious responsibilities. During his morning prayers he started wearing phylacteries, called tefillin, during weekday morning prayers. Phylacteries are made up of two black leather cubes with long leather straps. Each cube held certain passages from the Torah written on strips of parchment. Saul wore one of the cubes on his left are facing his heart. The other cube was placed in the center of his forehead. The leather straps on the left arm were wound precisely seven times around his arm.
Code of Jewish Law prescribed that a Jewish man 13 years or older was to put on the tefillin at the first moment in the morning when enough daylight was present to recognize a neighbor at a distance of four cubits. Perhaps these practices seem very strange to us but we should appreciate their attempt to interpret Scripture as literally as they knew how.
Exodus 13:9 says annual observance of the Feast of Unleavened Bread was to "serve as a sign for you on your hand and as a reminder on your froehead, so that the law of the Lord may be in your mouth." You can see that for the strict Jew, the phylacteries were a literal act of obedience.
The left arm was chosen because it was ordinarily the weaker. They were to wear God's Word as a banner and shield over their weakness. We don't practice the outward espression of the jew, but we are wise to share the inward principle.
Saul would have placed the phylacteries around his forehead and arm in total silence. If interrupted while putting on the phylacteries on any given morning, he would have started the procedure all over again, repeating the appropriate benedictions. You see girls...a 13 year old Hebrew boy could not even get up out of the bed in the morning without remembering who he belonged to. As he wound the straps of the phylacteries around his head and arm, he was reminded of his binding relationship to his Creator. Soberly he assumed the responsibility of the one associated with God. The Law of the Lord was his life.

This really made me think this morning. I haven't been waking up in the morning remembering who that I belong to. Do you girls? Shamefully, I get up in the morning and just try to make it to the coffee pot quietly so that I don't wake up the kids, my main concern is just gettin through the first hour of my day without having to speak to anyone...I am NOT a morning person...
How do we bind ourselves like Saul did? He wound the straps of the phylacteries around his head and arm, as a reminder of his binding relationship to his Creator. It was a deliberate conscious effort everyday...Since we have started our Bible in 90 days, I have felt like I have made a deliberate conscious effort, till soon as I am done reading...I move on to the next "task" of the day...God is more than a "task" that needs to be read or completed.
Psalm 19:10- They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.
God's Word is more desirable to us than gold, sweeter than honey...even sweeter than honey from the comb! We will stay hungry for it! We will be faithful also to share it with others, with our children! God said, " Teach a youth about the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it" ( Proverbs 22:6).

Let's pray together this morning:
Heavenly Father, we love you Lord! You are sweeter than honey from the comb to us Lord. We hunger for you us Father to seek you first thing in our mornings. As soon as our eyes open Lord, let us remember to whom we belong. Help us to stay in your word and teach it to our children and help us to be faithful to share it with others also Lord. Watch over us this week, keep us safe and healthy Jesus...Your so precious to us Father that words don't have the capacity to explain the love we have for Your Holy Name we pray...AMEN...

I love you girls...don't you all forget that!

In Him WE Remain,